Tuesday, April 17, 2018

So basically this week was all about who is the alpha male.  Chris vs Dom.  All day, all night, every minute of the episode is just one giant pissing testosterone all over the island thing.  Oh, and talking about pissing testosterone all over the place let me give a personal shout out to my dog, who is a NEW CHAMPION, Ch. Blacfriar's Casey Jones!!!  Yes, I am now that kind of a mom.  hahaha.  

This week was also about how many platitudes we can say in one hour.  I am getting out my bell and ringing it every time someone uses a phrase that has been scripted for them.  Because this week starts out with DROP YOUR BUFFS WE ARE MERGED!


Personally I am so freaking glad it's an individual game because I no longer have to keep track of who was Navidi and who was Malowlow.  We are now all Lavita, which isn't a brand name of an erection medication but should be a drug for low T.  

So it's lunch and new black buffs.  Dom gives a speech and my toes curled.  All about treasuring new relationships and renewing old ones.  Barf. 

 Chris gives a rap and I give no crap.  bom chuka bom bom.

Dom is totally annoyed at the rap.  Later Chris finds a clue in his buff that asks if he wants to RISK taking a boat to Ghost Island at night in order to get an idol.  Hell to the yes, yo.  He's a risk taka, y'allls. And the whitest person ever on Survivor.  

Dom and Wendell and a few others talk about whether or not to start out Navidi strong.  Most everyone wants just one night with a reprieve from blindsides and they just want to get rid of a Malowlow.  Dom isn't sure because of Chris.  Wendell tries to be a peace broker and brings Dom and Chris together.  Dom does an apology for that first day when he insinuated Chris had made a bad choice and asks if they can work together.  Chris is all asshole, "I haven't made up my mind...can't say yes right now".  Then a conga line of everyone else goes by with a bottle of something and Chris jumps up and is all "YO, can I get me some of dat??"  

Chris tells the camera that he's too suaveeeeey to fall for that.  

Dom and Wendell decide the gloves are off now.  

That night Chris sneaks off to Ghost Island saying he's "pretty clutch actually".  Which I think does not mean he's a purse without a handle.  He gets the idol that JT left at camp during a tribal when he felt safe and was blindsided.  The idol is now good for only the next vote but Chris can play the game and chose between bamboo tube pairs, 5 pairs with one half of the pair extending the idol one more tribal, or the other side costing him his vote at the next tribal.  Chris goes for it and extends the idol to another "week" but loses his vote at the next one.  He "def isn't gonna be THAT GUY who goes home with an idol in his pocket".  

The next morning Dom comments that Chris is cranky and tired and issuing orders at people.  Dom says "that SOB wants me gone".  And is it me or is there more cursing this season?  Survivor used to be more of a family show....

Chris tells people that Dom has an idol and they need to extinguish it.  Everyone is kind of amused because most of them know the idol Dom showed Chris is a fake.  Desiree says some thing about the only way to get him to use it is to blindside and Chris is all defensive since he never got the chance.  He says Dom is a LOSER, IDIOT, JOKE.....

Meanwhile Dom talks to the blonde girls I can still not keep straight-Jenna and Libby.  In actuality they are team Chris, thinking that although Chris is a target, he isn't a liar like Dom.  They're all pleased because "we have the control and the power now".  

Immunity Challenge

Stand on a bean while balancing a statue on a long pole.  Kellyn wins immunity.  She is pleased although "lines are truly being drawn in the sand tonight"

Chris goes to the water well with everyone but Dom and Wendell and talks about getting Dom and Wendell out.  Because of the idol he things they should split the vote.  Someone says that Dom and Wendell want Libby gone.  I can't figure out anyone at the water well because basically no one argues with Chris, who states "how is that not a great deal for everyone!!"

Dom and Wendell realize everyone but them have left camp.  Dom decides Chris has to go because of his out of hand ego.  He tells Wendell, "let's put together the numbers".  Wendell tells Dom he has an idol and offers it to Dom, who has, what, 3 other ones himself?  Dom is all, "I don't need to see it".  

Dom starts telling people to vote for Chris.  I'm a little concerned because he has no tact about who he is telling.  Donathan tells him NOT to tell Jenna and LIbby.  Wendell talks smack to Sebastian, telling him they know they are splitting the votes.  He tells him, and Jenna/Libby that it's time to chose as a side.  

The girls (Kellyn, Chelsea, Desiree and Angela talks about how the boys are going at each other and have lost sight of what is going on.  Desiree wants her pick, Libby, to go home and she tells the girls to vote for Libby.  

Chris says he's not sure if he needs to use his idol but there is BLOOD IN THE WATER (DING) and time to GO FOR THE KILL (DING DING).

Chris says the game  has fully kicked in and he feels MORE ALIVE THAN EVER
Donathan is happy to have met everyone and says there are so many different connections happening
Jeff asks Sebastian (who has stayed out of the testosterone spraying) if his gut is telling him what to do and Seb says TOTS, MAN!!  He also says something, something DOUCHE, something something.  
Dom says he is re-assessing all the time and then proceeds to tell his version of the day one Chris story again.  He says Chris engages in interrogation not conversation, then he mentions finding and idol
Chris is all, oh how convenient he just found an idol.  Yes, asshole, because he LOOKED FOR ONE.
Dom pulls out the fake idol and puts it on.  He tells him he showed him the idol and couldn't get his love so now it's a SHOWDOWN
Chris says he showed him the idol but then goes into the ancient Angela vote history again.
Wendell reminds him that he jumped on Malowlow and blamed them for it when it was his own tribe
Chris says his gut says he can't trust Dom so he's totally cool with a SHOWDOWN

Angela says there were conversations that Dom and Wendell weren't privy too and that she thinks there are several plans going on.  She's just rolling with the majority.
Chris says there were talks and he was the leader
Jeff asks Dom if he is afraid everyone is against him and Wendell. Yep.

Libby mutters something about the STAKES, how there are 13 of them now, and bonds, alliances, trust but THE STAKES ARE HIGH (DING)
Kellyn says that the first merge tribal is always cuuuurrrrraaaaaaazzzzyyyy and she's glad she is safe.
Chris says you never know but he has developed trust, key alliances and he has GUT INSTINCTS.

Time to vote.  Anyone have an idol??  Dom gets up and says, not this one..... but he pulls out the legacy immunity and uses if for himself.

Libby gets 2 votes from Desiree and Angie, and Chris leaves with that unused idol in his pocket with all remaining votes.  Wendell say YOU'RE TRASH.  PUT THE MIC DOWN, BRO, USE AN ERASER.

Chris becomes the first member of the jury and please enjoy his shitty rap:

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