Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Here's the thing.  I could pretend I just noticed last week's update ended up in my unsent folder but that would be a dick move that someone like, say BRADLEY would make.  So let's not be Bradley's.  I never did my update last week!  And boy did I love having those extra 4 hours to myself!  Unfortunately last week was a tad bit important in the scheme of things so let's blow through it quickly and move on to this week.

First of all, DROP YER BUFFS.  And, like every season before it my husband turned to me and said, "do you think they plan when this is gonna happen or does it depend on the story line"?  Dunno honey.  But we are going from 2 tribes now to 3 with the new one a start up with no shelter.  I'm getting confused with which was the first, second or third iteration of these tribes so hang on. I'm using the original tribe colors.  

The new Orange is:  


New purple is:

New green is:         

Here's the fast summary.  Orange once again goes to Tribal, it's totally predictable and James goes home crushing my Pool dreams.
OK, now on to this week.
And, my formatting is messed up but I have shit to do today and don't have time to fix it.  
James went home and MIchael is all worried.  Decides he needs an idol, and the producers decide he needs an idol so HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE THE ODDS, he finds an idol.  Everyone was all, "oh he's prolly just looking for an idol".  Desiree says he's paranoid because he's easy pickins.  Michael finds the fake idol Ozzy made that someone gave to save someone else and they all ended up going home one after another so, wow, let's concoct a gay story about this fake stick having bad powers.  And let's be even gayer and say that little stick lived on Ghost Island for years and finally matured into a real idol.  Wow, it's like the freakin Island of misfit toys, although without Rudolf or toys.  
Challenge.  I think it's a repeat. The 3 teams are like spokes in a wheel but with ropes and they have to balance a platform in the middle with the ropes, while one at a time someone walks into the middle and balances another block until the blocks spell REWARD.  Wanna know?  Winning team gets a full on BBQ.  Second place gets just the chicken Kabobs that are sitting out in the sun for a while.  Final team gets nothing.  Someone goes to Ghost to watch over the baby sticks.
Purple and Green drop midway through and have to go back.  Orange is completely slow doing it.  Purple and green rebuild while green is still soooo slow. Then orange drops.  It's between purple and green and donathan has the last block.....Bradley is riding his ass about it.  Purple wins the full on BBQ while Green gets the salmonella.  Orange gets nothing.  
Oh, for Ghost Island they decide that the mystery needs to stay a mystery so they send Kellyn back for her second visit.  She breaks the urn, GAME ON.  She has basically a 2/3 open the bamboo odds that she risks by the 1/3 chance of losing her vote.  She has to dick around deciding and goes ahead and gets another vote. 
Back on purple Donathan and everyone are all excited they won and are talking about how they did it and how great and Bradley has a cob up his ASS ordering our little Donathan around and making people shut up and get his grub on.  Domenick says it's amazing how unaware Bradley is that he's a nasty SOB.  Donathan knows with 3 Navidi and only 2 Malolo "me and hers on the bottom" so he does his share of stoking the Brad is a dick fire. Dom is conflicted about getting rid of the SOB or keeping the numbers up for Navidi come merge.  But does he want to take that asshat into the merge?
The green tribe are eating their chicken and Chris is all happy because someone as big and lovely as him needs more food.  It's Wendell's girlfriend's birthday so they all sing happy birthday to Nicole.  Wendell is a bit sad but decides to channel his sadness into looking for an idol while everyone takes a nap and lets the salmonella perculate.  GUESS THE FUCK WHAT???  Wendell finds a "landmark tree" and scratches around it, finds a clue with a map to AN EVEN MORE LANDMARK tree where he finds an idol.  WHAT THE HELL ARE THE ODDS???  It's the big old immunity necklace Erik gave to Natalie and then was voted off like a dumbass.  This giant necklace also went to Ghost Island to marinate in those special magical idol growing powers and is now a full grown idol!  It's also one that ain't gonna be easy to hide in your pants!
Orange is starving.  Desiree is complaining as usual, and she gets Michael to help her burn the bad juju out of the Malolo flag.  
Immunity Challenge:  It's a jump in the water, swim 20 feet to a platform, climb up, jump off, get 2 sets of rings and then play with floating ring toss.  Jeff asks Orange if they are feeling more confident and they tell him they burned the flag.  I'm sure there is something in their contracts that says they aren't allowed to damage any of the set pieces because they have to go back to Ghost Island and become new things for next season.  
Green comes in first, and it's between Donathan and Michael, with Michael winning finally for Orange and Naviti going to tribal.
Basically it's 15 minutes of "do we get rid of Bradley or Libby??"  
Dom is asked if there is still a Naviti vs Malolo split and he agrees that there is but to a lesser extent lately
Bradley, who no one is really sitting next to, says that you wouldn't notice that there was a divide because they are getting along SWIMMINGLY
Donathan says they are not really one big happy family and throws out there the Naviti ugly history of Dom getting hosed by the ousting of Morgan
Dom says that it still stings.
Libby explains her role in it saying she was loyal to I can't even remember who Dom wanted, which is why she voted Morgan instead
Bradley says that he could give Libby a counter point about what happened but then notes he wasn't there and is only talking out of his ass
Jeff stirs the pot by saying how intriguing it is that he has an opinion when he wasn't even there
Bradley says he could argue about the color of the sky, and that it's not really arguing just having a discussion and he wouldn't just be argumentative to be a dick because c'mon, I hate dicks like that.  He basically says he just likes to bring up dick points.
Dom says something about times when you think of a point but it's actually better to SHUT THE HELL UP
Chelsea says camp behavior is an important component of tribal votes and you need to be aware
Dom reiterates his vote is composed or trust, compatibility, and the relationships people may or may not have made with the other tribe. And then he looks at Chelsea and then at Bradley all dramatically
Vote: Libby 1, Blindsided Bradley all the rest.  
Told ya.  You do not want to be a dick like Bradley.  

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