Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Good Morning Survivors!  I hope you all had your final morning breakfast, and did your walk of shame with all those who have had their torches snuffed before you-although WAIT, this season only 2 have really been snuffed (and OF COURSE I own one of those).  Wonder if they will even do it this season since we've had the lingering purgatory of Extinction Island.  Notice they didn't even show it again last week? And notice when they do they try to not show that there is a well build shelter?  I think Extinction was more like Ponderosa than the sparse wasteland they initially presented.  

Should someone from Extinction win Survivor?  Will the entire cast be allowed to do the final vote?  Will they ever do this again?  Personally I hope not.  

And I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I am 1000% Team Devins.  No one else should win this season.  

OK, last week Devins pulled an idol out of his ass at Tribal and Ron was sent to EI which according to Gavin makes Devins 100% the target.  

Devins tells everyone that the idol he played came from Extinction, and that all idols come from there in an attempt to get these lazy asses to not look for idols.  Aurora now feels "connected" to her Victoria, Lauren and Gavin alliance after one vote.  However she agrees that Devins is so hard to get out of the game (it's called being outplayed, honey).  Devins is such an idol monster he gets up during the night and is off looking for an idol while everyone else is sleeping.  

Aurora asks the group "are we worried about where Devins is??"  Lauren says she knows he is lying about the idol fairy on Extinction.  

Aaaand, Devins finds the idol.  Seriously, they recreate the discovery for the cameras right?  Or does the cameraman stand there and point to the hidden idols to save everyone time?  But let me say, my couch in Spring City erupted in such JOY when he found it the dogs have yet to recover.  Devins gets choked up at how proud his family will be of him.  

Reward Challenge:  It's my dog's favorite challenge because it has a BALL in it.  Race with a ball, toss it into a trough and catch it at the other end, dig your way under a beam (my least favorite challenge element and it makes me break out in sweat every time).  And then the throw the ball up onto a perch and have it stick.  Wanna know?  Helicopter ride, resort trip, chicken and pasta.  

Gavin wins reward and takes Victoria and Lauren along, YET AGAIN pissing Aurora off.  And Devins has to concern troll by saying "WOW, I thought it would be Aurora, she deserves it".  Seriously, Aurora is her own worst enemy refusing to work with Devins because those 2 minds working together would kill it.  Aurora is all "I'm never part of the group...people don't want me" in a way that only a foster care child can really feel.  Gavins says "I hope Aurora knows she's STILL better off with me than with Devins".  

On reward the 3 are all "we are totally sticking together to the end".  Which is hilarious since every one of them has killed off their closest allies.  Gavin says they have to keep Devins from winning ad then get Julie out.  Lauren is particularly concerned about how close Julie and Devins are.  

Once they return to camp Victoria goes to rub it in, oh, I mean goes to smooth things over with Aurora.  With fried chicken breath.  Aurora is still mad but says that the logical choice is still to stick with the cool kids that don't really like her to get Devins and Julie out.  

Oh wait, they do cover Extinction this week.  I had totally forgotten it was so effing boring.  They get a box delivered and instead of letters from loved ones it's letters they wrote to themselves before the game began.  Do they always do this?  Is this some quazi psychology experiment Jeff is playing with for his online PhD?  Anywhoo, the letters are drivel and this is an incredible waste of time and effort to show that these maneaters have any sense of compassion of ability for growth.  Seriously my notes are just "blah blah blah".  Someone loser says that the growth and change was better than any million dollars- keep practicing that line because you're gonna be using it for the rest of your life.  Reem says something about what a loser she was in her letter and she is now A SURVIVOR (seriously I hope they throw her a few bucks for being the longest on Extinction).  David says something about how this has made things more clear with his girlfriend and I'm wondering what kind of 40 plus year old loser has to go starve themselves TWICE in order for them to consider moving to 2 dates a week?  

Back on camp, a wonderful episode is going on with Devins messing with everyone's heads by making them try to follow him while he pretends to look for the idol.  He's hiding behind trees. and escaping them and basically mentally and physically exhausting them.  

And now we get to the immunity challenge.  They have to carry blocks with letters over 2 balance beams and them do a work puzzle.  Aurora is already done because she "hates word puzzles".  

Devins wins immunity!!!!!  Woohooo!!  

He also knows that now that he has immunity they are going to go for Julie.  He asks her if she'd like to talk.  They discuss voting out Aurora and hoping they can convince someone else to join them.  

Aurora says that Devins is the thorn in her side.  She trusts her final 4 and Julie is the next logical choice to go home.  

Julie tells Lauren she and Devins are going with Aurora.  Tells her that Aurora is much stronger player than basically the other 3.  Lauren agrees and thinks she has a much better chance of winning against Julie than against Aurora.  She decides to try and convince Gavin.  She tells him it seems stupid to go for Julie but Gavin is convinced that Aurora is less likely to flip on them.  Gavin wants to make sure Victoria is in on the Julie/Aurora discussion.  Victoria is mad that Lauren was ready to vote out Aurora without talking to her and is all "Gavin came to run it by me first".  She still wants Julie.  

Devins tells Julie that he still has a few tricks up his sleeve to drive a wedge between the 4.  "Paranoid and crazy= unpredictable"

Devins says there are a lot of unhappy people at camp whose plans got shuffled.
Julie agrees that there is a 3 person alliance without them.  Says nobody wanted to talk to her.
Aurora says everyone knows she wants Devins out.
Jeff asks Victoria if there is any danger of obsessing over Devins?  But she and Gavin basically show how much they are obsessing over him by continuing to talk about how he's the center of attention and is EVERYWHERE.  
Devins says "meanwhile I can find a lot of things"
Aurora says he's giving it 100%
Jeff points out that even though he is safe he's still their obsession.
Devins says they are a 4 person alliance-actually a 3 person because Aurora is on the outs,  He then says he has an idol and is playing it for Julie and targeting someone else to join them to vote for Aurora. 
Gavin is all nervous.
Lauren says why not add the additional drama tonight!
Aurora is scrambling and says she doesn't believe he'll actually play the idol for julie
Devins points out that the reason to protect Julie with his idol is with someone coming back from the edge it could be a 3-3 game.  He says that since he came back once, he is taking advantage of his second chance and "playing with house money"
Time to vote!!

Anyone want to play an idol?  Nope!!!!  And basically EVERYONE votes for Aurora!!  

Should be a wild ride tonight!!!  

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Pretty sure I blew this off last week-anyone notice??  LOL.  I am finding it harder and harder as this season goes towards it's conclusion which is unusual.  By now I tend to have a favorite to two to root for but this season they are all meh.  

Last week was a....wait for it.....BLINDSIDE.  Wardog was double crossed by, among others, Ron who lied to Rick about it.  In order to smooth things over with Rick, he tells him he has an advantage in the game and he gives it to him "in good faith".  Which isn't really good faith since the advantage expired a few votes ago.  Rick is instantly suspicious, wondering "why would he do that?"  But apparently not enough to read the fine print on it's expiration date.  

Challenge, and yea it's the "loved ones also get a free trip to Fuji" one. So, let's see who is here...

Rick's wife Becca is cute.  They have a son who is 4 and who keeps asking where daddy is.  Rick says he just keeps thinking of how awesome it is going to be when  his kid watches Jeff hand him the million dollar check.  

Julie's husband Mark. She says she wanted to come as a test of herself and she is sure she is gonna be a better wife and mother when she gets back.  

Lauren's Dad Joey comes out and adult child Lauren jumps on him and wraps her legs around his in a very creepy almost sexual way.  Says her Dad is her Rock.  

Ron's husband Lloyd comes out and I have to say I did not see that coming.  Gotta get my gaydar checked I guess.  Strangely Ron suddenly has a southern gay accent going on.  

Victoria's Dad comes out and he has jet black hair and I'm wondering where her red hair comes from?  Mailman??  Dad is a big survivor fan.  
Aurora's brother Shane comes on.  He is geeky but they really do seem close-at least she has a personality around him.  

Gavin's wife Carley is introduced and he wins the pathetic story prize since they moved their wedding up a week so he could marry her and then leave 2 days later to go on Survivor.  Good thing the low rent wedding hall had the week before available!  He says "Survivor is great but she is my dream".  

So the challenge is a repeat of one they have done before where the survivor runs and fills a bucket with water, throws it into the bucket the loved one is holding and then they fill something that makes a flag go up when full enough.  Wanna know?  Picnic back at your camp.  I don't even think they get enough quality time for a shag in the bushes.  

Ron wins and brings Julie along, and then Gavin with the pathetic story gets to join them.  Victoria says it makes her think twice about his loyalty.  

The winners sit on the Jeff Probst patio collection from JC Penneys chairs and couch and enjoy their food.  Ron tells his hubby he is in charge of the game and tells him he brought Gavin along because he needs him on his side.  Later everyone talks and they ONCE AGAIN all agree Rick needs to go.  

Rick is out looking for an idol, while back a camp Lauren suggests they go through his bags.  He comes back and catches Victoria and Aurora doing it and they don't give a crap that he caught them red handed.  He tells everyone Aurora was going through his bag and really, no one cares.  And then Rick is back out looking for an idol and we know that whenever the camera is on someone looking for an idol, THEY ALWAYS FIND ONE.  Actually it's a clue that the idol is hidden in a tree above their bed back at camp.  

That night still fat Rick climbs the tree while everyone keeps sleeping and gets the idol.  

Immunity Challenge

Use arms to brace between 2 walls while standing on tiny little blocks on the walls.  Gavin wins.  

Ron and Julia tell Rick it's Aurora, but they are really targeting him.  Aurora is the back up in case he has an idol.  Victoria has other ideas as to who the back up is.  She and Lauren devide it should be Ron as the back up.  Victoria and Lauren talk to Aurora-who tells them she has an extra vote.  She decides to give her extra vote to Gavin to use in case there is a tie and Aurora can't re vote.  Lauren tells Gavin that Victoria and Aurora want Ron as the back up but he feels kinda bad since he just gave him the loved ones reward.  

Tribal (and apparently even the producers have gotten tired of Extinction Island because we don't even get 5 minutes of it this week)

Jeff asks Rick if he thinks it's him this week and he says yes, AND AURORA WENT THROUGH MY BAG.  
Aurora says, whatevs, he made it clear he was looking for an idol.  
Victoria says if anyone has an idol, it's probably Rick so they need a back up plan.  
Ron says there aren't a ton of back up options and he didn't hear his name.  He gets in how heartbroken he was to not take Victoria or Lauren to the reward. 
Lauren says that who Ron took was telling and will have an impact on the game.
Gavin is thankful Ron chose him.

Julie says this season is like a pinball machine and they all have multiple alliances.  
Rick says he is trying to find the cracks but no one is talking to him.  
Ron points out that he talked to him. 
Victoria says that Rick hit the nail on the head when he said no one was talking to him.  
Rick points out that no doubt some of them are wrong about the plan tonight....

They vote. Anyone have an idol?  Rick gets up and plays Ron's advantage and Jeff tells him it has expired.  Everyone looks smug until Rick says, 'Ron and Julie you are both liars so I am playing another idol. "

Rick gets 4 votes-does not count
Aurora gets only Rick's vote
Ron gets 3 plus votes and is...wait for it....BLINDSIDED!  

On his way out Ron says, Rick Devins, you are a great player!