Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Survivor: WHAT A TRIBAL!!

Good day for a Survivor update!  How you all doing?  

Last week Caleb was voted off, I guess with Tai's help although Hali only really got 1 vote.  Tai says it's just a game and thanks Brad for trusting him.  Debbie tells Hali that she's all glad that Hali is still there.  Hali tries to slither up and gives her loyalty, saying she'd go with Tai if asked.  Debbie is all TOTALLY! But, since she's a double naught spy she says she's just telling her what she wants to hear because Hali is OUT OF OPTIONS!  

Aaaaand Challenge.  2 people from each tribe.  They race over balance beams while balancing a ball on an increasingly higher pole.  Then someone throws sandbags at 9 targets.  All for a coffee bar with cookies for the winner, and a thermos of iced coffee for the first losers.  

Balancing is JT, Ozzie and Tai.  Tai isn't very good at it so it appears they are falling out of it until the throwing part.  Although Malcolm nails the top win and the cookies, It comes down to Troy vs Brad, who is/was a baseball player right?  Brad pulls out the come from behind win.  Ciri says that Troy's place is hanging on by a thread.  

The green tribe are the losers.  No caffeine for them.  Ozzy says losing is great for him, proves they need him.  He's a rock.  And a fish catcher.  In fact, we get to see fish porn and Ozzy gets his close up.  He brings back a big ol fish and Andrea calls him a hero.  

Everyone on blue has a coffee buzz.  Sandra is buzzed AND delusional:  "this is the best tribe EVAH!!  I'm DA QUEEN and all of my relationships are perfect.  

JT and Malcolm talk about how dangerous Sandra is,  Malcolm tells him he has his back.  

Immunity Challenge

It's the blind obstacle challenge with people yelling directions thing for the 500th time.  There's a rope, and a bucket of water, and balls, and then a ball maze but not done with blindfolds.  Apparently you can only get one ball in so after one, someone else has to play.  Sorry for those who again wanted to skate by on Malcolm.  ONLY ONE TRIBE WILL WIN IMMUNITY.  Whaaaaaaat????

Green wins immunity meaning blue and orange will got to tribal.....but it's gonna be a GROUP tribal and only 1 person will go home.  Remember, the new Orange is composed of mainly orange with JT, but the new blue is composed of mostly blue with Hali.  The orange tribe has one more person than the new blue.  

JT tells the orange gang that he's solid with them.  Sandra says she'll kick ASS if they screw this up.  Sandra wants Sierra gone.  Malcolm asks JT who blue will target and he says Sandra.  And indeed the blue tribe is thinking Sandra, although they know Hali is a wild card.  Brad tries to work on her with the 5 strong message.  Hali knows that the tables have turned and she is now a swing vote.  

JT wants them to also go along and finally blindside Sandra. There is actually some interest in this.  

Tai decides to go find an  idol.  And, like magic on this season where clues to idols just always pop up when you need one, he finds a clue and then finds an idol.  He tells Debbie, Sierra and Tai that he has an idol.  

And then begins the most insane tribal ever.  

Macolm says something about running scenarios
Brad is all guns guns guns.  LOL, are all of your GUNS pointed in the right direction??? Says it's 6 vs 5 but there are different agendas going on, something about a mexican standoff....
Sandra says all of their guns won't switch.  
Debbie says something about JT being closer to them once
Sandra says USED TO BE
Jt says some people want him to take a shot in the dark
Brad says both Malcolm and Sandra are threats to JT
Sandra tells him he is a threat and she knows she isn't going home (trying to bluff about an idol??)
Varner says, idols?  Could be idols??
Sierra says something about BIG PICTURE
Debbie says maybe Hali or JT will flip
Brad, still trying badly to woo Hali says "if she flips she's gonna be public enemy #1
Hali says they might be in rock drawing situation
Sandra tells her they don't need her
Michaela reiterates that she's the bottom of the pack
Hali is all, 'I'm still voting based upon physical threats"
Sandra and Michaela decide this means she wants Brad out

It begins to devolve into total chaos,  Did everyone just switch who they want out?  Are there clues being said??  Someone yells STICK WITH THE PLAN!  It's crazy.  Little groups are talking, JT walks over to Brad and tells him something.

Sierra asks Hali if they are going for her and Hali says hang on I'm trying to change it.  

Jeff is alternatively loving the drama but probably sad that he isn't getting to ask his probing questions.  

Sandra says, it;s all side notes.  We're all good.  Let's vote.

Hali says she's not ready yet.  Sandra says, nope, let's vote we're all good.  Hali "ok but you might regret it....."

Time to vote.  Any idols?  Tai gets up and gives his idol to Sierra.  

Sierra gets 6 votes that do not count.  MALCOLM!!! gets 3 votes and is completely blindsided!!  As was I!!!!

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