Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Survivor China: Week 6

Is it me or did they freakin blow the budget on the tribal council temple, and have to basically pry a piece of plywood off the wall, write on the back of it "this is the immunity idol" and re-glue it back on?? What the heck? How do you walk around camp and to/from tribal with a big hunk of wood in your pocket? Hey, is that an immunity idol in your pants or are you glad to see Jeff??

Todd and Amanda hatch a plan to win the reward challenge and get the next clue for the immunity idol, that basically no one knows exists. Which reminds me, where the heck has Amanda been all show? Talk about under the radar, that girl is basically non-existent. Todd, on the other hand, is the self-designated puppet-master of Survivor China. What a laugh. I know some people like Todd, but I just don't see it. He's a skinny little weasel who thinks he's smarter than he is. I laugh out loud every time they flash his name and "flight attendant" next to it, because you KNOW you would die of thirst on a flight while he flirted with the other male attendants back in the galley. You can just see him saying, "um, NOOOO, we don't have any pillows or blankets for the 7 hour red eye. I gave them all out to the hottie in first class who promised me front row tickets to the Vegas Barry Mannilow show. Plus, what do you expect for $900, comfort??"

Reward Challenge: tribe members will run through a Chinese house, pulling puzzle pieces off the wall, and using a giant cereal decoder ring, unveil a saying made famous by Confucius. To which, Courtney probably said, "is that the guy who produces Survivor that I slept with?". Wanna know what you're playing for? A shared bath, a snack and the opportunity to take a dump in a western toilet.

PG confronts Sherea, who I believe she hated when they were team-mates, and tells her "we threw the challenge for you and Frosti". Yea, thanks for that but I think I'll try to get along with this STRONG, WINNING tribe I'm now on. Zhan Hu, even with a crafty Asian, fails to decode the puzzle, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" and Fei Long wins, kidnapping James back into the fold, which was a GREAT choice, once he steps in the open shower and proceeds to wash his massive butt crack. Mmm Mmm Mmm, talk about winning a snack!

After the bath, Todd sashays up to James and offers to save his life if he shares his bamboo tube. WHOA, this is a family show, Todd!! James opens the tube up and finds out there is an immunity idol and decides to work with Todd the mastermind.

Back at the camp, Todd and Amanda oh-so-smoothly start ripping wood off the set, which immediately gets Frosti interested. Who would have thought Frosti likes to trash public property! Frosti climbs up and joins in the vandalism, knocking the cheap-ass wooden idol off in the dirt. Todd has a hissy fit, further giving it away. Todd and Amanda are forced to bring Frosti into the fold, but then they go around and basically tell everyone about the idol anyway.

There's got to be another Confucius saying about scheming, because it NEVER works right in this game. Fei Long sends James back to Zhan with the big ol' piece of wood under his jacket with a stupid plan to lose the challenge, pull out the idol and then get rid of Jaime.

Ok, now I have to admit I usually don't mind these food challenges but I can't even write the words "chicken fetus" without getting the dry heaves. The teams square off and eat bad Chinese food. Frosti vs PG in a chicken heart eating contest, winner Frosti. Next up Courtney and Jaime and eels. Both chomp them down but Jaime does it quicker. Anyone else notice Courtney's uncanny ability to regurgitate 2 eels as if she does it anorexically every day?? Amanda and Erik up with 3 baby turtles, which I think PETA will once again have a problem with. Erik wins, and Denise is up against James, which one would think would be a slam dunk win for Fei Long. I'll skip how this went down, or didn't as the case may be. Final two-Frosti and Erik chow down on the famous thousand year egg, and Zhan Hu wins immunity.

Back at the camp, the decision is made to get rid of Sherea. Courtney goes on her never-ending tirade about Jean-Robert, and of course everyone ignores her. I'm still thinking you will one day see Courtney and Jean-Robert in a tryst, but for now she's still keeping up the "i hate him 'cause he hates me" front. At tribal council, Sherea tells JR that everyone hates him. Wow, that must hurt. But, in the end, Sherea becomes the 6th person voted off.

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