Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Survivor: Second Changes, Week 1

Welcome to Cambodia, and to the first episode of this season's FULL THROTTLED Survivor.  20 people were selected by I have no freaking idea who, and they are all BALLS TO THE WALL, READY TO RUMBLE.  Seriously, I think the first 30 minutes of the episode were each of they describing how they are gonna play differently this time around (doubtful) and how they ARE IN IT FROM THE FIRST INSTANT!!!

Well, some of them are anyway,  as there was a drinking game in my house called "old school vs new school".  Fortunately I didn't have to go to work last Thursday because I was quite hammered, in an old school way.  Apparently, those from early seasons didn't immediately realize that they had created quite a few MONSTERS out there that believe the game begins FROM THE FIRST INSTANT.  These mostly younger people hit the beach, screw shelter and fire, and start to strategize!!  Hey Probst, how about you find 18 people who have never HEARD of Survivor and do a show where nobody has a PhD in Survivor Mayhem?  How refreshing would it be for contestants to NOT KNOW WHAT AN INDIVIDUAL IDOL IS, or that they are 100% of the time in the crook of a strangely shaped tree??  It would almost be up there with ACTUAL CREATIVITY in planning the new seasons!  

Ok.  So basically I'm skipping the first 30 minutes of blah blah blah.  Jeff clearly renegotiated an extra 30 minutes of dimple time.  So, Cambodia has lots of Temples. old men, cute little Cambodian boys, flies, and animals.  In fact, Temple is also a drinking game in my house.  (Shit, 4:00 pm is a drinking game in my house).

Jeff is on a big boat, and the two tribes are on little boats.  First challenge is to collect supplies off of the big boat, throw them to a raft (extra points for who ever almost hit Probst with the bundle of sticks), and then at one point take off to another boat which has a bag of rice.  First team to get the bag of rice, gets the bag of rice.  

Oh, the two tribes are NAMED AFTER TEMPLES (see how easy that drinking game is gonna be??):

Ta Keo: Kelly W, Woo, Kelley, Spencer, PG, Jeff, Abi Maria, Vytas, Shirin and Terry.

Bayon: Jeremy, Ciera, Andrew, Kimmi, Keith, Monica, Stephen, Kass, Joe and Tasha

Those are their names but Jeff uses nicknames for some of them which is too personal and annoying to me.  

Kelly Wigglesworth, the old gal, chooses to swim for the second boat after her tribe leaves.  After a while of rowing both Joe and Woo jump in to swim as well.  KW started swimming too soon and tires, while Woo reaches the rice bag.  So Ta Keo has rice.  

On Ta Keo the "old school" people start building up a shelter assuming that these spoiled kids will appreciate being warm and out of the rain.  LOL, they'll more likely bitch about the lack of air conditioning.  Meanwhile the kids walk all over the beach making alliances.  Terry, who Jeff calls Deitz, has realized that he needs to play more of a social game this time and not just be the CHALLENGE ANIMAL he is known for.  He slinks off with Spencer and tells him that his son told me to align with you.  Spencer is also trying to be more social this time and is having lots of "one on one conversations" with people.  

HEY,  WHO THE HELL VOTED TO BRING BACK THE BRAZILIAN DRAGON???  Abi Marie alternates from talking to the camera about her new laid back game, and stirring up shit.  She can't find her bracelet and runs all over the beach looking for her bag with her bracelet.  She's obsessed.  She is also a dead ringer in voice to Stella in Orange is the New Black.

Over on Bayon, they are all loving each other and are the "peaceful tribe".  LOL, as if that will ever last!  Keith says he isn't gonna do much different this time because he got to 4th, just tweak his game.  Jeremy approaches him right away to make sure they are OK.  I guess that's a remnant of their season together.  He wants an alliance with Tasha, Andrew (aka Savage), and he wants Joe.  He's not impressed with "Fish", aka Stephen.  

Savage tells Joe he has 2 girls, 17 and 15 who think he is "peeeeerfect".  LOL.  As does this 50 cough cough year old.  There's clearly an alpha male thing brewing and Joe can't decide if he should join it or not.  Stephen (Fishbach) is about as anti an alpha male as you can get.  He doesn't feel like he's fitting in with the manly men.  Um, perhaps you shouldn't have chosen a girly pink shirt??  Since nobody remembers him, he apparently was JT's sidekick on Season 18.  

Ta Keo: Vytas is working the women.  Shirin, who is probably not on his "work on" list thinks he's "Smarmy".  She wants to lock it all down in the first 30 seconds, in her manic way, and she approaches Spencer and Jeff, one of the clueless Old School people.  She basically analyzes the entire situation, points out who could be aligned with who, tells them what she has observed and suggests an alliance with them, Kelly W, and PG.  Jeff's head about whips off it's neck at the speed that she is going.  I think he just grabs his balls at that point and lets her have them.  

Abi is still looking for MY BRAAAAACELET.  IT'S LEATHER AND GOLD, WELL NOT REAL GOLD BUT IT HAS SPECIAL POWERS.  She goes through everyone's bag and "finds it" in PG's bag.  She doesn't want to say anything to anyone but runs around telling people where she found it and doing the "I don't know what to think" routine.  Not quite sure what PG's angle in stealing a bracelet would be but Abi is afraid it will bring out the BRAZILIAN DRAGON.  PG gets wind of it and tries to smooth things over.  Yea, good luck with that.  

Bayon is attempting to make fire.  OK,  I'm only gonna say this once.  WOULDN'T YOU HAVE SPENT EVERY DAY FROM YOUR LAST APPEARANCE TRYING TO MAKE FIRE?? I mean it would be like your "hey I was  on Survivor let me show you how to make fire from nothing" party trick, wouldn't it?  My husband would probably have to remove anything combustible from the damn house!  Joe gets the fire going because Joe is AMAZING.  Andrew AKA Savage has a big old man crush on him.  

And then there is this music after the commercial that's all ayyyayyyayyyya WHASSUP????  

It's AM, so time for Yoga.  I think it's Vytas on this beach.  Jeff and PG are in the water and Jeff is still like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THIS GAME??  They're discussing the old/new school and the split between the shelter makers and the beach people.  He's not sure what is up.  

Shirin has decided it has to be Vytas, and PG wants Abi.  

Kelley, the blonde one, is looking for an idol.  Like EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD BE.  She finds one-oops, it's a clue.  The idol is hidden AT THE IMMUNITY CHALLENGE  and she has to decide whether or not to risk being seen taking it.  

They get treemail and, it's a repeat of the first challenge ever done on Season 1.  

Yoga time again.  Keith says " I have coffee to wake up instead of yoga, LIKE 99% OF REAL AMERICANS".  Actually it's not yoga, it's Joga because it's all about watching how flexible Joe is.  

Vytas is also teaching yoga but it's more of a hands all over you approach.  Shirin can't stand it.  Neither can Blonde Kelley.  Vytas approaches Abi and asks her "how is your body feeling".  She wisely runs for the beach.  

Immunity Challenge, and it's QUEST FOR FIRE.

Race to a raft, light a main torch, swim towards shore lighting torches, drag your raft to the stand (which exists mainly to house the idol), build a pole, get a key, unlock a lock and light a final torch.  Immunity and looks like more supplies to the victors.  Probably flint.  Did  miss Bayon even attempting to make fire??  Jeff reminds everyone that KW lost this one last time.  

So, blah blah, Keith dunks the torch and has a time relighting it, which gives Ta Keo a big lead.  They let Kelly Wigglesworth do the pole thing again, and they creatively edit Blonde Kelley repeatedly looking at the place where the idol is.  Like, she probably looked once but they repeated it about 10 times.  Bayon arrives and Joe the Man builds a nice, long, thick shaftlike pole. Sorry, I had to go there.  Joe's massive pole is able to reach the nether regions and he gets the key.  I bet he does, every time.  Anywhoo, they have the key.  Spencer tries to take over for KW but she left him with a limp short pole.  Bayon wins immunity!  

After Jeff points out to KW that 15 years later, same result, he tells them they are going immediately to Tribal.  Now there's a twist I can get excited about.  

I drank through the entire "fire is your life" shit.  

Spencer: There's an entirely new level of possible heartbreak given AMERICA VOTED US BACK.  Um, yea probably 200 people voted Spence.  
Woo points out the immediate split between old and new school (gulp)
Terry (Deitz) says that indeed it was an eye opener how this game has been screwed up totally.
PG says something about reassessing why you lost last time and making changes
Abi says that yes, due to her amazing growth she managed to get through 3 whole days and "an issue" without losing her shit.  
Vytas points out that Aras ultimately beat Terry.
KW says having no time to huddle was difficult.  Tribal has been a time to catch up.  
Jeff says that in fact people know what's going on.  A LOT of work has been going on in 3 days.  
Woo claims to not know.
Abi says that there is clearly a male thing going on
Vytas disagrees and says there is tribal unity not a male thing
Woo says part of the decision is how well you get along with people
Abi-"well I'm screwed"
KW says her gut is telling her, and there are a lot of clues going on
Jeff say he's done nothing but observe all the stuff going on, didn't even sleep.  
Probst asks if there's an elephant in the room?

Time to vote.  Hey, did anyone else ever wonder what would stop someone from looking through the clues in the basket??

Vytas gets 6 votes to Abi's 4 and is the first one out and as Probst says, "your second change can end at any moment".  

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