Sunday, January 6, 2008

Amazing Race: The Lost Updates

Ok, I really don't even have an excuse other than complete laziness for missing 2 weeks of updates. The first week, my team bit the dust and I only watched the last 10 minutes. Needless to say, I couldn't stand to go back and watch how it unfolded.

In episode 7, teams traveled from Croatia to Italy. Lots of bus drama, all end up on the same ferry boat. Once in Italy, they have to drive some where in italy (can't read my drunken writing), and are given a blackberry which will ring at some point in the drive with a message from home. DIRE WARNING: don't try to use the bberry for any other reason. Nobody does.

At some point in the drive, Rachel realizes she forgot the clue at a coffee shop. They rip the car apart and no clue, so they have to drive back to the shop and the customers have their clue.

On the drive, which the 5 teams chose to take different directions, one of the main routes is closed due to an accident I think. Nick and Donald chose to wait it out, while the others go a different route. Those that go through Rome get to their destination first.

Teams are confronted with a Roadblock and a Fast Forward. In the roadblock, one person goes up in a glider and finds the next destination, Vinci. Nate and TK go up first. Nate finds the clue, TK doesn't and has to come back and start over. Christina shows up and she and TK go up again. Christina gets it, TK doesn't.

Nick and Donald chose the fast forward, and go to Fabio Studio. Now, I don't think this is the real Fabio from the cover of trashy novels, since I don't think he's ever gotten out on New Jersey. Anywhoo, it get the fast forward, both Nick and Donald have to get Ff tattoos. Man, I would have SOOOO gotten that tattoo, and I may still go get one. How friggin cool. Plus, what are the odds you would be on the race, and have to get a tattoo in a place OTHER than India, germ and parasite capital of the world. Donald, of all people, hems and haws but gives in and gets the tat. They are given the fast forward and go to the next pitt stop in Florence, where in addition to first place they win a 5 night trip to Cancun. Dude, with those tats, they should go during Spring Break and hook up.

Kynt and Vyxin, who got all lost looking for a Sephora, finally show up and Vyxin and TK go up. Vyxin gets the clue, TK finally gets it last.

Once in Vinci, the teams chose to test their skills as geeky band color guards (no offense John) or inventors. Everyone who does the gay flags gets it. Vyxin and Kynt chose invention and it doesn't work out for them. They are last to arrive at the pitt stop, and I am FRIGGIN PISSED to announce that rather than MY team, these two freaks get the only non-elimination leg of the race. They get to keep their clothes (shades of the mom in her big underwear still haunt me) but are warned of a "speed bump" in the next round.

Stay tuned!

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