Buenos Dios! I was going to do this entire update in Spanish, but since they didn't ask where the library was last week I'm kinda out of
So where were we.....John was blindsided and sent off to 3-way
island, joining his hot little bundle of angry wife and Marissa.
Let's hope Marissa's one special item was earplugs. And hey, do they still
get one item? Haven't heard that in a while and it appears to me they get
to bring a whole suitcase of stuff these days.
Brad's all happy with his hoodwinking. "I hooked him from Day
1! " Tells everyone that they need to start thinking about
getting rid of people without loved ones on the other tribe so they can
somehow magically increase their numbers at merge time. Caleb is all,
"well I'm fucked".
Tri-duel time! Candace, Marissa and John are in the Coliseum.
But first! A little more Candace venom spewed at Brad. "I'm
PISSSSSSSSED......II'd rather have BRAAAAAAD here." and then, so predictably,
she turns her head and spit green vomit.
Monica: "Why is everyone hating on my maaaan?"
Brad: "Have I shushed any women?"
John: "Never shushed me and I'm a total ball-less abused husband"
Seriously, this woman with pms? There's those elusive WMDs George
Bush was looking for.
Finally, Jeff grows a pair and we proceed with the ladder climb-puzzle
challenge. Jeff:"It's a real hard puzzle.....it's gonna take you
a loooong time to get it......shit, I still haven't completed it in my
air conditioned trailer". "It's a square puzzle....and and and
it has a logo on top.....and it's square....."
Bottom line, John and then Candace win! YAY! More sex
Candace, after blaming Brad for calling all the shots in their
marriage bellows to John "LETS GIVE THE CLUE TO MONICA". Yes, Dear. Brad
tells Monica to put the clue in the fire, put the clue in the fire, put the clue
in the fire. Monica puts the clue in the fire. Candace "JUUUUUST
Back at the celebrity ranch, Monica is upset. "I'm sure Brad's just
trying to provide firewood and comfort for your loved ones..." You can
almost hear the eye rolling at that one. Gervase: "Um, perhaps you don't
really know Survivor Brad".
Brad thinks everyone's hating on him! I'm a target! Caleb,
Hayden and Vytus are rethinking that whole manly man alliance thing.
Tyson is still resting his arm. Well, in between running the coconut
shell game with Gervase. They steal the coconuts, crack them open a little
bit and drink the juice. The women think crabs are getting to them.
LOL. "Operation Coconut".
Challenge: Immunity and a choice of coffee/tea and sweets or fishing
gear. Paddle out, swim down and get big squares, paddle back, form stairs,
do a puzzle, get a combination, get a key, lift the damn flag. Tyson stays
in and 2 women sit out.
The loved ones lose their boxes in the water and the yellow team pulls
ahead. Yellow is first to get their staircase done. And now we have
us a mother-fucking puzzle off! Once again Laura goes against the clueless
Ciera, who apparently couldn't figure out that round birth control puzzle thing
back in high school. Celebs finish the puzzle, and raise their flag
Hayden: " We just lost to a dude with one arm and 3 moms".
Back at camp, the men go "get water" while the women "make rice" which
apparently is code for discuss their votes. Brad hangs back and tells
Ciera and Katie they should all vote out Caleb. Ciera is like
Meanwhile the men are waiting for Brad to show up. They all want
Ciera. Brad finally shows up and tells them I've convinced the girls it's
Caleb". Caleb is all, "Say whaaaat??"
Brad-no, this isn't what I was expecting on Survivor. I thought my
wife was just being a pussy about it all. We've lost twice by Ciera
and her puzzles.
Ciera-ok ,so I suck at puzzles. I don't bitch about it at camp.
Brad-why are y'all airing dirty laundry at redemption, making crap up and
telling the other tribe? Voting out people without loved ones on the other side
would make my life easier at the Coliseum
Caleb-Hmmmmm, you talking about me??
Brad-Nooo, I wasn't talking about you specifically....I've never
"campaigned" against anyone...that's a bad word.....
Hayden pops back up to show he's relevant. "Trust is hard to
get back once you lose it". Thank you, Confucius.
Caleb-says something and then says "I'm just telling y'all I'm voting for
Everyone-"Say WHAAAAT???"
Hayden and Vytus are all "Daaaaaamn. Who knew the little gay farmer
had it in him?????"
Ciera- OMG!!!
Brad-"I'm not writing your name down Caleb..."
Time to vote! It's a tie-3 for Brad, 3 for Ciera.
Revote.......And as Brad heads off to join John and Candace in the nastiest 3
way EVAH, my chances for FINALLY winning this damn pool take yet another circle
around the drain.
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