Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Survivor: Greatest Comeback Ever?


Someday I am going to figure out what the hell the lyrics are.  Or I'm going to make some up.  Personally I think it was the sound the natives on season 1 made when they saw the great white Probst.

So, the Philippines is not a place you want to go for your honeymoon because it apparently has miserable weather. 

This week: Will Matsing continue to SUCK or not?  They're down to 3 people, and no fire.  Russell predicts it's gonna be the GREATEST COMEBACK IN SURVIVOR HISTORY.  Uhuh. 

Yellow: Man that Abi Brazilian chick is a whack job.  Seriously, if the whole country of Brazil is like her driving must be INSANE.  She and her 5 minutes into the game BFF may not be so F anymore.  Pete says he wants to cause chaos to keep people off guard.  He actually plants the clue in RC's spilled bag so Abi could exclaim "WHAT'S THAT IN YOUR BAG RC" and totally sabotage her.  It's what I always say, RC, beware the first person in the dorm or the office that's overly friendly.  They're always the insane one. 

Red: So Jeff knows that Jonathan has the idol, and apparently that has changed his mind about getting rid of Jonathan first.  In fact, he does the whole bro thing and they form an alliance while "fishing" for giant clams.  They call over Carter-who is it me? or does Carter look EXACTLY like the dumb blonde kid from the Blue Lagoon?? Anyway, they shake hands and it's a boy alliance.  Which leads the girls to form their own alliance. 

Blue: Malcolm thinks Russell has met his low expectations.  Says he has no self awareness but they need him for his muscles.  Russell is suspicious of Malcolm and Denise since neither has approached him to form an alliance.  He decides to go back to looking for the idol, and Denise catches him digging near camp.  Hmmmmm.  She and Malcolm wonder if he has the idol so they go through his stuff. 

Yellow: the wild Brazilian insanity continues.  RC tries to talk to Abi who is all "I'm not a gonna talka to yoos". Pete is sucking it up. 

Challenge:  Only 3 people from each tribe get to do this one because of Matsux.  Each person has to carry 2 pots of rice through an obstacle course, placing them on stands.  Then one person on the tribe gets to smash them.  Wanna know what you're playing for?  Steak and veggies, or veggies and spices.  Either can be exchanged for a tarp.  Yellow and Red go with all men teams. 

First off, the Blue Lagoon dude is just freaking awful.  He smashes a pot right away, and falls on the obstacle course.  So Red is falling behind.  Blue, surprisingly is ahead for a while until the Yellow team gets their shit together.  Once it's Denise's turn, Blue falls behind them.  Red is pathetic.

On to the smashing part.  Yellow kicks ass and wins First Immunity.  It's down to the blue and red teams, with Malcolm and Jeff throwing.  It's down to ONE POT LEFT for each of them.  Malcolm swings and misses...Jeff swings and misses...Malcolm swings and misses...Jeff swings and tips the pot....AND SURVIVOR GOES ALL SLOW MOTION as the pot shatters.  Red wins second immunity.  AND OF COURSE RUSSELL LOSES IT.  He smashes the final pot, and starts yelling "LORD HELP ME TO UNDERSTAND".  Everyone is just looking over with embarrassment. 

Probst:  Dude, what is your problem??  You ain't a superhero, you're just a guy
Russell: That's just it, God made me in his image and I should never fail. It pisses me off to fail

Ok then.  The red team decides to forgo the veggies and take the tarp. 

Back on misery  beach, the scheming begins.  Malcolm tells Russell to "vote out Denise, we need to keep the athletes together". 

Denise and Russell talk.  Denise is a really good therapist, as she gets Russell to reveal some story about getting jumped and beat up as a little kid, and going to school scared.  Then he runs into one of the kids that jumped him and he flat out decks the kid, who begins to cry.  So, I'm all waiting for the whole redemption story, how he felt bad and realized we are all just frail children who act out but are good people, and how that kid became his best friend in life.  Instead he came to the conclusion to never back down and be afraid of anything.  Hmmmmm.  Anyway, Denise gives him a story about getting rid of Malcolm because he is a big social threat, and Russell EATS IT UP.  He thinks he's the swing vote. 

Tribal.  What will happen???

Denise: It's crazy Jeff
Malcolm: Ain't no telling what's gonna happen
Russell: Yea, I over reacted but it's a mindset.  I talked to Dr. Denise and I realized I'm good.  Nothing wrong with me.  Nope. 
Malcolm:  Yes, Jeff, I decided to throw the thingy at the pots and I blew it.  Thanks for pointing THAT out at tribal
Why you??
Denise: I'm strong physically and socially
Malcolm: I'm stronger, and younger and taller
Russell: He's a young threat.  I'm still a competitor with experience. 

Why get rid of Denise?  She's perfect, and at the end of the game in addition to voting for her people will be writing her personal checks to help with the taxes on that million dollars.  LOL. 

Vote.  Any idols?  Nope.  Bye bye Russell. 

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