Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Survivor: Lisa comes alive!

Whoah, who gave Lisa caffeine?  She's a little fighter!! 

After last week, Jonathan feels betrayed by his alliance.  He's pissed.  Jeff is thinking perhaps it wasn't a good idea to give up power to Pete.  Ya think so jackass??

Mike and Jon talk.  Mike doesn't want him to give up.  Says "there are cracks  in their alliance.  Let's just wait for them to screw themselves".  Wise advice.

Lisa has a plan...or two...or three.  First up is to get rid of Jon or Mike, then flip things so that they can get rid of Pete, Abi and Artis. 

Reward challenge-something to interrupt the constant scheming.  Split into 2 teams, swim out and get 4 buoys, get pulled back, dig up the key to the puzzle frame and then do a flag puzzle.  Wanna know?  A river cruise with ribs, cornbread, iced tea.  LOL.  I love how they gave up actually enjoying the local culture about 5 seasons ago. 

Blue team is Mike, Pete, Artis, Abi and Carter vs the Yellow team of Denise, Malcolm, Lisa, Jeff and Jonathan.  I wonder if they got to chose their own teams?  So, it's neck and neck and then Lisa sucks at swimming.  Denise makes up the time and then Mike can't find his buoy.  The blue team gets to the puzzle first but yellow crushes it and wins reward.  NOTE: the patterns on the yellow flag are MUCH EASIER TO DIFFERENTIATE. 

Back on the beach, Abi is asked who is in their alliance and she spouts off a bunch of information which pisses Pete off.  He says she's immature and just leaks information.  He'd love to get rid of her but anyone standing next to her at the end is guaranteed a million dollars.  So, we have officially entered the "let's keep the total dicks" portion of the game. 

On reward, they are all happy happy happy to be together, because Pete, Abi and Artis have a reputation as being negative complainers.  But the winners are all happy and nice!  LOL.  Jon says he doesn't want to see bullies win, so he's willing to go with any of the 4 on the reward with him. He's scrambling surely. 

Lisa's new plan is to go into the final with people who are not really well liked and nice, ie, Abi, Pete and Artis, and Mike because he is her buddy.  She tells Mike that Malcolm has the idol.  She wants Tandang to hold together. 

It all depends on immunity.

Immunity Challenge: Only 1 idol this time around.  2 phase challenge.  First is an obstacle course, second is a puzzle challenge for the 3 winners of the first round. 

First round.....Pete, Jeff and Jon.  Moving onto the snake puzzle, it's Jeff and Pete until BAM Jonathan pulls ahead and wins his first ever immunity.  NOTE: he had the yellow snake pieces which had much clearer patterns. I'm totally saying it is a conspiracy. 

Soooooo.  All plans are off now and it's time to scramble.  First it's Mike.  Jeff says, 'sorry Mike".  Then Lisa tells Pete about Malcolm and the idol.  Says they should blindside him at tribal.  Pete is totally surprised, and asks Malcolm about it.  Malcolm says he doesn't have the idol and asks where he heard it.  Lisa.  Pete tells Malcolm he can save him if they go with Jeff. 

Lisa confronts Pete about telling Malcolm and he's all wishy washy.  Suddenly there are 6 people intending to vote for Pete.  Jeff tells Carter everyone is voting for Pete and Carter says, "dude, I thought it was you...".

Total scramble!

Tribal council:
Mike, is it you?  Not sure since I heard people talking today...
Malcolm: Lisa totally there me under the bus.
Probst: Lisa???
Lisa: Yep. I did.
Abi: One of our tribe members just screwed us.
Lisa:  But you were OK with getting rid of Mike
Abi: He was always on the outside.  Our alliance is Pete, me, Artis and you. 
Malcolm: Say WHAT??
Abi:  Oh yea, I probably wasn't supposed to say that.
Lisa:  I was trying to get the idol out.  I was playing both sides but my alliance is tandang.
Malcolm: Yo, I totally have the idol and I'm totally playing it.
Probst:  Anyone else have an idol??
Abi: I do Jeff. 

What a total idiot.  So now everyone shares the various plans and it's all out in the open. 

Time to vote:
Abi 1
Pete 4
Jeff 5

And just like that I will not be winning any Survivor pool this time around!

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