Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fans and Favs Week 1

Yo yo yo!  Finally this bitch gets an update out!  How ya all feeling about your Survivors? Awesome, glad everyone is happy. 

Here are a few questions to consider:
1) Why are these people favs?  Erik gave away his immunity necklace, Brandon is a jackass, Phillip is totally CRAZY,  Francesca is totally annoying
2)  Would any of these people have seen the season with Malcolm air before they started on Caramoan?

Just wondering.  Ok.  So the fans arrive on a boat but the favorites arrive in military style helicopters.  Hmmmmm.  Why do I think they had better contracts?  Teams are split favs and fans, which means that there are basically 2 different games going on.  The one the newbies are playing and the ones the "reality stars" are playing. 

Right off the bat it's a challenge, and it's one of those physical get into it with each other  challenges.  Phillip is again sporting the pink underwear.  In pairs, the have to retrieve a ring and then get back to their respective poles and be the first to touch while holding onto the ring.  It gets ugly.  And then it gets AWESOME as Malcolm loses his shorts.  DAMN YOU PIXELATOR!!  Bottom line, Favs win flint and 20 pounds of beans to be used to re-enact the famous scene from Blazing Saddles on a nightly basis. 

Now go find your beaches. 

The fans, technically called GOTA are all "OMG we need to run around doing stuff before we get thirsty".  The favs are all, "hey how are you?  How are you liking your Mercedes". 

I don't know the name of the big fan but he's a US Marine Corp dude.  Which makes me wonder what we are doing in Iraq if this guy had time to watch every season.  He's annoying.  He and Matt of the strange goatee get into it a bit because USMC, while sitting on his ass, is bugging Matt that they shouldn't be building shelter they should ALL be trying to make fire.  He continues to sit on his ass watching what everyone on the fire team is doing wrong, and then he finally gets up and shows them how to really make fire.  Without actually doing any work, mind you.  Afterwards everyone is all happy and Matt and USMC share a "dude, I love you, man" moment. 

In favland, Francesca is getting A LOT of camera face time, which is never a good thing.  She's going on and on about how she isn't going to be the first out this time, no way, no how".  And then they keep showing a monkey eating a cricket. 

Which brings up another question:  WHY DOESN'T ANYONE EVER MAKE A SLINGSHOT AND GRILL ONE OF THE MONKEYS??????????????

Francesca gives a wasted attempt to make up with Phillip but he's all "she's stuck in a time warp."  I really wanted to feel sorry for her but I gotta say there is something about her that pisses me off.  Phillip, who is not stuck in a time warp, goes on and on about how he is playing by Boston Rob rules, since we all remember Phillip rode Rob's coat tails that whole season. 

Phillip is gonna be the stealth person in the background making all the decisions.  He gets Corrine and Andrea to recruit Malcolm, Dawn and Cochran into an alliance.  He tries to get Erik to join some quasi "i like you but your not really in my alliance" thing but that, plus the fact that Erik I believe is totally scared of the big black guy in pink underwear turns Erik totally off. Even though Mr. Stealth tells Erik "I'm just the messenger".

In Fanville, Reynold and Allie form a 'secret alliance".  They're gonna be tight but ignore each other at camp.  Well, except for the nights when they will basically dry hump each other in full view of everyone.  Alliance #2 is Eddie and Hope,  because they believe they are the two best looking on the show.  These 4 form the cool lunch table clique. 

Morning after the hook up, Laura and Sherri are discussing the hook up while the lunch kids frolic in all their splendidness in the water.  Along with Julia they form an alliance and ask Michael because, hell, he's pretty feminine to join him.  He'd rather go lay in his jeans in the water with Matt, who he says he 'vibed" with earlier at camp.  Matt is kinda hesitant but they kinda decide to be the 2 person swing alliance.  Matt says, "but hell, we're never gonna git ourselves to tribal anyway". 

Immunity challenge:  Cochrain is soooo sunburned. He's laughing it off but he has big giant red hobbit feet.  

QUESTION 4:  Shouldn't they get sunscreen out there?? 

So the challenge, which is a new one thankyouverymuch, is kind of a fireman rescue thing, provided the firemen go into your house and throw your shit onto the curb.  It's 4 stores and at each level there are crates with sandbags.  In 2's they run up the stairs, throw the crates out and take the fire pole back down.  When all the crates are out they have to do a sand bag toss. 

It's pretty close all the way through until the very last crates, and the favs pull ahead.  Malcolm is throwing the sandbags and not doing so well.  Along comes the playa Reynolds who is apparently very good at getting things into holes.  Fans win immunity. 

Back at Favland, Francesca is hitting the ground running and trying to get Phillip out.  She is talking to Cochrain and Brandon joins in.  Brandon talks to Erik, who we know hates Phillip.  Brandon is thinking Francesca and tells Erik that Phillip says he has the numbers.  Then Francesca comes up with this scheme to split the votes and I can't even figure out if she's talking to people she's even aligned with.  And yes, they are showing the crazy monkeys again.

Dawn talks to Cochrain.  She doesn't really trust Francesca even though they were kind of aligned.  She wants to align with Cochrain, even though he screwed her in the past.

Suddenly the bad woman hating Brandon re-emerges and wants Andrea off.  He and Erik detect a "bad vibe" and run to Francesca.  They decide not to split the vote but to go for Andrea. 


Brandon tells Jeff that this time around "we're all chiefs" and they agree that the game is moving much faster since they have experience.  Jeff asks Francesca about her and Phillip's rivalry and she says he's at least learned to say her name this time around.  Phillip makes the case that she is concerning, and that she is impatient, strategizing too early.  Jeff points out that Francesca is the least experienced player since she never made it past day 1. 

Time to vote.  Andrea gets 4 votes and Francesca is the first person voted out AGAIN.  (Note:  Kelly you now have Brandon and Ron you now have Cochran). 


Andrea      Alternate 3        Jeff and Eileen
Brandon    Kelly                  Kim
Brenda      Stacey              Annemarie
Corrine       Susan                John
Dawn        Karen                  Elayne  (RANDOM)
Erik            Becky                Meagan

Cochran        Kevin/Matt        Ron
Phillip           Denise              Connie
Malcolm        Ginnie            Lesley

Laura            Donna               Alt 2
Sherrie            Stephanie        Lori
Matt                Nancy            Joanne
Hope            Rachel                Donna and John
Eddie            Amy A                Gail
Julia                Amy D              Alt 3
Allie                Betty                Nikki
Michael         Tess                    Cindy
Shamar            Liz                    Jill
Reynold            Alt 2                Carolyn

Francesca    Kelly                Ron