Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Survivor: What a Tribal!!

Hello and welcome to the recap of this week's outrageous episode!  I am really liking this season, as the people seem different in some way.  More 3 dimensional and mostly likable.  With the exception of Angelina that is.  Whoooboy what an obnoxious woman! I can only imagine that her co workers at whatever financial company she is consulting at are overjoyed at her taking a month off.  

We start off this week with her realizing that she got caught lying to everyone.  So she runs around lying some more. giving all kinds of new explanations for telling Elizabeth that she was going home.  People are like, OK.  Alec thinks she is a slimeball, Alison isn't buying it and even DAN says that if she's not willing to own what she did he can't trust her.  

Mike thinks Angelina is "defanged".  I doubt that.  Mike talks to Christian about their 6 strong alliance - "strike force" but questions why Gabby is acting like she;s not fully on board at tribal-especially the last one.  Mike is getting on my nerves a bit already.  He's a complainer and a second guesser.  

Davie and Nick to out looking for an idol.  They find a clue with the picture from the merge feast of a tree on a cliff in the wind.  They decide to look for such a tree.  They see the tree but everyone is lounging on the beach so Davie distracts them all while Nick finds the advantage-it's a steal a vote.  Davie tells Nick about Carl's vote nullifier advantage.  "Now we here, baby!!"

Reward Challenge:  I think this is the first of these?  They are divided into 2 teams standing under a trough of water, with sandbags tied to their wrists.  They have to hold the sandbags up although they can change them around between them.  Periodically one person gets to leave but the others have to carry the weight.  Wanna know?  12 pizzas for 6 people.  

Gabby picks: Christian, Alison, John, Alec and Nick for her team.  Mike picks Carl, Davie, Dan, Angelina and Kara.  Ultimately Dan drops his sandbags and Gabby's team wins reward.  Angelina blames Dan for the loss and says she "can't wait for it all to catch up with him".

The pizzas, breadsticks and soda arrive and the winners take their feast away from the rest of the group.  Mike is all "oh, I'm not here for the rewards I just want the million $$" bitter.  He is beginning to second guess the strike force, saying "if I go with the Goliaths I might get screwed by the Davids".  Mike talks to Alec-has decided that Christian is the riskiest.  Says he's the true player that could win.  Alec hears his point but Alec has something against staying with the Goliaths.  

Mike decides to stick with his original Goliath alliance and is lobbying for Christian to go.  Which makes Angelina furious, because when she suggested that last week no one wanted to do it.  She feels like now that a man has suggested it everyone suddenly likes the idea.  They decide to go for Christian but tell everyone that the vote is for Angelina.  Ang is mad about being the decoy in case something goes wrong and she gets accidentally voted off.  

Immunity Challenge
Balance a buoy thing (it's a ball with 2 sticks) while standing on a balance beam.  It goes pretty fast and comes down to Dan vs Angelina.  Dan wins immunity and I hope Angelina goes to Ponderosa.  

Mike is set on blindsiding Christian.  Dan tells everyone that it's Christian.  #brochacho blindside

Angelina is still seething about being the decoy, going on and on about it.  Dan promises her his idol if it comes down to it.  

Dan tells Nick that it's Christian because he doesn’t't want him surprised.  Nick wants to know what happened.  He turns around and tells Christian that they're lying to him.  Christian thinks that he is screwed. Nick asks him to not do anything and trust him.  

Nick approaches Davie and asks him if he would save Christian.  Davie isn't 100% sure he wants to use his steal a vote.  He wants to stay under the radar a little longer.

Angelina tells Jeff that she wanted everyone to know what really happened last time and to forgive her
Nick points out that the Goliaths don't even care what she does as long as they keep the numbers
Mike says that the Davids really are involved, and were last week as well.
Davie says he hopes that they still do have input
Carl says that's bullshit, they have the #'s and don't care about the Davids
John says something about "you get what you give", implying that the David's are responsible for their position in the game
Nick points out to him that you don't gain trust just by telling people how to vote
John says he is interested in voting out threats
Christian says he's worried.  Says he put a target on his head from the first day when he was trying to show that the David's were strong.  He points out that he has also built brochacho relationships.  
Angelina says pointing that out is stupid because it shows that he is an EVEN BIGGER THREAT.  She points out that last week was the last time they were all mellow.  Tonight there will be happy and unhappy people

The vote.  

Anyone have an idol??  Davie gets up and plays his for Christian
Angelina almost has a fit telling Dan he has to play his for her.  He plays his and she yells out DID YOU SAY FOR ME?????  Yes. 

The vote is 7 Christian-doesn't' count, 2 for Angelina, which sadly don't count and out of NOWHERE, 2 for John who gets to go to the Gym on Ponderosa.

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