Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Survivor: All Blue All the Time!!

So have y'all noticed Jeff ONLY wears blue this season? Light blue, medium and the most famous, dark blue. Dude is totally obsessed with me, I tell you.

Marty has no friends, no idol and the vultures are circling (literally). "Something's gotta change or I'm gone..."

Fabio finds tree mail-pack up all your stuff and follow the map. MERGE!!! Espada gets the trunk. Knives are already out, baby. Benry: Alina's time is up. Alina wants a major blindsiding of Marty-who's with me? Crickets...

Merge. Inside the trunk is food, new red buffs and booze. Let the fake love fest begin! NaO and Brenda take a walk and unload on each other.
Alina's a total bitch". "Sash has the idol".

New tribe is called Libertad. Hey y'all. What would you name your merged tribe? Hmmmmm. I'd go with Stinksalot. So, in fact, I refuse to call them anything BUT Stinksalot.

Hey, on another aside, McRib is back!! Yes, I do sometimes even make notes about the commercials.

Chase and Jane twang and click. They live in the same holler apparently. Seriously I am waiting for the announcement that Jane has been arrested as the major moonshine and drug seller in the region.

And, the moment we've all been waiting for!!
NaOHHELLSHEISCRAZYASS is making tortillas, and everyone is eating them, cause that's the whole point of making food for people. But I digress. She doesn't get many tortillas and flips OUT. She steals the flour and buries it and them goes back for the pots and pans too. LOL. Holly, of the expensive shoe incident, notices her go.

Alina and NaO are sitting talking on the beach and NaO tells Alina that the tribe is gunning for her. Alina goes all apeshit, well as apeshit as a white girl can get. NaO gives her an orange to calm down and tells her about the stuff she stole.

Meanwhile back at camp, "Where is all of our SHIT?? Holly confronts NaO: "Did you put the flour back after you put it in your bag and walked off" "What you talking 'bout BIATCH" NaO has a fight with Fabio, still denying it all and Alina keeps her yap closed. Later NaO confesses but says she did it for the tribe because I guess some of them were getting a little heavy. "Everyone lies in Survivor". Says Alina and I were together, hanging Alina. Marty doesn't believe she did it for the tribe of Stinksalot.
Brenda still wants Alina gone but NaO is on the outs. Sash now really wants to take NaO to the end.

Jane brings another fish to camp, and Marty is threatened by her. He tells Brenda Jane has to go.

Challenge: Come on in guys! (Medium Blue). It's an immunity challenge, boys and girls each get an immunity idol. They have to hold 2 pieces of steal with a sword thing in between it. If you drop the sword you break another tile. They hate pottery and tiles in this damn show.

Kelly and Dan each last like 3 seconds. It comes down to Jane and Holly for the girl immunity, and Marty, Fabio and Chase for the boys. Jane outlasts Holly but decided to make a point and stay in until the boys are done as well. She is one tough old bird. Fabio hands in and wins immunity.

Back at camp, the girls give Jane big hugs. She whispers "I want Marty" and not in a good holler sexual way. So the girls tell Sash they want Marty gone. Chase and Jane talk, she tells him it's Marty. Sash is worried if he doesn't give the idol back to Marty, at the end Marty will hold that against him. Asks if Marty could have one more week and then go? Jane and Chase don't want to go along with that, but Brenda is OK. Jane refuses to vote for Alina. Dan doesn't trust Chase, tells Marty. Marty talks to Sash and Brenda, but Sash just writes Marty off as paranoid.

The gaggle of girls now try to get Fabio to vote with them. With Alina, we'd have 6 for Marty. Fabio wants NaO (hellllloooooo!!! yes!!!!!)

Tribal. Dark Blue, BRB.

Holly: is the game starting to change? Yes, you now have to take a risk
Marty: Is the window of opportunity limited? Yes, and since you asked me Jeff, Jane has made bad decisions since 30 minutes into this game. Be careful of the little old lady, she'll take the million. I'd even vote for her.
Jane-ignore him, it's a personal vendetta
Alina: did marty just hurt himself? Um yes Jeff I believe he did.
Dan: WTF?? Why are we not talking about voting the 2 people who stole our damn food?
NaO: Oh, get over it I gave it back.
Fabio: you only gave it back when caught.
NaO: But I already been punished. Nobody talked to me for an hour
Alina: why should you stay? I'm a swing vote pawn, Jeff.
Apparently not anymore. First person on the Jury is Alina.

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