Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Survivor on Steroids

Tomorrow!  Tomorrow!  I might win tomorrow!  It's only a DAAAAAAAYYYYY AAAAAA WWWAAAAAYYYY!!

Woohoo! The have-never-won Bakers have 2 people still in the game, Tai with 2 immunity idols, and Sarah with an advantage and a vote steal!!  Who wants to bet Tai goes to the jury with those 2 idols in his pocket, and Sarah THE BEST GAME CHANGER OF THIS SEASON, loses??  

So, where are we going into FINALE??  After Sierra was voted off, Sarah looked "shocked", which Aubry pointed out to the other witches of Maku Maku.  They believe it is because, although she voted for her, that she is trying to gather favor on the jury with people she has screwed over.  Or as I call it PLAYING THE FREAKING GAME.  Sarah does get the legacy from Sierra which gives her immunity at 6 remaining people.  Sarah hates Andrea-WHO DOESN'T!  She wants her gone but wants it to be the right time.  

Immunity Challenge.

It's the Brady Bunch JAN, YOUR BRACELET!!! one handed house of card building.  While they begin building Jeff gives them the lowdown that Cochran set a record in this apparent "Survivor Classic" with a 174 minute win.  Blocks and houses are falling faster than an Oklahoma trailer park in a tornado but Aubry is steady as hell.  Until she runs out of blocks and has to go down a few levels and begin again with the 2 blocks leaning against each other style of building.  This works and Aubry gets it done in 6 minutes!!  Aubry barely has the necklace around her neck when Andrea starts talking about getting rid of my girl Sarah.  

Aubry wants Brad to finally go.  She talks to the girls and Michaela is all, wait, I gotta get him to catch some more fish before we shit can him.  She stalks Brad for fish and to make sure he's not looking for an idol.   He's not happy about her asking him to get her fish.  

Andrea starts to lobby for Sarah to go, but Aubry wants Brad.  She tries Ciri but she wants to keep Sarah one more week.  Ciri then tells Sarah that Andrea is gunning for her and Sarah thinks they should get rid of Andrea.  Ciri is weighing the options.

Tribal, and it's not even 8:30 so we are banging through 2 eliminations tonight because no one has had to be medivac'd out this season.  

Aubry says that there have been a lot of names put up tonight
Sarah says that if you trust your support you don't brake what isn't broken.  I love Sarah and always imagine she is like Frances McDormand in Fargo back in her real life.  
Troy, who I can't believe is still hanging around doing basically nothing, says they should use the people at the bottom.
Aubry says it ain't bottom feeding time yet.
Ciri says she was surprised at the lack of any scrambling today
Andrea agrees it was strange that there wasn't any deal making going on
Brad basically says what's the point in talking to Andrea since he's already voted for her twice.  He just hopes one of the other ladies will approach him. 
Sarah hopes the jury will reward a GREAT GAME CHANGER PLAYER, oh and she was just rhetorically asking that for a friend.  
Aubry says people underestimate the emotions of how they were voted out
Tai wakes up from his stupor and says blah blah personal relationships
Andrea,  hilariously, says game play should be rewarded but not people who rub salt by being nice all day and then voting someone out.  I think that's a hint to Sierra.
Michaela's great wisdom for tonight is: tonight is about advancing your group without screwing up your endgame.

They vote, and no idol is played.  Brad gets 2 votes and Andrea goes home with 5.  Aubry says, "nice play".

Jeff gets his required last word:  When all hope is lost, keep talking someone maybe listening.  I think he was misquoting Churchill.  

Back at camp, Ciri checks in with Aubry to see if she is ok.  She says she is but is upset that her ally is gone.  She says her game play is always highs and lows.  Tai sees she is upset and tries to comfort her, which Ciri notices and worries about how Tai plays on people's emotions.  

Bang, another IC.  This one is standing on a pole in the water, using a bucket to fill something and raise a key, swim in and use the key to get..wait for it.....puzzle pieces.  

Let's just cut to the chase.  Brad wins immunity.  Hellooooo people!!  Brad could steal the Baker's pool winnings!! Ciri says she is ready to take someone out who is a threat to her.  

Troy feels vulnerable so he is planning to take his idol to tribal tonight.  The fact that he still HAS an idol is ridiculously bad game play from the women.  Aubry and Tai talk.  Tai has decided he is now ready to make a big boy move and wants to get rid of Sarah.  Aubry wants Tai gone.  Aubry tells Ciri that Tai wants Sarah gone.  Ciri tells Sarah that Tai wants her gone, but Sarah trusts Tai more than she trusts Aubry.  To show how much she trusts Tai, Sarah gives Ciri her steal a vote advantage to "hold", telling her if Sarah goes home then Ciri can keep it but after tonight's tribal Ciri promises to return it.  

Ciri still doesn't trust Tai, and worries Sarah is going home tonight.  She talks with Michaela who also realizes Sarah going home could mess things up so she encourages Ciri to use the steal a vote to save Sarah by taking away her vote.  Ciri also decides to tell Tai what her plan is to save him at Tribal so he won't use his idol.  Ciri begs him to not tell anyone her plan, but now Tai is completely worried that people are targeting him.


Sarah says there was a lot of sneaking around and lying going on today and she hopes she knows the truth going into tonight
Ciri agrees that there was a lot fo lying and untrue story telling.  
Michaela says something about only a few people are lying tonight but those that aren't lying aren't being trusted because of their past lying.
Tai doesn't like all of the lying because he is trusting
Troy gets his one line of tonight with "if you say too much it could be deadly.  Even favors can be deadly
Michaela says tonight's choice is between staying with your alliance or making the big move.  It's a time for risk or to just be happy where you are vote.

And then they vote BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Ciri tells Jeff she wants to play an advantage to expose a rat and save someone.  She announces she is stealing Sarah's vote.

Sarah calmy slaps her down and says, "oh, that's my advantage and it's non transferable".  LOL!!!
Jeff has Ciri read the advantage which says it can't be transfered.  Sarah takes it back and goes to whisper in Tai's ear.  Ciri then whispers to Sarah that she is trying to save her, and Michaela backs this up.  They then get mad that Troy is listening in.  Brad tells Sarah not to believe Ciri and it goes off the rails for a bit.  

Sarah decides to steal Tai's vote.  They vote, no idol is played and MICHAELA goes home.  WHAT??  I did not see that happening!!  

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