Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Survivor Blindside!!

Word.  I walked 60 miles in 3 days, but the hardest thing I have done in the past week was to RE WATCH that disgusting meat eating challenge so I could blog it for you guys. 

Ok.  So, Christine and Stacey meet up for a good old bitch session at Redemption Island.  Coach is running things...."It ain't hunky dorey at camp".  Stacey wants to take coach down.

Blue camp.  Brandon is crying (literally) about Mikayla saying the most annoying thing about him is his uncle.  She's "clearly prejudiced against Hanz's".  Hmmm, maybe because your uncle truly is an evil person??  And, even you say sometimes you want to be different from him, and reclaim the family name but when someone else comments on what an ahole he is, you go all wussy and stand with him and defend him?? GOD I wish there was a whole other reality show where we could watch Russell watch his nephew on Survivor.  Because I think Russell would think Brandon is a damn pussy. 

Redemption duel.  Mikayla and Albert attend, as do Dawn and I think Whitney?  Some blonde chick.   BANG, right outta the gate Stacey is spewing it.  "those 2 are wasn't a team.  Benjamin is making all the decisions" On and on.  She refuses to call him Coach.  The red team is just soaking it up. 

Duel is to drop balls into chutes, pick them up when the come out the other end and repeat.  Adding balls when told to.  Stacey is just too consumed with meanness to pay attention to spacing the balls or basically anything else.  Man, she must be one MEAN ASS mortician.  And even though Christine bobbles the balls a couple of times, Stacey drops one and is out. 

Back at camp, Albert tells Coach all that Stacey said.  He apparently has an issue with being called Benjamin!  Who knew!!  He's pretty pissed that the other tribe was given all this info.  "Can this day get any worse??"

On the red tribe, Oz and Elyse are basically dry humping each other, in the hammock and in the bed.  She says they are pals.  Uhuh.  Woody is just the little worker bee.  He's also annoyed with Oz and Elyse lying in bed all day. 

Dawn and that other girl return from the duel.  They tell everyone what they heard, that Coach is running the show, that he and Albert are aligned.  Oz says "if he's smart, he'll get rid of Albert".  Jim's like, "oh no you didn't just say that"!   He thinks Oz just revealed his strategy. 

On blue, Albert is looking for the clue, and finds it.  He goes looking for the idol but can't find it. He shares the clue with Coach and Sophie.  Coach goes looking for it and finds it.  He's almost giddy with excitement. 

Red: Oz and Woody go fishing.  Woody says he has no skills or confidence.  Oz is a great fisherman.  He's also a manipulator "I feel like they are all becoming my tribe..."  Famous last words!  Woody says that this Oz is the middle aged Ozzie.  He gets fish but he's really a lazy ass, arrogant fisherman.  No love lost there! 

And, then it's the challenge.  Which, if you saw it, you don't need a replay.  And if you didn't see it?  Be utterly thankful.  Disgusting.  2 roasted pigs are hanging, teams have their hands tied behind their backs and have to bit off chunks of pig and then spit them into baskets.  They win immunity and spices, veggies and bread. 

I'm not even gonna comment on the people helping each other get the meat out of their teeth.  Ugh.

Bottom line, the blue tribe wins the challenge by 2 oz.  OMFG, they also get to take the spit out meat back to camp and eat it.  Bad, bad, bad, bad. 

Red tribe.  Woody announces they are all probably gonna get oral herpes from the challenge.  LOL.  He's like 99% of people have it anyway...  He then offers to open coconuts for the team, while Oz lays on his ass with Elyse watching.  "Woody's putting on a display of working hard, but he's gone".

Dawn wants to break up Oz and Elyse.  Jim still needs another vote.  He goes and talks to Keith about Oz's comment regarding getting rid of Albert.  Keith is all up for getting rid of Elyse but is afraid Oz will hold it against them if they blindside him. 

Keith talks to Whitney.  She is also afraid of messing things up with Oz. 

Oz: Where are we?  We're far from the merge so it's all about strength now.
Elyse: We're strong across the board
Woody: The novelty of tribal has worn off for me.
Jim: Nobody lost the challenge for us.  We all could have gotten more food. Lots of injuries though
Jeff: Injuries??  Does legal know??  Cuts, gums, chipped teeth, dislocated jaws...
Dawn: Woody is endearing and I'm learning to be more tolerant of him
Keith: I thought Woody mentioning oral herpes was gross and not funny
Elyse: I feel sorry for Woody
Woody: I know I have quirks but I do think that I am likable.
Elyse: Is it gonna be hard to vote Woody off?  He'll appreciate the experience.  LOL. 

Time to vote and tally.  Woody, 2 votes.  Dawn, 2 votes (which explains Keith and Whitney), and Elyse is voted off with 3 votes.  Bwahahahahaha.  Oz looks shocked.  Should be good tonight!!! 

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