Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Finally a Survivor Update

Well, well, well.  Look who got off her fat ass to write up a couple episodes!  And if I wasn't already behind a special holiday 2 hour episode just to push me even more into the weeds!

Not gonna go all the way back but I believe I missed out on the SAVAGE blindside!  Epic.  Kelley Went pulled out her idol and saved herself, while sending Savage to Ponderosa.  

So, next week.  Kimmi wants to break up the Coven of Witches.  And it's all about finding the next idol clue.  The reward challenge is this build a staircase with poles and uneven holes, and Spencer, Joe, Ciera, Fish and Tasha perform an epic blowout.  At their spa reward Ciera talks strategy and they basically come down on Wiggles.  

Jeremy is pissed to have lost Savage.  So he goes out and looks in another big tree with a hole in it covered in leaves and HOLY COW WHAT A SURPRISE finds another idol clue.  C'mon.  HIDE THE FREAKING  CLUES SOMEWHERE ELSE!!

Fish wants to work with the witches.  Wants to MAKE A BIG MOVE.  Ciera asks if he's gonna go for Joe?  She discusses Wiggles again.  Apparently everyone thinks she's a strong player with a "great social game".  Anyone else not seeing that great social game??  

Immunity Challenge.  Balance on a little triangle in the ocean.  In the rain.  Jeff offers an advantage to the first person who gives up immunity and gets to the buoys.  Both Fish and Spencer jump.  Fish gets the advantage.  Joe wins immunity.  The advantage is FOR THE FIRST TIME EVAH IN SURVIVOR HISTORY SOMEONE CAN STEAL SOMEONE'S VOTE.  Ok.  I'm getting tired of these Museum of Survivor people who know everything that's ever happened on the show.  Dudes, I watch each episode twice and I don't remember this shit.  

I don't know.  It's Wiggles, or a split between Wentworth and Ciera.  Jeremy is concerned that part of his alliance don't know the real vote.  

Tribal.  Is again planned due to the Cambodian Doppler Weather Watch to occur at the perfect thunderstorm for added effect.  Blah blah blah, the game is EVOLVING.  Multi-voting blocks!  Alliances with in alliances!!  Oh, TEMPORARY VOTING BLOCKS!!!

It's Wiggles.  Who is pretty OK with it since she wasn't into this new game theory.  

Week later....

Jeremy talks to Tasha who is upset that she didn't know about the wiggles vote.  "with these voting blocks, once you have the numbers you don't risk bringing in other people".  Joe is pissed that his ally went home.  Rain and lots of pictures of swamp foot.  

Challenge.  It's the basketball/wrestling thing.  For a trip to the Cambodian Circus where they also get to sit and eat in front of kids, with a roof over their heads and blankets. So basically the 1%er reward.  Spencer, Ciera, Tasha, Abi and Joe win reward.  At their reward, they decide Stephen has to go because he has the advantage.  

Back at camp they decide Jeremy is a big threat and has to go.  Overnight it's still raining and miserable and Fish gets the shits.  Jeremy is hoping he's OK because he needs him.  

Immunity Challenge.  And they all get a black and a white rock.  If at least 5 of them agree to ship the challenge and give up immunity they will get a new shelter and a Golden Corral buffet of food and snacks.  I mean, c'mon, when has anyone ever had coffee at camp??  Everyone but Joe and Keith opt out.  Joe wins immunity.  

It's apparently a great shelter, with the fire under the roof.  Hmmmmm.  Anyone else think this is weird?  They even have about 20 coffee cups.  

Fish wants Ciera.  Most people want Fish.  Tasha is afraid that if Ciera stays, she'll become even more powerful.  If they take her out, her coven is up for grabs.  Spencer still wants Stephen.  Jeremy is a no to Stephen.  He needs him.  

Tribal.  Again, wet and rainy.

Fish announces he had diarrhea during the storm.  Thanks for sharing.

They discuss the white/black rocks and people say there were selfish and unselfish people.  Joe states that he would be gone without winning immunity.

Spencer blabs on about someone giving up a chance for immunity for the greater good is going to go home.  Uhuh.  80% of those "unselfish" people had no freaking change to win immunity and went for luxury.

Tasha mentions Fish's advantage and how that puts a target on his back.

They talk again about EVOLUTION and SHIFTING ALLIANCES.  

Time to vote.

Anyone have an idol??  Actually, yes, Jeff.  Jeremy plays his for Fish.  

Votes: 5 for Fish, don't count.  2 for Kimmi and going home with 3 votes is Ciera!  Woohoo.  

Aaaaand, it's "A NEW GAME EVERYTIME WE LEAVE TRIBAL".  Spencer thinks Jeremy is lying to him.  Time to jump the non-alliance?  

Challenge.  It's nighttime and Jeff is going to tell everyone a Cambodian Ghost Tale.  And then they will run around in the jungle in the dark carrying fire and answering questions about the story.  It's for a ride in a chopper, steak and drinks.  During the challenge Kelley gets another clue to an idol.  It comes down to Spencer and Fish, and Fish wins by seconds.  He gets to take 2 people with him and he takes Jeremy and Tasha, which further pissed Spencer off.  

The 3 bond at the resort, and Fish tells them about his HUUUUUUGE, GAMECHANGING advantage.  They all decide Joe has to go ASAP.  

Back at camp, Keith tells Kimmi she's have to be blind to not see that she's not really in that alliance.  Spencer says it's gonna be Fish.  Abi gets her crazy on saying if he uses his advantage, she's gone. She asks Joe if he'd let her win immunity.  LOL.  Abi's all, "maybe I will play along, and maybe I won't".  

Immunity Challenge:  Stacking bricks with those nasty feet.  Spencer comes from behind for the win.  AND JOE IS WITHOUT AN IMMUNITY IDOL FOR ONCE!!  

Fish is elated that JEFF IS FINALLY GONE!!!  Keith, Kelley and Jeremy discuss how Joe is a risk.  After Jeremy leaves, Kelley is all NOT GONNA HAPPEN.  It's Fish.  Spencer assures Joe he is not going anywhere.  

Abi is just a passive aggressive nutjob.  She won't commit to anyone.  Fish suddenly worries that Joe has an idol and he needs to use his advantage.  Spencer is all, what's the benefit of that??  He's afraid it will ruin his plans.  Fish then wants to split the vote between Abi and Joe.  


Joe says, why yes, Jeff, I have no necklace for the firs time.  I just have to hope for trust

Abi says something about there being alliances.  

Tasha points out it's been all blindsides so perhaps trust is overrated.  Maybe the voting block thing is going away and the small alliances are coming back.

Kelley points out she's saying that because of her Jeremy-Stephen-Tasha alliance.  

Fish admits he has a target on his back.

Abi says there has been a lot of talk with different names.

Fish believes there's only a 33% chance of another blindside.  He agrees it's a shift back to alliances.  

Prior to the vote Fish announces he is going to use his advantage and take Joe's vote away.  He splits his votes between Joe and Abi.  

Vote is:  Joe 2, Abi 3 and Fish 4.  I never understood how he thought that math was gonna work.

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