Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Survivor: Yellow Submarine

 Yo yo yo!  Welcome to Survivor Advantage!  Where there are so many idols and advantages ya need a chart.  Unfortunately I do not have a chart.  If you do, please send it to me!!

The tribe formerly known as Yellow is in disarray.  They're all scrambin' and dealin.  Xander is wondering if he should trust Tiffany and Evvie (helloooooooo.  TRUST NO ONE).  Evvie is on a relationship recovery tour which doesn't seem to be doing well.  Deshawn is a complete NO on the issue, pointing out that they all voted for him!  Pretty sure they will not be joining the HISTORIC Black Alliance.  

Challenge- with a sit out advantage.  Anyone else find the fact that Jeff has to explain shit to us viewers directly creepy?  I guess it's to make us all feel part of the circus although a quick shot of the advantage on the bench would have been sufficient.  

Survivors are randomly divided into 2 teams of five with one person sitting out with no chance to win.  The challenge does have the required leaps, swims, climbs, pulls and puzzles,  Wanna know?  GRILLED CHEESE BACK AT CAMP.  Damn,  I almost made myself a reward sandwich while watching.  Erika AGAIN gets excluded as the sit out person but Xander, eager to kiss any exposed ass, asks to switch with her since she hasn't eaten in days.  Xander apparently assumes there is an advantage but although we see him looking he fails to find the scroll that says ADVANTAGE.  The blue team consists of Danny, Ricard, Deshawn, Erika and Evvie and unsurprisingly with al the muscle KICKS ASS. They are way far ahead getting to the pyramid giant ball puzzle which Evvie finishes in a hot minute because she built one with beads and practiced.  So, GRILLED CHEESE AND CHIPS FOR THE BLUE TEAM!!!

Tiffany is annoyed she is SOMEHOW on the losing team again.  Funny that!  Shan and Liana are crying about the grilled cheese.  Shan is HANGRY and taking it out on Evvie.  Xander says he basically sat out because the challenge losers are always eager for allies.  And Shan and Li approach him.  Loser Naseer goes out and finds papaya and the losers all try to convince themselves that it is DAMN GOOD PAPAYA.  

Returning to camp and picking American Cheese out of his teeth, Ricard helps himself to a piece of papaya which is SIMPLY NOT DONE.  Shan is REALLY REALLY HANGRY NOW.  "That says it all, that's character right there".  

Ricard is kind of incredulous that he is on the outs because he attempted to hoover up the starving players food.  Sarcastically tells people "If you get food at a challenge YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EAT FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.  He's aware enough to worry if Shan will resent him.  

Immunity Challenge-it's the one where you stand on tip toes with a wood thing on your head pressed against the top and you have to stand there to keep the block from falling.  But of course THERE IS A TWIST!!  Jeff offers a portion of rice if one person sits out, but if multiple people sit out they can negotiate for more rice.  Shan is apparently the self appointed negotiator and she asks how many is multiple-3?  Jeff says 7.  The get that down to 5.  But only Shan and Naseer volunteer.  Heather says she feels she needs to compete and I'm yelling at the TV-c'mon  you're not going to win this challenge!  Xander asks if 4 people would work, volunteers to join them if another steps out  and Ricard sits out as well.  So they have negotiated 3 days of rice in exchange for immunity.  Kinda risky for Xander!

Jeff keeps telling them the last time they did this challenge it went over 2 hours, but within seconds Deshawn, Erika and Tiffany drop.  Liana, Danny drop next and it's down to Evvie and OMG WHAAAT??? Heather.  Evvie wins immunity in 4 minutes.  

Liana says that the Evvie plan is gone so she wants to force Xander to play his idol and for Tiffany to go home.  Naseer wants to split the vote to feel comfortable.  Deshawn suggests to Shan Tiffany and Naseer.  Shan thinks Xander is a bigger threat and goes into dog with a bone mode.  Deshawn gets annoyed with her and tells her he needs to know she is listening to her.  Shan smoothes things over but still wants to have her way. She says tell everyone it's between Tiffany and Naseer.  Naseer hears this and freaks out.  Says they can't use his name-suggests Heather.  Xander hears it and doesn't believe it's Heather.  Tiffany thinks it's her.  She asks Danny and he basically says "could be you".  Shan and Liana tell Heather they're just using her name and she blows up.  If they use their idols then I'm screwed.  

Jeff asks if food is an issue.
Shan says her "pastoral heart" led her to try to get rice for the flock
Xander says it was a big move for him to reopen the negotiations because he wanted to prove himself to the tribe
Naseer says he gave his heart for the tribe even though he know he would have won
Heather says she is scared that she is on the bottom
Tiffany says same.  Says she is only one of 2-3 people kept in the dark
Danny says he's not sure either
Shan says really??
Evvie agrees that no one told her the plan either
Deshawn says that all 3 yellows were ready to turn last week, says he doesn't believe it
Evvie says they were going to let her go before she won immunity
Erika says we are all off balance because we don't know who is with who

Jeff says is it time to vote?  And Heather is like, wait aren't we going to discuss who to vote for?  I still can't decide if she's clueless or if this was strategy but she is trying to talk people back into Naseer as the alternate.  Now everyone is crazy again and Deshawn is mad that he's once again being told what to do by Shan.  Ricard tells Xander to play his idol.  Shan says she's talking to people the way THEY NEED TO BE TALKED TO.  That's going to sting next week....
Finally it's time to vote.  Any advantages or idols??  NO

Xander 2
Heather 2
Naseer 1
And Tiffany is gone with 5 votes!  

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Survivor: Snowglobe

 Oooh, another SHAKEUP!! Another TWIST brought to you by someone clearly with a high COVID fever!  

Prior to the BIG TWIST Shan and Ricard are going at it because Shan is a control freak who wants to hold all of the idols.  Ricard is mad because she shook him down for the advantage before tribal.  Shan says it's MIIIINE, ALL MIIIIINE, ME WANTS THE PRECIOUS!!!!      Ricard reminds her they found it together and he could have just as easily opened it.  MIIIIIIIIIIINE.    
Ricard: I feel like you don't trust me. (Moderator: SHE DOESN'T)
Shan: Next idol is yours
Ricard: Thanks for permission to have ONE.

Tree mail A MILESTONE OF EVERY SEASON but lets have some "fun" first.  Wooohooo that must mean we are merged!!!

Yellow is all "we're totally a solid 4.....maybe 3....." Lianna is "chompin to flip the narrative"

Some on blue are uneasy because, having never gone to tribal, they have never had to vote and solidify alliances.  Naseer is ALL IN WITH BLUE.  Danny thinks there are big cracks.  

Jeff gets a candid shot where he tells US about the big twist (which I had to rewind twice to figure out).  There's no tribal tonight, and the winners will think they are safe and send one person away but also give them BIG POWER.  

Everyone is told they are now in the next phase and they can DROP YER BUFFS!  Everyone is happy especially those who have used their old buff to wipe their ass this morning.  You are now not EXACTLY merged.  There are no tribes but you have to earn your way to a merge.  

They have to draw rocks to split into 2 teams then do a challenge with a giant buried boulder, an obstacle course, keys, and a word puzzle.  The first team gets merge buffs and a meal and are safe.  The other team has to go to tribal or an immunity challenge then tribal??  I was lost here but I think Jeff was being vague.  2 players get gray rocks and don't get to compete.  



Gray rocks Naseer and Erika.  

I'm sure you can guess by the split which team wins,  Blue kicks ass and wins.  They have to chose one of the gray's to join them and one to send to an isolated island for 2 days all alone.  They pick Naseer to join them and send poor Erika off to the island which I don't even think has a cute marketing name.  

The losers do get rice for one day while the other feast.  They all leave to go to their new camp.

Jeff asks Erika how she feels and she tells him she was pretty sure she was at the bottom anyway.  She's terrified of being alone on the island.  

At the feast Naseer is all happy.  Evvie asks if they like Erika or what that shit is?  Deshawn tells her that they've been watching Yellow knock all of the men off and they were concerned about the male privilege.  

Erika is scared to be alone.  She finds a little bit of rice and water.  She starts a fire and tells her story about being from the Philippines and living in Canada and how being on Survivor is like a love letter to her parents and as usual I'm like BITCH WE ALL HAVE STORIES.

Back on mergeland Xander is downtrodden and really wants to get to the full merge.  He's still stuck on the suck team.  Tiffany shows off her total lack of social skills by asking Shan if she got the idol in front of everyone.  Shan then talks to Liana about who has idols and who has advantages.  They're still all bonded.  Liana talk about what a pain in the ass Tiffany is.  Tiffany gets her panties in a wad about Liana and Shan bonding and leaving her out so she says she "may not have Liana's back".  

Everyone is bonding on camp.  There's apparently a black person alliance for the "first time".  Danny is worried Erika is going to come back with an advantage and a grudge.  

Erika is working on her fire and JEFF pulls up in a boat and sits down on the sand with her and for a minute I thought this might get kind of creepy and then I worried even more about this girl all alone on a isolated island and I was more afraid of the film/production crew than any animals.  Jeff pushes her buttons by asking what it feels like to be alone.  She tells him she feels left behind and is going to have to catch up.  Jeff tells her about the magic hourglass she has that allows her to leave the game as is OR to DRAMATICALLY shift the game by turning back the clock and changing who won the challenge yesterday.  She has to decide by tomorrow whether or not to change who the winners of yesterday's challenge was.  Erika thinks about how the 6 now safe were her original tribe, BUT she's clearly on the bottom of that group.