Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Survivor Crazy Time

Wow, so since I just realized it's 2 weeks until xmas, I'm thinking the finale must be coming up!  Is it Sunday???  We're getting down but there's still a bunch of people left.  Must  be going to bring someone back from Re-education Island tonight.  That'll throw the whole thing off!

Ok, so first up, isn't this the time when they're all bitching about being hungry??  I have never seen them crying about a lack of rice or food once on this show.  And, frankly, no one is looking really skinny.  Second, if it really is 115 degrees, why are there never any sweaty pits showing???  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueler?

So, Caleb went to RI last week.  Hayden is all "YO, I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE LOSING TO TYSON".  Y'all are all fighting for second place.  Gervase takes issue with that and claims he's really running the show.  LOL.  I doubt even Gervase' mother believes that. 

Duel time.  Tina, Laura and Caleb all come in.  Caleb won't even look at the remaining players.  " A man's word apparently doesn't mean much in Philly or Utah".  Gervase calls him a sore loser. 

So the RI challenge it the "Jan, watch your bracelet" house of cards challenge.  First to get to 8 foot or highest at the 30 minute mark.  Seriously, Laura kicks ASS on this.  She gets to 8 foot without barely losing any cards.  Jeff is his usually utterly fucking annoying self repeating "You never give up...things could change in a never give up....."  GAD, shut the hell up!!!! 

At the 2 minute mark, Caleb was ahead.  Tina was not gettin it done.  AND JUST LIKE JEFF SAID, THINGS CHANGED IN A MINUTE".  Caleb's falls over and Tina just waits the time out.  Tina survives.  And then Jeff just had to go into the whole "how do you stand Colton??  Your relationship is puzzling to me" crap.  Caleb tells him, well they are both men so they have that in common.  Frankly I thought it was rude. 

Laura gives Ciera the clue, and she decides to keep it. 

Back at camp the twit shares it with her "alliance"- Tyson, Gervase, and Monica.  They all go looking for it, and Hayden and Katie follow.  Tyson finds it again, and with dramatic epic music playing, hides it in his crotch.  Because apparently there is a lot of room down there.  Decides not to share it.

So here's the thing that always bothers me.  You see one person quit looking for an idol and then what, you all just also figure "oh well, it's too hard"???  WTF???  I'd still be out there looking. 

Hayden knows he's toast, so he tries to work Gervase on the second place angle.  Gervase either pretends to listen or is kinda interested.  He tells Hay that he needs a 100% plan with Ciera in.

Challenge.  It's an obstacle course with a balance a ball thing, followed by the bean bag toss.  Wanna know?  Immunity and an ice cream truck. 

Monica, as expected, has vast pole experience.  She just kicks ass on the balance and the obstacle course.  Gets to the bean bags in front.  Gervase is right behind, and he kicks the bean bags.  Tyson shows up and tries but Hay and Katie are in the weeds. 

Gervase wins immunity.  He choses Monica and Tyson to join him.  Hayden thinks he can work Ciera on the see??  You;re 4th angle.  She has no intention of working with him but he keeps pointing out nobody ever wins without making the big move. 

He keeps working Gervase and Ciera and finally tells Tyson that they aren't willing to go against him.  Hayden decides to blow up tribal.


Hayden is on fire.  It's a 4-2 split and everyone is controlled by Tyson.
Ciera insists she is not in fact controlled by Tyson.  She's comfortable about not being chosen for food. 
Gervase keeps stepping in it calling they 1,2,3,4 and Ciera is always 4.  He says, "that's because those 2 were  my original alliance". 
Hayden keeps telling then this is their chance.  He wispers "Monica" to Katie and Ciera. 

Katie makes some inane comment about not being involved in the "political whatever", which totally pisses Jeff off because THAT'S THE WHOLE GAME AND THE WHOLE REASON I GET PAID MONEY TO HOST THIS SHOW.

Monica keeps telling Ciera that 4 is better than 6, again telling her she's 4.  Hayden:  See??? You;re #4.  You could be $3 with us. 
Gervase says she should stay with them because "at least we're honest".  This gets a big laugh from the crowd.  Again, Gervase says it's 1,2,3,4 and points to Ciera as #4.  If it's 3-3 it forces the rocks to be drawn.  (when did they give up the fire challenge to break a tie?????)

Hayden says if Ciera isn't 4, Monica is.  He's trying to "rustle feathers".  Tyson takes time out to correct him that the correct word is "ruffle.  Russell is a mans name".  "It's rustle, not Russell".  LOL!! Kind of an inane interlude. 

Time to vote. Tyson tells Ciera to stick with him and Monica.

 Hayden 3, Monica 3. 

Revote: Hayden 2, Monica 2.  Deadlocked.  Per the rules of Survivor 2.7 edition, Katie, Ciera, Tyson, Gervase must come to a unanimous decision or draw rocks (not Gervase). 

Ciera: Don't bullshit me.  I'm #4, I'm doing rocks. 
And just like that, they're doing rocks.  Which is a stupid move for Tyson with an idol in his crotch. 

And.....Katie is out.  Tyson "I didn't think you had the balls to do it".

It's GAME ON.  God I hope Laura comes back and shakes it all up again!!!


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