Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Giant Survivor Recap

Good afternoon and welcome to this week's update, which will also include the night before Thanksgiving AMAZING TRIBAL.  Sorry there was no update last week, please forward your complaints on to Verizon, who left me without cable for 7 days!!  Thank GOD there are no sports fans in this house!!

So the week before last included one of the most amazing tribal councils ever.  Feeling this was their last chance to keep the game from become a Goliath romp, the David's pooled all of their ammunition.  First, Davie played his "steal a vote" and took Alison's vote (ignoring correctly her promises to join the Davids).  After the vote Dan, who was the target played his idol.  Upon opening the basket, Jeff revealed that the new MOST POWERFUL tool ever, the idol nullificator, had been played and Dan's idol no longer had any power.  Dan's face when he was voted out was priceless!!!

So now we have 10 people left with a 5-5 split and the first equal chance the David's have had in a long time.  Carl says they are "masterminds" that will make Survivor history, and their goal now is to bury the Goliaths.  

Ang is all WTF happened?  She believes she was stabbed in the back by her own alliance-says she can be much more vicious than she's been to date.  

It's early morning and the scrappy Davids are all up looking for a new replacement idol or advantage.  He and Davie decide to look at the other side of the beach where so far nothing has been found.  They of course find all the signs and the rock path the producers left leading them RIGHT TO A CLUE.  The clue tells them they have to be daring, sneaking out of camp and going to the farthest point to find the idol hopefully without being noticed missing.  

Reward Challenge:  2 teams, rope bridge and then basically throwing giant rolling pins on a giant ladder.  Wanna know??  A picnic with wraps, salads and alcohol.  Yay for alcohol!  Team 1 (purple): Ang, Nick, Carl, Kara and Davie.  Team 2 (orange): Alec, Alison, Gabby, Mike and Christian.  Alec is a crazy challenge winner and the orange team comes from behind to win.  

At the reward, Alec says he was the star.  He thinks that this is his opportunity to get back into Gabby and Christian's good graces.  He claims he wasn't part of Goliath the last vote and basically says he's putting on the waiter charm in order to get a big tip from G and C.  Alison also tries to suck up saying she is NOW totally committed to working with them.  Gabby thinks she has more options now on who to work with.  

On the reward, they get their letters from home and it's all determination and tears now.  Christian says he is now a force and needs to make hard decisions.  I'm so totally into Christian-he's such a strange dude but in a hot way.  Is it just me ladies??

On the beach Carl is frustrated, having never gotten a reward challenge.  No food is no food.  Carl tells the losers that Alec is a challenge beast and asks if anyone knows if he has an idol.  Kara is like, really??  In front of me he is asking over confidently about my alliance member??  

Returning to camp, both Alec and Alison barf up the excess food they stuffed down their gullets.  Nick just needs them to go to bed so he can get the idol.  

Later in the night Nick takes off and Davie tries to cover for him.  Alison is still up but is too busy throwing up the Chicken Caesar wrap made with that bad romaine we keep hearing about.  Nick walks into the light, literally, and finds the idol.  "People are going to find out that I'm strong soon".  

Immunity Challenge.   Although today would have been a good day for the disgusting food, instead it's a balance thing, the twist being you have to hold onto a handle behind your head.  Jeff: "if you feel secure you can opt out and feast on nachos and beer.  Ang, Carl and Nick opt out.  

Ang and Carl clink beer bottles and toast to the future and Alec losing.  

After 2 hours it's Christian, Gabby and Alec.  Alec is telling them he is going to win no matter what.  Gabby is upset because she thinks this is the only challenge she has a shot at winning but he gets into her head and she drops out.  So it comes down to Christian and Alec.  Alec keeps up telling Christian that no matter how long it takes, he's not going to win.  After 3 hours Christian asks Jeff if he can tell a story and then continues to talk science and god knows what all for about 2 more hours.  He's funny as hell saying when is he ever again going to get the chance to say, "Jeff, by the way...".  It's really brilliant because it keeps his mind occupied and drives Alec nuts.  Christian tells Alec that he's safe but Christian isn't.  He also tells Alec that he may never again get the chance to win immunity again.  Alec appears to get dizzy and drops leaving Christian to win immunity!!  Tribal isn't for a day and a half which is a long time for plans to go awry.  

Alec thinks that he lost mentally.  Says he couldn't handle it.  "People see me as too much of a threat".  

Carl wants Alec gone.  He's too much of a challenge beast.  Gabby, who is waaaaay too "sensitive" thinks Carl is being too controlling.  Calls him the godfather.  She is infuriated that he told Kara their desire to get rid of Alec.  

Christian and Gabby have yet another therapy session.  Gabby wants to know why Kara had to know about the last tribal when she didn't know.  She feels like her not knowing made her look stupid.  Christian tells her that she's being too emotional, tries to calm her down.  Christian thinks Carl and Gabby are on a collision course.  

Alec talks with Alison and they think Carl is blinded by power and driving things.  He tells Nick and Kara that they should get rid of Carl.  He tells Christian.  Christian was thinking of getting rid of Alec but he wonders if having Alec still around takes the target off him.  Says he needs people to perceive other threats around.   

And first can I point out that Elizabeth actually looked BETTER before she got cleaned up for the jury???

Christian says it was very vulnerable of him to say that he could win that challenge.  He also talks about always having the memory of having Jeff as a captive audience. 
Alec says he also felt vulnerable but he got dizzy
Jeff asks Nick about sitting out and eating and he says in fact other people were saying they should have eaten as well.  
Carl points out that it was so far his only chance for food
Kara digs him that he apparently felt comfortable enough to sit out.
Christian says it's a calculated decision to make
Angelina says something about it being part of her calculation to sit out.
Alison says that she doesn't buy ANYTHING Ang says anymore.
Ang calls her a hypocrit and says all of this is about more than her eating nachos, and points out that last week's vote said a lot.  
Alison says that there are no blurring of lines between Davids and Goliaths-says "we all know Alec is going"
Alec points out that he may be a threat but he also may be a shield for some people.  
Christian says something about every strength can also become a weakness
Carl doesn't think they were $1 million nachos.  'I feel I made the right decision based upon my connections'.  

Time to vote.  Any idols?  Nope, for a change! Carl gets 1 vote and Alec is the next member of the jury.


We are now at 5 Davids and 4 Goliaths.  Nick (famous last words) "we have all of the power now".  

Alison cries about Alec going and Christian comforts her.  She tells him "I always wanted to work with you".  She says that she is now the biggest threat, wants to know if she missed her opportunity to work with Christian and Gabby.  

Reward Challenge- 2 teams, swim to a ladder, climb way up and jump off.  Dive down and get buoys and then sink baskets.  Christian sits out.  Wanna know?  A speed boat cruise and a chicken dinner.  Orange: Kara picks Carl, Davie and Mike.  Purple: Alison picks Nick, Gabby and Alison.  Orange wins reward and Jeff's personal speedboat picks them  up for reward. Carl starts drinking beer almost immediately.  

Kara says it's a great time to reconnect with Carl and Davie.  Mike says it's a good time to suck to the new kings.  Carl keeps sucking the beer down and declares that Alison has to go next.  Kara is pissed off that he thinks she would go along with that.   Davie is also drunk.  He says something about now being an athlete and proving his "black heart".  Carl says there are people remaining that are shady.  Says Alison is shade but I LOVE YOU GUYS!!  Kara says she is just a pawn in his game, and she knows where his head is now (up his ass IMO).

Back at camp Gabby is on another whine.  Carl is perceived as calling all the shots-we need to remove him AND get the credit.  Gabby tells Alison she wants to blindside Carl.  

Meanwhile Carl is still drunk, telling Davie, Ang and Nick that it's Alison next.  Ang is his new best friend.  She says it's those 4 and Christian will go along.  They decide to now tell Gabby-says that Ang has now replaced Gabby.  

Mike says that Carl is the godfather and he is OK with the blindside.  Alison is just "hey it's not  me so I'm cool".  

Carl tells Christian but says they're not telling Gabby.  Christian says he loves to defer to someone half sloshed.  He decides that's the final datapoint that Carl has to go.  Christian tells Mike he's ready to flip on Carl.  Mike feels like it's all a win win for him-either the godfather goes or wonder woman goes.  

In the morning Christian tells Gabby "now I'm telling you the real plan, wink wink".  Gabby is glad she is making a move- "do people think I'm stupid"?  No, Gabby, they think you are an emotional nut job with the constant tears.

Ang and Alison talks about the rice being depleted.  Ang says it's her chance to use her mad negotiation skills from her YALE MBA class with Jeff.  Seriously, I shudder to imaging what kind of assholes there are in the Yale MBA program.   Mike is aggravated that she has basically done an inventory of everything they have and is ready to sell it all for a bag of rice.  

Challenge: Over an obstacle, then the spinny post which makes me sick watching it, then cross a balance beam, followed by a word puzzle. 

Ang: Jeff the tribe is wondering if you are open to negotiating for rice?  Jeff: what's your offer?  
Ang: all of the fishing gear, all of the cook stuff, 2 chairs, the hanging seat, sex with all of the women remaining, the men will wash your car every week for life.... for a bag of rice?
Jeff:  Or, someone could give up a shot at immunity and I'll send rice rationed every day
Ang: I'll do it!!  He was probably going to offer that deal anyway but Ang thinks she just got a big item for her resume.  CAN I SAY HOW EFFING SICK I AM OF THIS WHOLE RESUME SHIT???

I totally was guessing Carl and Davie would stagger hungover through the challenge but I underestimated their capacity for drinking.  They all end up at the work puzzle which has 11 letters from the 13 they have.  Carl gets "perceptions" but that's not the right word.  However it is close enough that both Davie and Alison realize what the answer it.  Davie wins immunity seconds before Alison gets it.  

Ang thinks the rice negotiation was the best case scenario.  "I was able to close the deal with Jeff AND we can now take Alison out.  Ang is all "oh, it's ok, you all don't have to thank me for the rice.  

Carl says, "no discussion.  It's Alison.  We are using Mike and Ang for the vote".

Alison tells Kara that she knows it's her.  She says her game depends on Christian, Gabby, Kara and Mike.  "We need to keep Mike with us".

Mike: "I'm a brilliant director and actor.  It's easier for my game if Alison goes but Carl is totally annoying".

Christian says "Mike is an actor but I have to trust him".  Gabby: "If Carl goes home I'll be vindicated.  But if he doesn't. I'll be exposed."

Kara says although it appeared there was a shift last week with the unanimous vote, nothing is official until it's signed.
Alison says last week's vote was to prove alliance to the Davids
Ang says they are now giving each other permission to play hard without hurt feelings
Alison says it has been too calm at camp, which is discomforting
Carl says some arrogant shit like "if they want to come talk to me they can"
Gabby says conversations this week have been very deliberate.  You have to have confidence in your alliance
Mike says it's now not just as easy as picking off Goliaths
Ang says some bullshit about nervous energy and brings up her big rice deal ("nobody has ever done a deal this big in the history of this country"-where have I heard that recently??)
Davie says again that although there could be one plan there are 9 other personal plans going on

Vote...Idol? Nope
Alison 4....Carl 5 and there are a lot of very confused looks!!  

Jeff: "The lines have blurred".

And may we not have many more of these 2 hour episodes to cover!! Seriously is anyone still reading???

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