Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Season 40 WAR Episode 1 and 2

Welcome to Season 40 of Survivor!  Let's all start with a glass of champagne, thank you to the agents who demanded it in this season's  bloated with goodies contracts!  The water well will be full of champagne, the rewards will include 2000 thread sheets, Fijian girls to walk on their backs and more food than you can find at a Golden Corral buffet!  Aint no one gonna starve on this season!  

And, why pray tell did Boston Rob spend all of that time building his mansion on the island that is now being used for Edge of Extinction?  Because Jeff, Rob, Amber,Sandra and probably half of the cast met at Rob and Amber's tacky Survivor millions home and plotted that Amber would be one of the first sent to the edge to keep track of everyone over there.  

Oh hell yes I am gonna RANT on this season where EVERYONE basically knows each other.  Shit, Sandra is probably one of those blond girls freaking GODMOTHER.  Yes, they play poker together.  They spend about 30 weekends a year at various "Survivor Con" events in shitty Marriots all across the country. Half of them have no doubt slept with the other half (LOOKING AT YOU PARVATI)  And you expect us to believe FOR A FRIGGIN SECOND that the entire season hasn't been discussed and deals made?  Give me a freakin break.  

Ok.  That had to get out of my system before I begin the update.  

Season 40 starts with everyone arriving at a little sand bar and acting all surprised at who is there.  Sandra is shocked, SHOCKED that she just spent 39 days on an island with Rob and he never mentioned signing up for this season.  They get their buffs, and their champagne and we listen to some of the old timers talk about how different their seasons were to what Survivor has become.  Amber says it's gonna be a nice vacation-almost giving up the deal that she's gonna go lay on the beach on Edge in a few days and get waited on by some hot Fiji man in a loincloth.  

Blue team is: Jeremy, Rob, Natalie, Ethan, Parvati, Ben, Michelle, Danny, Denise and Adam.  

Red is: Amber, Tony, Wendell, Tyson, Kim, Sophie, Nick, Yul, Sandra and Sarah.  

I have to confess that although I have watched every episode, for the life of me I do not remember half of these people actually winning.  Most it appears won on their second appearance I think.  

New this season is "fire currency" which is some token you can use to buy lap dances and then will to someone on your way out.  Edge of Extinction is again in play and the season is worth $2 million.  

Immediately after getting their champagne (which was laughable as Jeff opened 1 bottle and magically got 21 glasses out of it) is the first challenge in the water while their luggage is being taken to their beaches by underage Fijian kids.  Challenge is one of those get physical ones with pairs battling it out to hold onto a ring and touch a pole.  It's for immunity, fire and rice.  Losers go to tribal the next day and no rice.  Just lobster and butter.  

Red wins immunity.  Interestingly Rob has been very quiet so far.  Tribal isn't for another day so it's "time to make things happen".  WHYYYYYYYYY wouldn't you just flat out kick his ASS off first???  

Everyone gets maps and they "walk" to their beaches where they get red or blue swag bags with all kinds of goodies, toilet paper, purell, condoms, OFF and keys to the executive bathrooms.  

Sarah bonds with Amber over their kids.  Amber says she got the kids calendars to keep track of the days.  Tyson (who I only have a vague memory of) walks by and says that he made his kids freaking DAISY CHAINS to count the days.  He tearfully talks about how winning the million dollars allowed him to become a stay at home day.  Wendell welcomes Sandra as "da queen" and she tells him to not call her that!  She tells him that she took Tony out, and Sarah took her out so everyone wants a piece of her.  Which makes sense because you would have to be COMPLETELY STUPID to not vote her ass off first opportunity.  

Rob says that no one knows he was on Season 39 as royalty with a giant paper mache idol of him.  Parvati endlessly talks about her 10 month old kid and how strange it is to now be connecting with people over their children and now just her vagina.  Says she isn't a flirt anymore and is now working the "mom" card.  

Ethan talks about being a leukemia survivor and how fear of relapse is not way to live.  Ain't gonna mock that for sure! He won in 2004 back when there were no idols, no immunity and no return.  He also dated or married another winner but they don't touch that hot potato.  He literally seems like he is out of his element most of the episode, saying how fast Survivor goes this time.  

Old Denise and Adam bond.  She mentions she was on a tribe that lost every challenge and went to every tribal.  They stay out talking and bonding too long and everyone is all WHERE IS DENISE AND ADAM???  

On red, Tony is JONESING to go out and build a spy hole or find an idol but knows everyone is watching him.  He stays in camp until "their guards come down".  Amber is out looking for an idol and talking about how hard it is to root against Rob.  

Yul approaches Sophie and tells her he wants to work with her.  She's all surprised.  Yul is another one from a long ago era of Survivor.  He says he's never done the Marriott junkets and isn't part of the Survivor community.  Didn't even get the script for the season emailed to him from Rob and Amber Inc.  He mentions the Poker alliance and how Jeremy, Kim, Rob and Tyson all were in a celebrity poker game and discussed playing together and forming an alliance.  Sophie talks about the Cool Kids alliance (Amber, Kim and Tyson) and the gritty alliance (Tony, Sandra and Sarah) and then all the middle people.

Parvati asks Rob if he wants to work together since they know the game best.  And have done more Celebrity events together.  Danni says this is a great opportunity to get Rob out first.  Ben mentions it to Rob and Jeremy and Rob INTERROGATES him to get the info of who said it.  Ben admits that Rob worked him hard (for 5 seconds) and he was star struck so he tells him it was one of the girls.  Rob tells him he can't trust him so Ben yells IT WAS DANNI!!  Rob confronts her and she admits it saying she threw a lot of people out.  Says she has no connections and is looking for an alliance.  He respects that she told the truth (and probably that she's the only one smart enough to realize he should go first) so he wants to work with her.  They form the Ethan, Parv, Danni and Rob old school alliance to teach the youngsters.  

On blue everyone is paranoid.  Jeremy and Natalie were on a season together and have a bond.  Natalie thinks Adam should go.  Ben tells Adam he and Denise have targets on their back because they left camp.  Adam points out that the Natalie/Jeremy alliance is more risky.  Adam tells Denise about it.  He them asks Ethan if they are on the list.  Ethan tells Rob and Parv that Adam said Natalie and  Jeremy are bigger threats and Rob agrees.  Ethan. Parv and Rob declare their undying love and promise to be final 3.  

Right before tribal is a Facebook commercial.  Has anyone ever seen a FB commercial on TV??  

Jeff repeats his mantra of fire being your life and then they all sit down in the plastic tribal set to chat.  
Rob says that yes the game has evolved and people need to get in line of get out.  He mentions that people were gone from camp right away.
Jeremy says he doesn't know who that was...
Denise says that she and Adam were the dummies that left camp-not starting out on the right foot.  
Adam says they just met and got lost but also THEY AREN'T THE WORST RELATIONSHIP.
Natalie says any reason to vote people off works for her and they left camp.
Parv says nobody should be feeling comfortable and too many do
Ben says his heart is racing
Michelle says she is totally calm in her real life but out here every work can get twisted
Ethan says he thinks there are multiple plans going on....
Jeremy asks Ben if he thinks Rob and Parv have got something going on and Ben says he thinks so...

Vote:  Natalie is the first voted off.  Jeremy asks Ben who set it up and he tells him "we'll talk".

Natalie gets to the decision point on the way to Extinction and is given the opp to give her token to someone.  She gives it to Jeremy.

AAAAAND I gotta do another hour of this??  I hate 2 hour weeks!!!

Day 3 arrives. 

Yul is talking to Sarah and Sandra.  Sandra is ranting that Rob lied to her for 39 days and Amber makes her mad.  Yul suggests they break up the poker thing.  

Nick, Wendell. Sophie and Yul are first time players/winners and don't have the all star connections.  Yul wants to leverage their non-connections.  Wendell is all in.  "Locked and loaded".

On Blue Michelle is mad that she was left out of the last vote.  She and Ben talk about Rob and Parv running the show and "we need to stop it".  Jeremy gets his token from Natalie.

On Edge, Natalie finds a box and a bottle.  The box has a price list for tokens and she is wondering how she finds the tokens.  She opens the bottle and their is a clue for her to journey to the last place on the island to see the sunset.  She climbs to the top of the island and finds an immunity idol she can sell to somebody still in the game for 1 token.  

Challenge:  Paddle, tiles, obstacles, ring toss.  Red is initially way ahead but blue kicks the ring toss ass and wins immunity sending Red to tribal. 

Yul asks "shouldn't we discuss it and be civilized about it".  CLUELESS.  
Amber and Tyson talk.  What about Nick or Tony?  Amber throws out Sandra.  

Sandra gets the offer to buy an idol (she accepts) and says she is gonna sell truth and lies.  She runs up to Tony and tells him "Tyson says you".  Tony says that now they are all going for Tyson.

Yul mentions the poker alliance to Tyson.  He's freaked out it's him.  Now he wants Amber or Kim and an alliance with Yul.  Nobody will talk to Kim and she is getting paranoid.  She acknowledges that the poker alliance has come back to bite them in the ass.  

Amber says that she won 20 and 16 years ago and the game is much quicker
Tyson says the older players are more observers while the newer ones just immediately act.  
Tony says he actually started slow this time
Amber says he was actually running around to everyone
Sandra says that Amber can't keep up with the pace
Sophie says there was a lot of activity but then the talking dropped off later in the day
Sandra says there was panic, then lots of names being thrown out, and then a small group of names...
Kim says she is one of the small group of names because of the poker alliance.  She also points out that there are other alliances on the season that are deeper (cough cough AMBER)
Wendell says that a lot of outside the show interactions are at play
Amber says for $2 million people will do anything
Sandra, who would kill anyone for $20 says that $2 million will make people do things!

Vote. Any idols? Nope
Amber is voted to Extinction.  On the way out she gives Rob her token.