Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sometimes it just has to be a boring, predictable Survivor.  So let's get through this one.  Apparently it's getting so boring that we are getting another DROP YOUR BUFFS tonight.

So, yes last week's tribal was very exciting when Michael lied about his idol being a double idol, and chose to protect Stephanie.  Unfortunately the Bradley led army voted for Brandon.  Bradley says it was a giant wake up call and he is happy his tribe stayed strong.  Michael tipped his hand that he is a strong player and is now a threat.  Michael realizes this and apologizes for the whole tribal saying he was just trying to survive.  Bradley is hoping next tribal that his group has the trick up it's sleeve next time.  

And we are right into a challenge.  They have to leap over tables, move giant sandbags to reveal a lever that when pulled gives them smaller sandbags.  They have to transport the smaller sandbags and then throw them at this interesting twisty thing that when unspiraled raises a flag.  There are 3 flags.  Wanna know?  MORE FREAKING FOOD. Seriously it's ridiculous.  Dominick is all OH THANK GOD BECAUSE I AM STARVING.  Says food is scarce and they are really struggling.  Pfffffft.  They seem to get food every time I watch!  

Chris is a throwing machine, literally I think both teams stop and just watch him kill it.  Sebastian on the other hand can't hit anything and isn't it like the 3rd time Sebastian was in the throwing position and failed??  Chris wins them the reward.  He also mentions he was a pitcher in college.  Watch for more throwing challenges to be added in, especially if Chris makes it to the merge and individual immunity comes into play.  YOU HEARD IT HEAR FIRST FOLKS.  They draw rocks and Stephanie goes to Ghost Island in her Lularoe's.

Stephanie on GI is worried because time away from camp leaves one vulnerable.  She does the Break the URN thing but gets the "NO GAME FOR YOU" message.  I guess you have to break the urns in order? 

Chris wants the chocolate pastry but is all "but whatever you decide..."  People are now, HE'S A ASSET.  James, the non-swimming athlete, thinks having him with his side makes their odds better.  

Donathan gets upset at the coffee and pastries and goes off to be sad.  I actually feel for him because as my Dad got older and worse, eating sugary things became a real treat that he liked to share.  Ok, so now I'm sad too.  He tells Laurel that he is sad because it reminds him of home, and that he is the caregiver for his mom and mawmaw who has had 2 strokes.  He talks about how guilty he feels for leaving for a month and she reminds him how happy and proud they will be sitting on the couch watching him on the show.  COME ON, CAN WE JUST GIVE DONATHAN THE MILLION DOLLARS NOW?????????

Chris sees him upset and wanders over to talk, sharing HIS story about his mom who is in assisted living (she has MS) and how he goes and takes care of her.  He talks about how she was told she had 2 months to live when he was 17 (she recovered) and he tells Donathan he admires his courage.  Yea, I don't have much to say about that because they are BOTH freaking heroes in my book for that.  It works on Donathan though who I think was leaning towards the Wendell/Dominick side along with Laurel but who now is rethinking that.  

Immunity Challenge:  another water one.  Race across a floating bridge to undo what no doubt are puzzle pieces, then ride a boogy board back to shore via the other teammates cranking a wheel pull.  It looks seriously like fun.  Ok, then they do one puzzle to release a combo lock, and then another slide puzzle.    No big shock, purple wins immunity and orange is back to tribal.

And now we have about 20 minutes of trying to edit the show to make it seem like this isn't a total slam dunk.  Michael goes first saying he is backed into a corner and would vote out Steph or Jenn in a heartbeat.  

Jenna thinks flirting with Sebastian will protect her, and Sebastian is looking for a hair-braiding whore so she is in luck.  She talks about how her bitch face hurts her chances but frankly I think it's the TOTAL LACK OF ANY PERSONALITY that does her in.  

We then have lots of boring drama about who to send home, Steph, Jenna or Michael.  I finally figure out who Chelsea is-literally I think she spoke her first words tonight.  Des thinks Steph is most strategic, and I think it's Kellyn and Angela who are like, OK.  

Stephanie makes an attempt to talk to Bradley, sucking it up.  She spends literally the rest of the episode talking about her 2 kids and how she can literally SEE herself accepting the million dollar check and them all being excited.  

Bradley thinks either Michael or Stephanie.  Michael appeals to him, says he's helpless and asks to be kept around for the challenges.  He's "locked and loyal",  He also gets his 5 minutes of camera crying face time.  

The group meets up again and Des reminds people that they don't know what happened on Ghost Island, or whether or not Stephanie found an idol.  She searches Stephanie's bag and finds nothing.  


Kellyn tells Jeff that they have spent the day deciding which of the 3 are going home.  Says that literally one sentence could have made the difference

Steph says she is worried about that since she missed time off the tribe at GI

Bradley comments that Steph might have gotten something at GI

Sebastian is like, it's pretty simple DUDE, we just gotta get rid of one of those 3

Michael attempts to add a little interest to the tribal saying, "you need to win challenges to keep your numbers up"

Kellyn points out that there are a lot of ways to define strength.  (Seriously how freaking many times do we have to hear this???)

Bradley agrees but also says that Michael showed strength with the fake idol thing

Michael explains that his alliance was real and he was trying to keep it alive but says he is willing to be just as loyal to them

Stephanie goes back to the THIS IS MY DREAM, as if it isn't the same dream everyone else on the show had.  She talks about her kids and how she has more "game in her"  blah blah.  

Jenna finally says SOMETHING and it's how she puts on her bitch face, and puts up a front but in this game she is learning to be a real person and make relationships.

Jeff asks Sebastian about keeping her to help her become a better person (because ya know that's what this whole game is about.....) and he says "it kills me to vote anyone off DUDE".

Michael also says he's been a lifelong fan and it's hard when you get the chance to play and it turns wrong...

Desiree is as freaking BORED with all of this as I am and she's like, YES WE HAVE A CLEAR PURPOSE AND WE ALL KNOW HOW THIS IS GOING TO GO DOWN.  Can we freaking stop this nonsense tribal and just VOTE FOR CHRISSAKES???

So they vote .  Des 2, Steph 5.  Bye Steph.  

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