Monday, January 7, 2008

Amazing Race Week 8

OK, when we left off, Kynt and Vyxin had been saved by the mysterious "Speed Bump". Unlike other years, they don't have to come in first to stay in the race.

Teams have to fly from Florence to Mombai, India. What interests me is that when the teams open their envelopes and see India, nobody says, "oh f*&^k." While still in Florence, Ronald gives a lovely speech on how he is hoping the city of Florence, famous for the renaissance, will cause a renaissance in him and make him a better father to his daughter. Yea....

Lots of airport drama. Newly tattooed Nick and Donald, who I hope cover those raw tats in India, get up and book tickets, and then return to sleep. Most of the other teams book and then go camp outside the airport. All rush in trying to get on a 6:30 am flight through Paris. Nick and Donald, Ronald and Christina and Nate and Jenn get on this flight.

For some reason, the Goths screw around and end up on a 6:50 flight through Amsterdam, mostly because they like the red light district. TK and Rachel happily book a much later flight that goes through Frankfurt and arrives 2 hours after the first 2.

As luck would have it, the first flight is delayed and the Goths get to India first, immediately followed by the other 3 teams. TK and Rachel stroll in hours later. All are instructed to go to Mr. Naik's News stand and look for an ad in the India Times. Mr. Naik apparently sleeps in until 6am and all teams are once again caught up. Anyone catch Ronald sleeping wearing a surgical mask?? He's crazy but I'm right with him.

Once they get the paper, all teams look through to find an ad telling them to take a rickshaw to a tailor shop. Like, what do Indian men have altered?? Nate and Jenn, who started this leg talking about their love for each other and how they were also turning over a new leaf, bicker and fight until everyone else finds the ad first. They're so annoying even a little dog starts bitting Jenn. Apparently cows have been replaced by dogs as the sacred animals.

Once at the tailor shop, it's a Detour: Paste or Thread. Teams have to either Paste a bollywood poster onto a wall or thread 108 carnations to make a lei for an Indian bridegroom. Also, the dreaded Speed Bump appears. The goths have to perform this task before continuing, although fortunately for them it's a task of performing yoga which they complete relatively easily. Kynt tries to prove he's not gay by talking about how hot Vyxin is doing yoga. uhuh.

Choosing to paste, Ronald begins to berate and abuse his daughter. This guy is a friggin piece of work. He starts the 6 page poster way to high, and then can't reach it to properly align it. Christina tries to help him by giving him a wooden box to stand on but this breaks. A-hole goes on about how cheap she is with the glue, how she's giving him a headache etc etc. Lots of reasons why it's not his fault. Karen-what's your diagnosis again?? Being the abused daughter she is, she continues to apologize. Nick and Don show up while they are arguing, and proceed to hang the poster and get the next clue. Ronald and Christina ask the judge if they are done, and he says NO. Ronald then berates the judge like a total idiot, and abused daughter proceeds to take it all down and rehang it herself.

Choosing to thread the carnations, TK and Rachel calmly do the task and finish. Nate and Jenn bitch and complain the entire time. The goths finish their workout and join them at the flowers. Nate and Jenn miraculously manage to finish barely ahead of the goths.

After the detour, the racers go to a traffic island for their next clue, and also find a U-turn, which means they can send a team back to do the other task in the detour. Nick and Don chose not to use the U-turn, as does TK and Rachel, and Ron and Christina. The next clue sends them to the cultural landmark in India called the Propane Gas depot for a Roadblock. One member has to deliver 3 tanks of propane to 2 apartments. Apparently they all use Weber gas BBQ grills inside in India. Nice and safe. Nick, TK and Ron (watch your hernia!) all deliver their tanks and return to get their final clue to go to the Pitt Stop at Bandra Fort.

It's all down to a race between the Goths and the Arguers. Goths get to the U-turn first and for some ridiculous reason chose to U-turn Nick and Donald since "they are usually slow". Um, dudes, they've been kicking your ass for weeks. Kynt and Jenn do the task. Kynt can't figure out how to use the breaks on the bike. At one point Kynt holds the elevator and Jenn freaks out, but Jenn beats Kynt to the finish. Kynt got the wrong receipts and has to go back. Jenn and Nate ask for directions and get sent on a wild goose chase, with Jenn YELLING in the streets.

Lots of drama and some smeared eye makeup, but Nate and Jenn manage to step on the mat first.

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