Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Survivor: Who ate the Sugar??

Good morning and welcome to the very sad Malcolm-less world of Survivor.  Malcolm was, of course, blindsided at the insanity tribal last week, and I agree with the comments from some of you that there will be new rules put in place next season regarding talking during tribal.  Poor Jeff didn't even get to use the psychobabble he especially looked up on the google machine.  

So, MALCOLM IS GONE.  Da Queen, Sandra, is royally pissed.  (See what I did there??)  She wants to know from JT why they went for Malcolm.  JT is majorly on the hot seat, and being in Sandra's cross hairs is not a place any human or goat ever wants to find themselves.  He SWEARS he did not tell them they were all going for Sierra.  Sandra says it's payback time.
JT decides he needs an idol and HOLY COW WHAT A FREAKING COINCIDENCE, he finds a clue after about 5 seconds of looking.  The clue tells him something about landmarks and WOW, he finds that clue in about 5 seconds.  Totally believable, doncha think??

Challenge and OMG MALCOLM IS GONE!!!  Ozzy is particularly bothered as he is now the big strong alpha dog.  The challenge is for PB&J, cookies also for team 1.  The tribe has to use a hook , and then a bow, digging for a ball, and then there is a balance beam with balls and then.....a slide puzzle.  Teams are given a few to strategize and Debbie ASKS TO DO THE BALANCE BEAM PORTION.  Troy is like, OK.

OK, so it was a really boring challenge to me, and I have notes but they are just names and arrows.  Teams had to go through the non-puzzle part of the challenge twice, and Hali did the beam the first time through and Debbie bungled her way through it the second time, dropping the ball multiple times.  And they lost.  And now do you all remember why Debbie was a psycho last time around??  Debbie goes into full crazy mode, blaming he loss on BRAD because he's such a dictator and was just "assigning jobs".

Sarah is all happy with the win but decides she needs options.  She talks to Troy, and since no one else is talking to him, she swears him to secrecy.  Sarah has decided the straight cop life isn't working for her so she's gonna play like a criminal because "they always win".  Hmmmm, someone seems a bit burned out.  Troy would love to work with Sarah (or anyone) and not have to use his idol.

Back in crazy land, Debbie is continuing to melt down.  Jesus she is so effing annoying.  And I know I am not the only one who has worked with these types of nut jobs.  Brad says she's "unpredictable" which is hilarious because SHE'S A FREAKING NUTCASE.  She's ranting, "I'm just doing what I'm told, it's Marsha, Marsha, MARSHA!!!!   I get no respect as a double naught spy!!  I've been TRAINED!!!  HALI lost us the challenge because she took too long on HER part of the balance beam.  "Brad is so far up your ass he's looking out of your eyes".  JESUS do I love a good meltdown that is not me.

Debbie rants to Tai that  Brad has NO RESPECT.  HALI LOST US PB&J!!!!!  Tai is actually scared of the crazy lady.  And she's running down the beach with her blanky during all of this.  And then she does push ups and says the reason for her six pack is all of the times she works out instead of losing it on people.  It really is EPIC.  Like all nutbags, she now has them all around her and Brad is trying to apologize.  Brad, I had your back but YOU CRUSHED MY HEAAAAAAART.

So, in other crazy news, JT does not like Michaela.  Apparently they still have coffee left over from last week, and a bit of sugar.  Michaela asks JT to make her a cup of 7 drips of coffee and a scoop of sugar.  JT is mad and apparently they are the only 2 that take sugar in their coffee, because as you know, when you are starving on Survivor you need to make sure you get your coffee the way you like it.  Sandra decides to eat the rest of the sugar so JT will blame Michaela.  And it works like a charm.  Varner is completely amused at how Sandra manipulated the situation.  Michaela is predictably mad as well.

It's mealtime at Mana.  And it's awkward.  Tai doesn't like the tension so he decides to ask the magic idol fairies for another idol and HOLY SHIT WHAT A COINCIDENCE, he finds a clue inside a tree knot.  Now, not that I'm cruel or anything but why do they always hide the clues inside tree knots??  And why, in the freaking jungle, does no one ever get stung and need emergency care from sticking their hands inside a dark tree knot??  And why in all of these seasons, has no one ever DIED from Survivor??  I mean, come on the odds are pretty good.


Race over a wall
Roll a giant wooden cube
Unwind keys
Chest of sandbags
Another freaking balance beam

Seriously, I think they are just using refrigerator magnets to decide what to do in challenges this season.

Debbie wants balance beam again.  I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS DONE GYMNASTICS FOR 10 YEARS.  I took 2 minutes to do the balance beam and Hali took 10 minutes.  Brad wants Hali and Tai, so Debbie decides she in fact WON'T DO IT.

During the race she's all "hey Brad did you see I was first over the wall???" annoying.  Tai has some trouble with the beam and Debbie is all "I'm glad we didn't have the gymnast do it".
At the end, Brad kills the slingshot and they win.  It comes down to JT and Ozzy shooting, and Ozzy beats him to win th second immunity.  Nuku goes to tribal.

JT pleads his case that he is stronger and more pleasant than Michaela.  Aubry wants Michaela to go.  They decide to call her crime sugar napping.  Sandra, meanwhile, wants vengeance for Malcolm.  She talks to Jeff and they wonder if JT has an idol.  They realize it's going to come down to a struggle between JT and Michaela.

Sandra says that they blamed JT for last week's tribal because someone leaked Sierra's name.
JT points out that Malcolm was the last person he wanted to go home and that the vote certainly wasn't what he wanted
Michaela dislikes JT being the boss around camp
JT says they've tried to babysit Michaela but camp is difficult right now
Sandra says that JT thinks Michaela licked the sugar container, and they all laugh.
Sandra also says they are keeping strong
Micheala is all hurt and says she's not surprised
JT again says they are all babysitting her
Michaela says she washed dishes makes food etc.
They all begin to pile on Michaela and JT starts to fluff it up, saying she's just filing space.
Aubry says she likes Michaela but it's a quality of life issue. Varner says it's complicated situation but there's too much arguing at camp.
Aubry: the vote is clear
JT: Yep

They vote and Sandra says the queen stays queen, adios!

Any idol?  NOPE
Jeff starts to read the votes and Michaela takes a cup and a bottle out of her bag and slowly begins to drink water all cool.

And with that, JT is voted off.
Aubry says, damn you guys are good.  Michaela says, hey who ate the sugar?  Sandra says, I did and they all laugh.  

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