Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Survivor: Best Tribal EVER!!

Hello Survivors!  Hope everyone got a chance to watch that INSANE tribal council last week because I seriously doubt I can do it justice.  We must be getting close to the finale but I don't think it's this week!

So we were left last time with Joe's AMAZINGLY tight alliance falling apart, and Mike getting blindsided AGAIN.  Seriously, will anyone go to his urology practice after this show??  I wouldn't let him touch my garden hose let alone anything alive.  

Chrissy talks to Ben, who totally screwed her over by pretending to be in her alliance, and he told her his "plan didn't align with yours".  She starts to argue with him and he is a shit who tells her not to "mother me".  Cuts her off with "Goodnight".  JERK.

Reward Challenge, and it's the looooved ones episode.  We get to see everyone stinking and hanging on their clean and good smelling loved ones.  I know it's been 30 days and they all want to kiss but IT'S BEEN 30 DAYS WITHOUT A TOOTHBRUSH.  Every time I'm grossed out.  So who do we have?

Ashley's Dad Jim
Ryan's Dad Steve
Mike's wife Barry?  Mary??  Couldn't figure it out.  She had 2 eyes, not just one on her forehead though.
Lauren's sister Sunny who also likes to put on the feed bag.  I could hang with Sunny because she runs in and hugs Jeff.  LOL!
Chrissy's husband Keith
Ben's wife who looks to be about 18 and the mother of his 5 and 3 year old
Devon's mom Sonja.  

It's possibly the shortest challenge ever and totally not worth the flight to Fiji.  The each get a bag with a black and a white marble and they pick together.  If they match, they're in.  If not?  OUT.  

In the first round only Ben and Chrissy have matches.  Round 2?  Only Chrissy and her husband match so, sorry charlie you are shit out of luck.  Too bad you were a fuckwit to Chrissy earlier because she probably would have chosen you to join her in a BBQ back at the camp with your loved one.  As it is, she picks Ryan, Mike and Ashley to eat and visit with their loved ones.  Ben, Devon and Laura?  GOT NOTHING FOR YA.

Chrissy decides Ashley might be the easier to break her alliance so they all sit down and talk with her and offer her help in getting rid of her competition in finale, Ben.  

Back at camp, Ben decides to make a fake idol.  He tells Devon about the fake one and they all go off to look for a real one since they think there is a replacement to the one Ryan played somewhere.  Ben tells Lauren about the fake idol.  She's disgusted that he has a personal grudge against Chrissy and he wants her to find it and embarrass herself by playing it at tribal.  "Ben makes it personal and that's wrong".  
Lauren find the idol, but it's only half of an idol.  The other half is a shell that will be at the next immunity challenge and she has to pick it up.  

Immunity Challenge:  They have to stand with arms outstretched holding 2 disks onto a frame,  It looks tough and people start dropping right away.  In the middle, Lauren drops to pick up the shell that's under her feet basically.  Seriously, after they are out, for the first time ever, they don't go to a bench but sit on their perches.  Makes it totally stupid to make a big deal out of her having to pick up the other half of the idol.  Like, hmmm, I'm sitting here and everyone else is staring straight ahead of me, and how unreasonable would it be for me to just pick up a shell and play with it?  C'mon Probst, you can do better.  

It comes down to Devon and Ashley and Devon asks if she wants to just quit.  He agrees to quit for a back rub.  Ashley wins immunity. 

They basically have to decide if it's Mike, Chrissy or Ryan.  OR DO THEY???  Ashley decides she needs a resume builder, a big move!  I hate this whole resume builder bullshit.  Ashley thinks she needs to take out Ben for her resume to be complete.  

Devon wants Chrissy to go.  Devon, Ashley and Lauren are discussing Ben vs Chrissy at the waterhole when Ben walks up. They all stop talking and act totally weird.  Ben talks to Mike and says those 3 are too tight, he needs to make...wait for it... a BIG MOVE.  Ben tells Mike that Lauren has both and extra vote AND and idol.  They decide to vote for her to flush out the idols.  Mike remarks, "All of a sudden, I feel like I'm back on top. So, never underestimate Dr. Mike."  Ben also talks to Ryan and he agrees to vote for Lauren.  

Chrissy talks to Devon.  Ben sees her and asks her what they were talking about and she says "why should I tell you??"   Ben takes a walk with Chrissy and apologizes to her and says he wants to work with her and that he is voting for Lauren.  He also tells her about Lauren's extra vote and her idol and she tells him she'll think about it.  

Chrissy talks to Mike and tells him she still doesn't trust Ben.  He says, "i know you are mad at him but this would be a huge move".  Chrissy really wants Ben gone so Mike needs a plan B.  Mike goes to talk to Devon and Ashley and asks them whey they didn't tell him about Lauren's not very secret advantage or her idol?  Devon runs off to Lauren and tells her Ben is trying to blindside her so in order to reel Mike back in she shares half of the idol with him, since she can't play only half.  Mike thinks this is possibly one of the stupidest moves on Survivor history and asks if the Survivor Gods will make her pay for it.  

Jeff asks Devon about throwing the challenge for a massage and he is very defensive, saying he did it to show his loyalty to Ashley and Lauren.  
Ben is like, OH REEEEAAAAALLLY.  I notice you didn't mention my name there smiley boy
Ashley says the pressure is getting to some people and now people at the bottom are safe and people at the top should be worrie
Ben is like, ya mean me?
Lauren asks him what kind of game move it was to tell people about his idol? 
Ben says it was part of his game play
Lauren:  we got some game for you dude.
Ashley says he is messing up his own game
Ben asks, oh like the game you were playing at the well??
Lauren says he's paranoid
Ben says, Oh I'm not paranoid, I'm just gunning for you
Lauren suggests he better have enough ammunition
Chrissy announces that Lauren is a target because has a special advantage
Lauren says she ripped it up.  Yea, yea, that's what happened.  Then she says it's back at camp and she "can't use it if she don't have it".
Jeff is amazed that everyone knows every idol and advantage and Mike says he has half of her idol
Lauren says that Ben made a fake idol.
Ben pulls it out and puts it on saying "I didn't want to use it as a personal attack on my good friend Chrissy
Mike stands up and says he always wanted to do this, and then throws his half of the idol in the fire so it can't be played.  He then of course looks to Jeff for approval
Jeff asks, "so no one likes idols?"
Mike points out that they are a blessing and a curse, to which Ryan says they are a curse IF people know about them
Lauren says that the advantage isn't being played and tells Ryan he can have it.
Ben says, how about we just send Lauren home?
Devon says that Ben is more dangerous

And then again, multiple conversations break out, people get up and start talking to Ryan and Mike. Devon and Ashley come over and work on them.
Ben says, Jeff they are deciding on me of Lauren but I'll just announce that I'm voting for Lauren.
Devon says, LET'S VOTE.

They vote and Jeff can read the votes, Ben says, Um, hey Jeff?  I made that fake idol for my wife.  I'm playing this one!!

Ben gets 6 votes, none count.
Lauren goes to the jury with only Ben's vote!!!  

Awesome Tribal!!!  Nancy, can you share the payment info again?

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