Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Survivor Non Election Edition

Yo!!!  Who's up for a little NON HURRICANE Survivor?  I KNOW Karen Sellman is!!  She was observed around last Thursday trying to start a fire with John's glasses and a handful of Chihuahua hair. 

So, yo.  Last week there was no update. 2 tribes. Yellow and Red.  Yellow doesn't have much food.  Probably because freaking Michael eats it RAW.  Challenge: Giant ball that looks like a rubber band ball, 3 per tribe have to push it around in the mud.  WORST CHALLENGE IN THE HISTORY OF SURVIVOR.  It's so freaking lame that an hour later they are all still stuck in the mud going nowhere.  Kudos, though, for Lisa in keeping Denise pinned in the mud.  Jonathan and Michael start to negotiate.  Jonathan offers their remaining rice for the win.  Michael takes it, with RC's support and no one except Artis and the Brazilian really arguing against it.  They take the deal, Red goes off to eat and Abi, Pete and Artis are totally pissed off.  Blah blah blah, immunity challenge-Malcolm (with Lisa's help) kick ass in the chucking and catching contest and Red goes to tribal once again.  There's Penner drama but ultimately Katie is voted off. 

Phew.  Ok.  Last week.  Boat arrives, it's the merge.  So that rice thing totally worked out.  Both tribes go to a new beach, eat food and if they renamed themselves I totally missed that.  Jeff is upset that there are now 2 veterans he has to be pissed off about.  But let's face it, he's also PISSED off that no one recognizes him as the baseball hero.  Maybe he should stand around picking at his crotch so they figure it out. 

I'm already confused so bare with me.  The Yellow tribe consists of:


Red is: Penner, Jeff. Denise. Carter

So it's basically a 7-4 split which would favor the yellow tribe to pick off the red tribe.  But Michael and RC are on the outs, Lisa is in la la land although I think she would go along with Michael and RC, which leaves the Pete/Abi horror show and the always angry Artis.  Malcolm is still in the air  but is really aligned with Denise over on red.  Jeff is aligned with Carter, says he is with Penner and a Denise is kinda aligned with him. 

Everyone starts building shelter and Lisa, who is totally into the laundry and who I totally wish lived near me, decides to go into everyone's stuff and hang the clothes out to dry.  She finds Malcolm's idol, and he sees her do it.  Malcolm tells Denise and then he goes to confront Lisa.  She's all "I totally didn't meant it"  and he believes her.  He offers her an alliance with Denise and him but he's worried that he's now aligned with 2 people who could beat him at the end.  "Hallelujah the church lady found my idol".  LOL. 

Penner is old enough to recognize Lisa.  They have a little bonding session, and some strange talk about how they would be friends if they sat down and had lunch and talked about their lives.  Whatever, I walked the dog during this part. 

Strategizing has begun.  RC and Mike talk-we really aren't aligned with the rest of yellow so why not approach the red team?  Mike talks to Jeff.

Jeff is working the other side of the yellow tribe-he and Carter (aka Blue Lagoon) are talking with Pete, Malcolm and Artis against Penner. They wonder if Penner has the idol and come up with an idea for a 4-4 split between Penner and RC to flush out the idol. 

Challenge:  It's a hang on to you can't thing.  Hold a rope spool with a bucket holding 25% of your weight in water.  My husband got all hung up on "was that their prior weight or did they just weigh them??"  Yea,  he's annoying that way.  Immunity for one male and one female.

Denise of course gets the female immunity.  Male comes down to Jeff and Blue Lagoon.  Seriously, that dude is buying ganja from the natives.  Jeff says to Carter "I drop and u owe me one".  Carter says "Whatever dude, sure".  No idea if they actually made a deal but Jeff drops out giving the stoner immunity. 

Back at camp.  I keep getting confused!  Mike and RC say they will line up with the Red tribe to make 6.  But Mike is worried that as they do that, Jeff and Carter will align with Abi/Artis/Pete and Malcolm.  Mike doesn't want Pete/Artis or Abi to get the upper hand because they are "rude".  Jeff and Carter realize that they are the swing votes tonight.  If they stick with Mike and RC they can get rid of Penner.  If they go with the rude yellow alliance they end up at the bottom of the group.  Penner walks up and says, "yo I'm loyal and am hoping y'all are too". We should take out Pete and take control of the game.  Which is really a good idea in my mind UNLESS you are obsessed with Penner going home.  So of course Jeff tells Pete he and Carter are with them. 

You have NO IDEA how long that last paragraph took me to write.  LOL. 

Is there animosity in the yellow tribe?  RC says, sure but we're all one big happy family.  Uhuh, but only one of you can win.  Abi's all "that bitch betrayed me".  RC is all "no I didn't"  Abi "yes you did you unburied the clue"  "Did not".  Abi:  "Your actions speak louder than your words".  BITCH GO BACK TO BRAZIL.

Probst ends this exchange and Lisa points out both the plus and the minuses of switching your alliance.  If you switch you look like you aren't loyal BUT you might move up the food chain.  I think she has finally gotten her Survivor legs.

Pete then bags on the returning players. 

Jeff:  Either way there is gonna be a blindside

Vote.  Penner plays the idol. 

Penner 5
RC 4
Pete 2

RC is voted off.  Only RC and Penner vote for Pete.  Jeff and Carter vote with Pete and Artis to take out Carter thereby switching their alliance.  Everyone else votes for Penner. 

                    Carolyn           Tess
Jeff                        Elayne            Susan
Jonathan                Joanne            Betty
                        Connie            Nikki
Michael                John                    Wendy
Lisa                       Jill                    Kim
Pete                        Lori                    Annemarie
Artis                        Leslie                Stephanie
Malcolm               Nancy            Donna/John

Zane                   Kelly             Donna/John (now alt 1)
Roxy                    Cindy             Becky (now alt 2)
Angie                   Kelly              Donna
Russell                Amy               Becky
Dawson                 Jeff/Eileen        Sandy
Dana                      Cindy             Liz
Katie                       Stacey            Rachel
RC                        Kevin/Matt        Ron

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