Thursday, October 18, 2007

Survivor China: Week 4

Man, is it me or is the censor going nuts this season? I wonder if, because they didn't get to chose their clothes, the show is being more careful with their modesty? Cause, they soft focused about 1 inch of Dave's butt crack last week, and I can see more than that walking down the street behind a dude with his pants hanging off his hips. Funny that butt crack is out of bounds, but you can show your entire breast as long as the nipple is covered. I've clearly given this a lot of thought, haven't I??

OK, how cool was the Jean-Robert/Courtney slap down? Like, that girl needs a little protein in her system to get over herself. JR told her not to touch the hot pot (maybe because he didn't want to see her holding her delicate little hands up in the air anymore) and she went nuts. I think I would have snapped her in half and thrown her on the fire as kindling. Can't BELIEVE she is still there and not in a ward with an IV in her arm.

Not to be outdone on irrational, we next get to see Sherea and Dave go at it over the moldy rice and throwing out some shells he wants for his mom. OK, that's kinda weird. Buy her a cheap painted porcelain kitty with a waving arm like everyone else does at the Beijing airport, Dave.

Up next, the continuation of our lesson in "what is China good for", we have a reward challenge with fireworks. I actually liked this challenge because it didn't involve swimming out somewhere and bringing something back from the lagoon like 99% of Survivor challenges do. This one looked kind of hard to do, carrying a flaming ball with large "chopsticks" into the "wok" to set off the "fireworks". WOW, 3 lessons in chinese culture in one challenge. Fei Long wins reward, which is chinese takeout delivered by a family. No labor laws in China, that's for sure!! Fei Long also gets to kidnap someone and they take Dave, of all people. Dave gets the "bamboo" (another chinese word!!) tube with the immunity idol clue and shares it with Todd.

Now, I'm sure Todd is a nice guy and all, but I just don't get what everyone sees in him. He seems like a little fairy to me but everyone seems to think he's so smart and trustworthy. Any comments??

Back at Zhan Hu, the losers have to actually get off their asses and do some work. Well, not all of them. Sherea takes it pretty easy. You'd think with all the work Dave did, the camp could go a day or two without a cleaning. Hell, my house is going on a couple months.

So, when the hell did Jean-Robert learn Mandarin Chinese to talk with the fisher-family? I almost dropped my drink when he came out with it. Like, "oh, yea, I learned a bit as a child and, like riding a bike, once you learn Chinese you never forget it." Um, isn't there like 10 bazillion characters in Chinese? I took Spanish for 5 years as a child and can't even remember the difference between an enchilada and a tamale. Not to be a bragger, but I still can ask where the library is.

OK, WHERE WAS PETA WHEN THIS EPISODE WAS AIRING??? Did they really tie strings around the birds necks so they couldn't swallow the fish? Holy crap. Notice they said the strings were loosely tied around their throats. Reeeaaaaallllyyyy. And, now, finally Denise says something ("a lunch cafeteria woman isn't much of an expert of food"), which reminds me I haven't gotten around to bagging on her. What's up with the mullet and the flash-dance outfit??

Immunity Challenge: Warrior's Duel. Possibly my favorite so far, mainly since the contestants HAD CLOTHES ON. Man, I am soooo tired of that bali support bra flapping in my face. But, were those ancient ming dynasty vases they were smashing?? I was impressed, Courtney managed to throw her rocks past her own shadow. Jaime kicked some serious butt (maybe she lived in China and played this in the schoolyard when SHE was a kid??)

Off to tribal council again for Zhan Hu. Lots of back and forth, but it just goes to show you that anal rigidity is worse than being a lazy bitch, as Dave goes back to bartending.

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