Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Survivor 44 Begins!

 Hello!  I think we had almost 100% return rate this season and thank you for going along with the last minute pool!  Jesus I thought we were going to blow through all 4 alternates last week with these covid weak couch potatoes dropping like flies!  But we still have 2 alternates so you are NOT stuck with the loser below if they're bad enough quick enough. 

I did not take notes last week, which was glorious after 10 plus years of doing so.  I thought Jeff looked thinner and better.  Maybe that's just from me being under covid restrictions!  Hey, our Covid anniversary is coming up Match 13!  Let me know how you're celebrating.  I think I will buy a cupcake.  LOL, any excuse for me to buy a really expensive, maximum icing to cake ( or "sponge" as they say on bake off)  and I am there for it.  

Ok, so 3 tribes: Tika (purple), Ratu (orange) Soka (Green)

We start off with an reward challenge that is an obstacle course, a puzzle and a pole throw.  Winning tribe Sota gets flint right away.  Ratu gets to chose Sweat or Savvy and chose Sweat.  Tika gets Savvy.  Bruce hits his head on the obstacle course and needs medical attention.  But personally I don't think the cut had anything to do with his medical needs unless he is REALLY afraid of blood.  

Brandon and Matthew do the Sweat and incredibly smart Helen and Carson do the Savvy.  I have no idea how they figured that out.  They all find a locked cage with a bag of drugs, I mean a mystery bag, in it.  

Then they do the whole stupid summit thing and frankly I was looking at my phone I missed if they actually did a summit climb or not.  Anywhoo, they get the "individual questions" which I think they do together and its a 1/3 chance to get an advantage and if they don't get it (lose a vote) they can pick again with a 50-50 shot to lose another vote.  Sarah loses one vote and gets an inheritance advantage allowing her to scoop up all the used idols/advantages in one magnificent tribal.  Matthew lost twice.  Lauren gets Bank a Vote.  

Ratu searches for the key and Brandon finds it.  He shares it with the group because he finds it near one of the women (who I can't remember) and he doesn't want to form any alliance with her.  It's a hidden immunity idol so now everyone know he has it and it's a giant target because he was a sexist asshole.  

Immunity Challenge.  They have to row I think, and there are buoys and they have to get chests FROM THE FLOOR OF THE SEA  (lol) pull shit on a ramp, do a slide puzzle.  Brandon gets heat exhaustion because he is also a couch potato.  Also earlier some other douche dislocates his shoulder playing on rocks.  During the challenge Matt learns from Claire that Lauren probably did not tell everyone about her advantage.

Ratu loses and gets to go to the newly designed ,medieval tribal council set which makes absolutely zero sense  unless there was a going out of business sale at some medieval use your hands to eat a turkey wing dinner joint.  

Matthew tells people what Claire said putting a target on Lauren's back, but the women want to flush out the idol and vote out Brandon.  No, I refuse to say LETS GO BRANDON.  Nope.  Not gonna do it.  

Like kids with new toys Lauren uses her bank, Matthew and Jaime use their SHOT IN THE DARK (Jaime is actually safe from it so you can see on Jeff's face that they will never again do the shot).  With only 3 actual votes Brandon plays his idol and Maddy goes home with only one vote.