Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Survivor Up: Vinyl IS Better.

Last time we met, Mari was blindsided by everyone but Adam and Zeke, the quintessential pair of lone wolfs.  They congratulate Figgy and Taylor "well played", but Figgy gets her beautiful little nose out of joint at the notion that it was just those two.  "People who write down Figgy go home".  

Hannah, of the socially awkward, approaches Adam and Zeke to explain/apologize.  "It was a last minute decision".  She keeps at them over and over even after Zeke tells  her to leave them alone.  GIVE ME SPACE!!!  She keeps going on and Zeke accuses her of trying to play the victim.  Finally she leaves and they discuss being on the bottom.  "You and me on dumb ass island!"  Adam promises to get back up to the top.

OMG, can Dave survive 39 days?  He's already almost transparently skinny.  He, Dave and Cece are obviously on the bottom although HEY!!  Dave managed to check "find an idol in Survivor" off his  bucket list!  

Paul is an insufferable bore.  Seriously, he and Chet are just 2 old overweight guys that think they are young and cool. I can just picture Paul in his real life walking around in brightly colored biking shorts. He goes out to get them fish, because he's an expert Florida spear fisherman and alas, the schools of yellowtail keep getting away from him.  Spoiler alert, Paul, they've never seen such a flabby white orca floating around the ocean with them.  Ken can't stand Paul.  He's a total bullshitter who talks a good game but provides nothing.  

The excitement this week is a summit.  4 people from each side are sent together to eat PB&Js and try to get info/form some kind of bonds.  For the M's it's of course Taylor, Figgy, Will and Jay.  Jay is just hoping Taylor and Figgy don't start making out.  For the Xers, it's Dave, CeCe, Paul and Chris.  Dave thinks Paul just needs an audience to bloviate at.  Paul tells them he's a lead singer for a Rock Band.  OOOH, are you ZZ Top?  LOL!!  Paul is under the delusion that these kids are missing their Dads and want to talk with an old rocker.  The M's are asked if there are any hook ups?  Nooooooo.  They want to know how Ken Doll is.  That's what they apparently call him.  CeCe says that he's the opposite of what they think, really humble and nice.  Paul gets up to "swim in the ocean", aka dropping a PB&J deuce in the water.  Taylor and Figgy talk to Dave and CeCe to get some info.  CeCe admits that Paul is the big fat alpha thereby putting a target on his back.  Dave approaches Taylor and basically says he's kill his tribe members to prove his loyalty.  

Back home, Dave sees the summit as a ray of hope.  CeCe tells Ken that they call him Ken Doll which is apparently a scar from his childhood.  I'm not a plastic doll with no penis.  He's not flattered at all.  In fact, he goes off and catches 3 fish easily.  

Ken also badmouths Paul to Jessica.  She understands he feels like he's on the outs but whattareyagonna do?  He tells her that she and Sunday are humble people, not like Paul at all.  

The beautiful 4 are relaxing on a rafty thing.  They're deciding to get rid of Zeke next.  Meanwhile, Adam is talking with Michaela and Hannah about how much Figgy sucks.  He points out that Michelle basically saved her ass and they now owe her.  Points out those 4 are totally in cahoots.  Michaela kind of agrees but is basically uninterested in making any promises or moves right  now.  

Challenge.  It's this carry bags through obstacles,over another balance beam thing.  Then knock puzzle pieces off a table with bean bags, then redo the puzzle.  Wanna know?  Luxury items from the Jeff Probst collection at Target.  Chairs, hammock, blankets and candles with the famous Probst sandalwood scent.   As one would expect, the Xers get their asses handed to them in the physical part of the challenge.  Mainly because, although not everyone has to carry 40 lbs over the balance beam, CeCe insists on doing it taking so long that basically the entire M tribe, the production crew and the sand sweeper go past on the other side.  So, the Xers are screwed.  Ken-not a-Doll kicks ass at the throwing of bean bags but alas the Mers are just too far ahead.  M wins immunity and the luxury items.

Mers ask Jeff if they can trade luxury for fishing equipment.  Jeff says it's up to the Xers but he says "I don't think that the luxury items equal fishing" and "hey you guys can always say no....".  Gen X says no.  M's are kind of shocked because "our parents would have said yes....."  

So, Paul is all CECE SUCKED.  It's an obvious choice, but WHO KNOWS!!  They're all in agreement but there's still 20 minutes left in the show.  

CeCe the clueless asks the other women, "hey anyone know who we're all voting for??"  Sunday tells her the boys are working out the details.  CeCe is kinda wondering why no one ever comes up to her with info...

Dave and Ken realize they, plus CeCe are all on the bottom.  They want to target Paul.  There the bottom 3 so they have nothing to lose.  

Paul talks to Sunday.  It's CeCe.  We're a solid 6, right?  You're not gonna go off and do a boys thing, right?  "If they boys wanted that I'd tell you and it would be bye bye ladies".  BOOM.  Not the right answer Paul!!!  

Jessica, Sunday and Luci talk and are really pissed off.  They realize the united 6 is actually boys vs girls.  

Chet says, "hey Paul, why are those girls all talking to each other?"  Paul says, "don't worry about that Boston Chet!"


Dave says that meeting the Mers was transformational.  He saw them as people and peers.  He's now only a 9.8 on the anxiety scale

CeCe says that she, Dave and Ken are probably on the bottom.  She also says FINALLY getting my ass over that balance beam felt really good.  

Chris is all, "heeeeeey now, it's too early for any of our solid 6 to be thinking that they are #5 or 6"

Dr Jeff comes out to psychoanalyze the situation.  He points out that the youngsters sure did cooperate well.  I WAS BLOWN AWAY by how good they were.  

Sunday agrees that in general Xers rely on what they think is the right vs wrong way to do something whereas her kids are more likely to try things different ways.  

Dr. Jeff starts asking if people text.  Paul says no.  Sunday says she does.  He asks if she uses "you" or U in texts.  He points out that language is changing to be more efficient (although I disagree.  Newer phone technologies make using "you" not that much less efficient.  But I digress....).  

Ken waxes poetic about the beauty of language (I think I want to meet KEN at the Pottstown Motel 6 next time).  Jeff says, "you probably think vinyl records are better (they are.).  Um, Jeff, YOU ARE OLD ENOUGH TO BE WELL INTO THE GEN X GROUP.  

They discuss paranoia.  Paul says it's low in the 6 but high in the 3.  He then states, like a typical white male, that the other 3 had just as much opportunity to be in the fortunates.  

Jessica states that tonight's vote will result in helping the tribe move forward.  They need more than just the 6 to win challenges.  

Time to vote!

CeCe gets 3 votes and Paul is blindsided!!  Boooyaaaaaaaaa.  

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