Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Survivor Menopause

Yo! Is it hot in Nicaragua or am I having a flash? Oldster Marty can't sleep without his Serta. We gotta fix this shelter thing. JJ wants to fix the roof.

JT wants to go fishing. JJ is all getting his way and stuff, JT is mad. Marty decides to let JJ keep sticking his neck out.

NaO and Sash are all hooking up. Cause, that's what you do when you are in your 20's. He is working the "I'm half African American thing". Wink, and it's the below the belt half. Says he wants to bring in all the minorities which I believe means the smart Asian chick. NaO is now wearing an orange Turban. Just so we know she's ALL minority. She does the AA head shake and says, "Kelly B is a charity case". Uhuh. Charity begins at the turban.

Ahhh, we must be at about day 5 because the Prozac and Lithium are beginning to leave their systems. Jill wants to eat snails. She tastes one and makes a face but says they are OK. Holly WIGS out. Holly is a big hot mess of hormonal imbalance. She actually steals the pot of snails and walks away. Say what? Hormonal Holly then overhears people talking about what a big hot mess she is. So, she steals Dan's Armani leather Survivor Satchel (customized with real elephant tusk handles!) and walks down to the beach. First she fills them with sand, and then puts them in the water. Whoa. I predict a bunny in a pot coming soon!

Armani Dan is now all, "hey where are my $1600 Alligator shoes". WTF?? Who brings $1600 shoes to Survivor?? Hormonal Holly now feels all bad. "I'm struggling emotionally" and I'm sorry guys. Whoa. Jeff, time to call in Medical! "I'll forgive her but I'm going to keep one eye on her and one on my shoes".

Ahhh, and lest we thing the old people have a monopoly on crazy, NaO loses her sock-it was inside her shoe. Seriously, I do not want to stand next to this bitch at the laundromat. She in turn steals Fabio's socks. He asks her, "um, did you ACCIDENTALLY borrow my sock?" Bang!! It's on!! Ya gotta wonder if there are friends and family members who were laughing behind her back saying, "that crazy bitch ain't gonna last 1 week".

Drama continued. Hormonal sits down with JJ. "I don't know if I can to this" JJ:"We need you!"

Challenge. The Young and The Stupid come marching in again. Holy crap!! It's a puzzle free night!!!! Woooohooooo. The challenge is to faceplant yourself into mud, crawl under netting, roll around in hay to find balls, balance the balls on paddles and then pass the balls into a barrel. Wanna know what you're playing for? "Sedatives" I yelled. Nope. A tarp or fishing gear, and immunity.

Old dudes, you have the Medallion of POWWA. That could be exchanged for one ball already in your barrel. Hells yes, Jeff, since we effed up last time and didn't use it, we will use it tonight. NaO and Dan sit out. NaO because she wants the legless girl to crash and burn.

(NOTE: Right about now we had a wicked thunderstorm blow through, and our power went on and off a couple times. But I figured out the gist).

JJ kicks ass, but then the oldsters blow their lead. Hormonal can't find the ball. However, once they have their 3 balls, they get them all smoothly in the barrel while the Young and Stupids can't get one. Old Wins over Youth!! They take the fishing gear.

Oldtime celebration. Hmmm, is Hormonal done being insane?? They find the clue to the hidden idol in the fishing box. Everyone goes to find it and Jill-with-the-stomach-pooch and Marty find it.

Youngsters: Kelly B kicked some one legged ASS today. Alina and Kelly B want Asian Brenda to go. Chase doesn't cause he's kinda got the hots for her and a kinda alliance. He also has an alliance with Shannon. NaO and Brenda want Shannon. Chase tells Brenda, while Alina is listening. Alina tells everyone that Chase is double crossing. What will Chase do??

Tribal, Jeff is in light blue.

Shannon: it's brutal, Jeff. I've never camped. Plus there's no loyalty. He goes right after Chase and his "girlfriend"
Chase: She is not my girlfriend
Shannon: He's pissing me off. He lied to me. Where's your loyalty and integrity??
Jeff: Wow, it's kinda early for this level of woop ass
Fabio: Yo, chill, fo real dudes
Brenda: I think is shows a weakness in Shannon (fuse ignited)
Shannon: Who you calling weak bitch? Am I not trusted?? (lots of eye rolls)
Shannon to Chase: I've had better looking girlfriends than you. You're from NYC which is full of gays.
Alina: I thought I trusted Chase...
Benry: It happened all so fast, I don't know who to trust!
NaO (who can't stay out of a good fight): I hate Fabio.
Fabio: That attitude has been present the whole time, biatch.
NaO goes apeshit.
Fabio:Yo, can we just vote??

Jeff tallies the votes, and it's a blow out for Shannon. Bye bye crazy. Shannon takes the walk of shame, which this season is through a little faux graveyard.

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