Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Welcome to the probable last update for this season!  Can't say it was my favorite by any stretch of the imagination but we are left with 7.  Donathan and Laurel, Dominick and Wendell, an Sebastian, Kellyn and Angela.  And yes, even at this late date I cannot keep Kellyn and Angela straight.  

This week we have Donathan either having a horrible case of PMS OR playing 11 dimension chess.  Kinda going with PMS myself!

Kellyn is feeling sad and on the bottom.  She's wondering who will come for her and deciding to stir some shit up.

Donathan and Laurel are deciding what their next plan it.  Whether or not to go with the girls or the boys.  Donathan thinks the time has come to not play it safe.  Laurel kind of agrees, saying it's their last shot at taking out Wendell.  She knows she can't beat Dom and Wendell even if they are her new best friends.  Donathan thinks this is their last chance to take control of the game.  The middle ain't gonna git me to the end!

Donathan talks to Kellyn about taking out Wendell, voting with the girls.  He tells her though that she cain't go blurtin this out to no one.  And that this is us extendin out the olive branch.

Reward challenge:

Divided into 3 teams of 2 with someone not chosen, it's one of those "Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory" challenges with spools send down a track at differing timing.  Wanna know?  It's the ambassador to poor little island children where they get to plan Mother Theresa without the risk of disease.  Oh, and in case you don't like children there is friend chicken and chocolate cake.  LOL, remember back in the day when they actually attempted to celebrate the culture of the island?  I'm just surprised this isn't called the KFC Challenge.  

They are predictably sorted as : Kellyn and Sebastian, Wendell and Dom, Don and Laurel.  Angie has no partner,  

And, we are off and it's friggin like listening to Chris Collinsworth do the reporting,  Jeff, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!  Seriously I cannot stand listening to him anymore!!!  

Dominick and Wendell win reward and get to chose one additional person to join them- they chose Laurel because they need to get her back into the fold.  They also get to chose someone to go to Ghost Island, and they chose Sebastian which leaves a sad and mad little Donathan.  I'm pissed off and not seeing myself at the end.  Time to rattle some cages.

Sebastian is excited to go to GI, where he gets to PLAY THE GAME.  He's got a 3/4 chance with the bamboo tubes.  He wins an advantage- it's the reused steal a vote that doesn't let you steal a vote anymore but does give you an extra vote.  

And then we have the reward challenge with all of the cute little poor island children in their very clean and nice uniforms.  Let's give them sporting equipment!  Balls and swim noodles-because living on an island their entire lives they prolly can't swim too good.  Here's an idea Survivor-how about giving these kids some BOOKS TO READ???  Wouldn't it be nice to see these bedragged Survivors sitting and reading to the little island chillin?  How about we assume that these kids have a future outside of getting drafted for some US sports farm team???  During the meal Wendell and Donathan say they picked Laurel as a reward to shore her up and that they are 1-2-3 going to the end.  Laurel says her best hope is taking you two to the finale and having you split the vote but privately she wants to cut their throats.  

Back at Lavita Loco, Wendell tries to talk to Donathan about taking Laurel to the reward.  "You understand where we're at, right?"  Donathan tells Wendell that he's voting for Dom at the end it it comes down to Dom and Wendell.  Donathan is trying to drop some truth bombs and scare Wendell into pitting him against Dom.  Wendell tells Donathan that having him vote for him is all the incentive Dom needs to NOT take him to the finale. 

Donathan is really in paranoid mood, and I can't totally figure out if it's intentional or hormonal.  Dominick asks him, if you've given up,what's our incentive to to stick with us??

Dominick thinks that Don is going Kamikaze and ready to MAKE HIS BIG MOVE.  He's scaring Dom and "blowing up the entire game".

Immunity Challenge:  It's one of those use planks to build a bridge and a ladder up to a puzzle things.  Although the planks are also puzzle pieces that only fit in one way.  At the end is the same slide puzzle from day one.  

It's a very strange ending because Wendell finishes first and makes an arm motion but doesn't call Jeff over.  Laurel also finishes but does call him over and wins immunity.  

Back at camp, Laurel backs off the big move to get rid of Wendell because he did finish first and it would't be right to send him home tonight.  Aaaand there goes $ 1 million.

Dom and Wendell thinks Kellyn is probably the general consensus.  Dom comes up and they tell him Kellyn.  He's all OK BUT IF Y'ALLS GONNA VOTE ME OUT JUST LEMME KNOW.  

Dom says that Don is sabotaging himself, and at least Kellyn is dependable.  Wendell says he might need to make a fake idol, and while working on it asks Dom for some materials to use.  Dom looks and hands Wendell some stuff which is overseen by Don.  Donathan totally gets his panties in a wad about it, accusing them of shenanigans to help Kellyn.  If y'alls gonna help Kellyn Ima gonna flip.  Donathan tells Kellyn he thinks they are gonna try for him and even she thinks he's an unpredictable bomb thrower,  

Everyone is sitting on the hammock and talking about how crazy Donathan is and they think....maybe Donathan??


Jeff is again playing Doctor Phil and is 100% on my last freakin nerve.  I swear he didn't use to try to control the conversation as much as he does.  Part of me thinks they have a discussion at tribal and then go back and film Jeff looking like he's asking very wise and pointed questions to bring out their feelings.  

Dom says he was shocked at how limited his brainpower has become.  LOL.  Says they are all starting to mentally and physically fall apart
Wendell says basically the same thing-that they are falling apart.  He says he's not sharp and blames his loss of immunity on it.  

Jeff asks what's the vibe?  The vibe, Jeff, is that no one asks what the vibe is in real life.  

Dom says that Donathan got spooked and maybe changed gears
Wendell again tries to explain that Dom put something in his bag and it was no big deal.  Question-Doesn't Dom have a fake idol whose power is only used if he gets someone else to think it's real?
Don asks if it was so harmless why did they hide what they were doing?  why not tells me what y'alls doin?  Youre dependin on my but withholding information.
Dom says they are not withholding info
Wendell says the problem is that Don has the desire to know everything
Don: yes, when I'm working with y'alls I do!

Do Sebastian or Angela every talk at tribal???

Dom asks if he can say something and Don says NO

Kellyn doesn't know what's going on but she's liking it.  She says that after Chelsea went the word on the street was that she was next.
Don tells Jeff, it prolly ain't goinna be Kellyn it's gonna be me.  I seen them whisperin...they all got loaded pockets.....

Dom says to the group-stay with the hammock plan.
Donathan says he doesn't know what the hammock plan is and Dom says that's because we are done talking.

Laurel says she has a strong plan A but also a plan B and C.....
Kellyn think plan B's and C's sound good to her.  Says there are underdogs and big dogs but that "people came to me with plans today...."

Dom and Wendell are like, say what???

Wendell leans over to Sebastian and says "split the vote".

They vote......Dom gets 1, Kellyn get 3 and Don gets 3.  They revote.....and Kellyn is off to the jury.  


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Survivor: Is that a crack???

Wow, so we have just one more episode before the finale May 23??  How many people are going into the finale this year?  It seems like there are still way too many people left!  Who do we want to win?  I am 1000% team Donathan!!!

So last update we had the double elimination with Jenna and Michael going to the jury (note to self, catch up on Ponderosa).  Everyone wants to know why there was an extra vote and Kellyn admits she had it and used it for 2 votes against Lauren.  Lauren is pissed off at her, and says although Wendell and Dom stuck up for her, it really is every man for himself now.  

Reward Challenge and grab your hankies because it's the family visit reward.  Probably because of liability insurance involved with letting Aunt Patty do any kind of challenge other than making up a batch of fried chicken, the loved ones just watch this time.  It's an obstacle course that ends with throwing a sandbag on a small round cocktail table.  

Family members are:
Wendell-Wendell Sr who is the "original Wendell"
Kellyn's older incredibly geeky brother, Clay
Don's fantastic Aunt Patty in her pink go-to-church scarf accessory
Angela's daughter Page who talks about how much her mom has been away as a military mom
Chelsea and her sister Sydney
Laurel's big brother
Sebastian's totally hot sister Grace

And Dom's 100% Real Housewife of NJ wife Kristen. Who is wearing an 80's inspired pink camisole tucked into her jean shorts.  She says that SHE HAS BEEN IN AGONY.  Jeff jumps right on that but the agony is.....she hasn't been able to "tawk" to him for 36 days.  

The challenge comes down to Sebastian and Dom, and Sebastian wins the challenge.  He gets to take ultimately 3 people and he chooses Dom, Wendell and Donathan leaving the girls all out in the cold.  Then he gets to chose who to send to Ghost Island where they will get a certain game advantage, and if his group doesn't get it one of the girls gets to chose who gets it.  Sebastian offers it up and Wendell takes it.  

The girls are left high and dry and return to camp PISSED OFF.  

On Ghost, Wendell gets Malcolm's second chance advantage to use on the same challenge-balancing a ball on a cylinder, and holding the cylinder with 2 smaller cylinder pieces.  Malcolm an extra shot at the challenge and blew it, and I am already guessing the challenge loser Wendell will suffer the same fate.  

On reward, although Dom would love to cuddly with his lil jersey tomato he decides it's the opportunity for the 4 to come together and bond.  Dom says he is committed to them and Miss Patty says that's a sacred bond now with her.  Privately Donathan thinks that although they are all making plans, those 3 are the greatest threats in the game, and he doubts he could beat them, so he feels like they need to go.  

On camp, the 4 girls are PISSED OFF.  They're whining like crazy' "they get everything good, and now Wendell gets an advantage without the chance of anything bad happening to him.  it's NOT FAIR!!!  MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA!!!"

And then Kellyn and the ladies figure out that since they are all together and pissed they need to make a plan to take out one of the men.  Kellyn conveniently decides to use Lauren and bring on Donathan (being one of the girls and all) to take out either Dom or Wendell and Lauren is having a hard time trusting her after being stabbed in the back.  

Immunity Challenge.  And as I predicted Wendell could have 5 second chances and still lose.  Dom ends up beating Donathan for immunity.  

Kellyn declared that the happy Navidi family has come to an end-it's now all about Lauren and Donathan and who gets their votes.  

Wendell is pissed that he blew an opportunity with his Dad for nothing.  Coulda told ya that.... He also has decided they need to get rid of Chelsea because she is a challenge beast.  

The girls are deciding which of the boys to get rid of because they have too much power.  They talk with Don because "he will work with us".  Since Dom has immunity they decide they want to blindside Wendell.  And Chelsea reiterates that it needs to be a blindside.

Dom and Wendell want Chelsea.  Wendell is concerned because he isn't getting the "we're the only black people left" good feeling from Lauren.  

Lauren and Donathan talks about who they want to align with.  They are concerned that Dom and Wendell are just going to start steam rolling everyone.  

Kellyn says, yes Jeff, there was a bit of fallout and bad feelings because I attempted to screw over Lauren, but now she's my bitch
Donathan bangs the door right open by saying that indeed there is an opening in the Navidi Nation tonight
Wendell is all WHAT THE FUCK??? And looks at Dom who is also clueless
Dom admits he is indeed all shook up
Kellyn says that there is usually a tribal truth bomb from Donathan
Lauren announces that indeed there is a crack in Navidi Nation and they have found it and hope to capitalize on it.  GAME ON!!

Everyone is suddenly shitting bricks.

Chelsea is suddenly nervous and admits she is clueless as to what has changed
Donathan says that BOTH of the girls and they guys have come to them-"there's the cracks"
Dom figures out that perhaps he was too blinded by his wife's lingerie to realize it wasn't a good idea to leave the ladies alone without access to that chocolate cake with the french cookies on it (did you think I would NOT mention that cake??)
Wendell says that Donathan doesn't hold his tongue and they have to deal with the fallout
Kellyn says that the family visit kicked her off of her path and with the small number of people left everyone is running multiple scenarios every minute
Chelsea says it's like a big game of bumper cars-who will get out of your way and who will come right at you.

Jeff is ALL THE HELL OVER THE BUMPER CAR ANALOGY. Expect that to be a lesson in the Survivor college course

Dom points out that right now people are resume building and it's not a good idea to wait to make a big move, since someone else might beat you.
Donathan says it could be a blindside tonight!

Vote....any idols........Nope.

Wendell gets the 3 ladies votes but Chelsea gets the blindside with all of the men and Lauren voting!

Jeff:  There's a crack......now what???

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Survivor Double Shot

Hello!  I almost forgot I had to do an update this week.  And it's apparently not just me that thinks this season is dragging and needs a poke in the ASS, last week we had a double elimination night to get this moving.  I can remember years when I rushed my Mom out the door on Mothers Day to watch the finale but we still have 10 people lounging around the camp.  

Previously on Survivor, Desiree YET AGAIN was trying to get rid of Kellyn and got caught.  So, she, Dom and Wendell orchestrated her ouster.  Laurel is also part of this secret group.  

Michael thanked Laurel for saving his ass once again.  Kellyn, never one to let go of the NAVIDI STRONG flag still doesn't trust Lauren, even though she saved her ass.  

Curious-they always show Iguanas climbing stuff on Survivor yet no one ever catches or eats one.  Is it me or are they not allowed to eat land animals? Why not spend a few minutes not lounging on the bed and set up a little trap for a critter?  Someday they truth of this show is going to come out and you will all be forced to admit I was RIGHT that there is purell on the backside of every tree,  And the camps are fenced in so no animals go in or out, nor do any Survivors go anywhere else but their beach.  

Next we have a bit of Don and Wendell snuggling, which looks like it's totally staged and Dom is half assed laughing at the things he has to say.  Dom says they are good friends BUT.....  Dom also is apparently the only one who questions whether or not there is a new idol on the camp.  And since he says he basically knows every inch of the beach he goes out and BAM finds a coconut with a logo burned into it.  He opens it up and it's a fake idol (Jake made it and Jay tried to use it if you care-frankly I am sick of the history lessons).  Anywhoo this little fake idol apparently did not go to Ghost Island and grow up to a real idol BUT the clue says that the opportunity lies in your ability to fool another player, I guess by leaving it laying around for someone else to find and THINK it's real.  

And, BANG WE ARE AT IMMUNITY CHALLENGE.  Show of hands, who else looked at the clock and said, "hmmmm, it's pretty early for an immunity challenge..."  Sooo, there is a twist.  Survivors will be divided into 2 teams, and will compete as 2 teams with each going to tribal separately.  2 eiliminations tonight.  The challenge is one of those stamina things-they have to hold on to a lever that holds a ball in place.  The random picks of course split so each team has a majority of Navidi people, so there is a pretty good possibility of getting rid of 2 Malolo's.  Teams are:

First up

Second Team

For the first team, Dom wins immunity, second team Chelsea wins.  The second team is first up at Tribal so the other team will know how the vote came out.

Dom says that it should be easy to put the votes on Michael and finally get him off.  Michael talks to Donathan, asks Don for his idol, just to borrow it for his tribal and Donathan says NOPE.  I was afraid he would fall for Michael's big city ways.  Michael decides to go around and try to convince people he has an idol anyway.  He goes first to the always hysterical Kellyn and tells her.  She is of course all FREAKED OUT and believes him , even when he says that he is with you FOR THE REST OF THE GAME.  Kellyn tells Michael not to show it to Laurel.  

Kellyn also runs with her hair on fire to Dom who tells her to make Michael show her the idol or it's not real.  She continues running around telling people that she's scared and they should instead vote out Laurel and keep Navidi STRONG.  She also tells Wendell this, not knowing about his alliance with Laurel.  

Wendell tells Laurel who is upset because if Laurel has an idol then she would probably go home.  She thinks that it's finally time for Dom and Wendell to protect her and vote instead for Kellyn.  Kellyn still has her extra vote which she decides to use on Laurel.  

On the other side, lazy ASS Sebastian who I really cannot believe is still there, says that it's 3-2 so one of the Malolo is going home.  They decide it's Jenna but they tell her it's Donathan.  Jenna comes up and says "I assume it's me" but they tell her instead that they are all getting rid of Donathan but he has to believe it's Jenna.  Jenna goes crying to Donathan telling him she loves him and hates the thought of leaving him.  Donathan thinks may be he can play his idol and save her.  He tells Jenna to vote for Sebastian, and that he is going to use his idol for her. Jenna is thrilled, and calls him an idiot for doing so.  

Tribal 1
Don agrees that the 2 tribals have shaken things up at camp, 
Sebastian says Malolo is at the low end of the stick and there isn't anything they can do.
Jeff points out that while that is true, there are still more Navidi on the jury than Malolo's
Jenna isn't even trying to plead a case, says there are no cracks so let's vote.
Jeff calls her on her lack of even trying to persuade people.
Sebastian agrees that it's very interesting that she isn't even trying to save herself.....
Donathan says that there are always tricks up people's sleeves
Chesea says that there is a 3/2 split so if people vote wrong a Navidi could go home.
Donathan points out that the 3 Navidi won't want to rub the other Navidi's the wrong way so it's def him or Jenna
Jenna again says, I'm ready let's vote.

Vote.....Donathan plays his idol for.....himself.  

Donathan 1
Sebastian 1
Jenna 2 and an angry Jenna goes directly to the jury.

Tribal 2
Laurel says that Navidi always plays the same game
Dom points out that they have the majority on both tribals and have been lucky this whole season that way
Wendell agrees that it's that simple
Kellyn says that in Survivor the easy move is rarely the right move and she is scared
Jeff says something about animals and prey and that all eyes are on the prey
Dom says that while Michael has a strong history of finding idols he doesn't believe he has one
Michael says that if he did he sure wouldn't show it in advance
Jeff asks Laurel if she is prey #2 and she says she is and that her game hinges on their read of Michael not having an idol
Jeff starts to ask Kellyn if this isn't one of those times that you dream of playing Survivor but Michael and Wendell start having a secret powwow 
Kellyn points out that neither she of Laurel is included in the discussions

Vote-Kellyn uses her extra vote:

Kellyn 1
Wendell 1
Laurell 2
Michael 2

The jury figures out there is an extra vote.  They revote and Michael is finally voted off.  


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hello!  We have some catching up to do!  I was away and forgot to ask one of you clever people to step into my shoes!  So today I watched the last 2 episodes and 3 things come to mind: 1) It is very likely I have called Jenna Libby, or Kellyn.  Or gotten Angie wrong.  Because after all of this time I still LITERALLY cannot keep these nebulous boring blondes straight.  2) I am finding this season very boring-is it just me?  With the exception of Donathan I just don't like anyone-and to me Donathan is just sitting around looking like "is this it??" because he is also bored.  And 3) any notion I had that after the merge I did not need to keep remembering who was Navidi and who was Malolo is out the damn window.  

So just to remember, and for my own good in writing this up here's a reminder:

For the former Navidi:


And the original Malolo we have: 

But within that we have a second alliance with Dom, Wendell, Laurel and Donathan who goes both ways.  

Ok, so we are now post Chris, and Libby wants to know why she keeps getting votes.  She thinks she needs something to improve her game.

Dom is THRILLED that Chris is gone and says he can now die in peace.  He realizes he might have looked like too strong at Tribal and how he pulled off the Chris exit so he is all "I had total respect for the guy but HE was coming for me" contrite.  He decides he has to walk his bullshit level back and lay low for a while.

Wendell is rebuilding the kitchen.  He has his secret alliance with Dom, Laurel and Donathan but he is suspicious of Laurel who he thinks is a bit hesitant.  He needs to make her feel secure so he tells her his big secret of having an idol and promises her final 4.  And as usual, all this does is make Laurel suspicious because she didn't know he had an idol and is a bit pissed that this is the second time she's been in the dark.  Wendell though tells Dom that she's 100% with them.  

Reward Challenge:  2 teams, there's a floating bridge, slingshots and they have to knock down 6 targets.  Wanna know?  An afternoon of eating tacos and margaritas at the Survivor Taco Hut.  Also, as an added bonus a definite bought of raging diarrhea so stay away from the bottle of habanero hot sauce!

The "purple" tribe wins, consisting of Wendell, Laurel, Donathan, Chelsea, Libby and Angela.  Jenna gets sent to Ghost with a rock draw.  

Ghost Island:  NOT TODAY.  Jenna gets nothing.

At the tiki hut Wendell congratulates everyone and is happy that he has a chance to possibly improve things with Laurel and to bond with Donathan.  Angie brings up the "epic" tribal and Libby asks why she keeps getting votes,  Chelsea explains that it probably has to do with how close she and Michael have been.  Libby again decides she has to MAKE A MOOOOOVE.

At Camp, Michael decides that Chris was an easy vote and he needs to build his case.  He talks to Angie about how worried he is about Wendell and Dom, says Dom is powerless without Wendell so he suggests Wendell needs to go.  He also tells Angie that the girls don't trust her and she decides it's time to stir the pot.

Angie goes to Chelsea and Kellyn and tells them what Michael said about them not trusting her-she wants to start a war and be the victor standing among the bodies in the end.  She then stirs the shit with Dom and Wendell, telling them what Michael said and that Michael wants Wendell gone.  Wendell thinks that this tribal they might finally have a common easy vote at tribal.

Immunity Challenge- and it's the disgusting food challenge.  The first 2 rounds are fish eyes and Michael, Des and Laurel move on as do Angie, Sebastian and Dom.  3rd round is 3 large beetle larvae. Michael, Sebastian and Angie move on from here.  Next up is 2 giant sea slugs and Michael and Angie move on with Angie basically deep throating a whole slug.  The final competition is between Michael and Angie and is a big plate of the meat of mother of pearl, which I guess is some giant clam thing.  Angie literally dances her way to immunity while Michael asks to finish his just because he has the chance.  

Michael thinks his plan to blindside Wendell is coming around nicely.

At camp, Desiree says everyone is agreed on Michael but Chelsea thinks they need a backup spit in case he has an idol.  They think by using Laurel and Donathan they can split the vote between Michael and Libby.  

Michael talks to Don and Libby and say if they split their vote between Michael and Libby then Malolo can basically chose who to vote off.  Donathan asks Michael who he thinks should go and he tells them Wendell.  Laurel thinks it would be a resume builder to go with Wendell.  Donathan and Laurel discuss whether to stick with Malolo or to join Navidi in their plan to split the vote.  Donathan is worried about letting the Malolo numbers get too low and then being eaten by Navidi.

Dom tells Libby the plan is to vote out Michael, and then Donathan tells her the plan is a split between her and Michael.  She's like, What???  Isn't sure who to believe. Kellyn tells Dom she can't read where Donathan and Laurel are headed.  Wendell is a bit worried.


Angie talks about going into the challenge feeling left out of many conversations and needing to take charge by winning immunity.  
Sebastian is still impressed the way she downed that phallic sea slug
Don talks about the past few days everyone going off to have conversations and forming alliances.  Says he's not sure there is still a strong Navidi or Malolo bond anymore.
Desiree says if you aren't considering big moves you are already losing
Jeff asks Dom about the "new format" at the finale which is confusing to me but I guess means that they now have the ability to be asked questions and provide rationalities.  Not sure if that is anything new so perhaps they know of some difference this time around.
Wendell talks about how all of the big dogs that take people out end up with a target on their back
Michael is asked about people getting too many steps ahead of themselves and he says he is thinking of only tonight's vote.  He says too many people are getting too comfortable and not making the moves they have to.
Laurel says something about people getting too comfortable, and she says that while Navidi still has power not everyone is on the top.  She suggests those at the bottom use them while they are still here.  
Wendell says it is always hard to convince people that they are at the bottom
Dom says you can't trust anyone because of all the bullshit going around.  He suggests some people might jump ship
Kellyn says it makes no sense to jump ship as Navidi still has the numbers over Malolo
Michael says that you can sit on a timebomb for too long.....

And with that bit of wisdom it's time to vote.  Michael plays his idol and does a long winded explanation of whose it was which is just freaking boring.  Michael gets 7 votes, Wendell gets one.  Libby goes home with 3 votes.  

Aaaaand, another week!

Everyone is apparently HANGRY.  Desiree is HUNGRY.  And about to meltdown.  

Desiree is NOT ABOUT TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO.  She knows the plan is to be Navidi strong and finally get rid of Michael but she is at the bottom and wants to shake things up.  She wants to use Michael to take out Kellyn, then to get rid of Wendell and Dom.  her plan is to pull Angie and Chelsea in.  Is it me or has Desiree been playing some other game all along? I mean, she kept voting Libby no matter what anyone else was doing.  She clearly has an issue with other women....

Reward Challenge:  2 teams, one person sits out.  2 people paddle around and rescue the other 3 from cages.  And there are keys.  And PUZZLE PIECES.

Wanna know?  A ride in a helicopter to a bluff and SANDWICHES.  Donathan isnt picked and has no chance at a sammie.  

There are actually extra puzzle pieces but the orange team of Michael, Sebastian, Chelsea, Kellyn and Jenna win.  They draw rocks and Angie goes to Ghost Island.  

Michael says that he is a big target but the reward is his chance to find cracks in Navidi.  He starts with how this is THE BEST MEAL EVER!!   And then smoothes on to offering himself up as a loyal vote since he's on the bottom and powerless.

Sebastian and Chelsea are like, "you never know....."
Kellyn sees this and thinks her plan to get Michael off next is on track.

On Ghost Island, Angie gets to play the game BUT chooses the wrong bamboo tube for a lost vote at the next tribal.  

On camp, Donathan asks Laurel if she's open to working with Des and she says that she feels safer with Dom and Wendell.  Laurel tells Dom that Des is trying to rally people against him and Wendell, telling him she is trying to get the Navidi girls to flip.  Dom thinks he has to do something.  

Dom tells Kellyn that Des wants to take out her, him and Wendell.  Kellyn doesn't believe it.  Says Chelsea can't possibly be against her.  She says that she, Des and Chelsea are tight so someone is lying.

Michael is worried that they are eager to get rid of him so he decides to find an idol.  He ends up looking with Donathan for it although thinks it's a bad idea to share an idol.  Donathan finds Scott's idol and we are treated to a long winded explanation as to who Scot is and why the idol has unfinished business.  This idol needs to be combined with another one hidden under the shelter.  Don is as anxious as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, and he enlists Laurel, Jenna and Michael to cover him while he pulls the idol out.  I literally can't believe he got away with the keystone cop routine.  

Immunity challenge:  balance a ball on a disk holding 2 ropes.  Chelsea wins immunity.  

Des is happy that Kellyn lost immunity so she can put her plan into place.  Kellyn approaches Des and Chelsea and asks what happened, says Dom told her that they were gunning for her.  Desiree is FURIOUS and denies it saying Laurel is making shit up.  

Desiree confronts Laurel with Don and others around, telling her "you screwed up my plan", but then she sees Wendell nearby and yells at Laurel about her making up a story about Kellyn.  Des also confronts Dom and denies saying anything about him. Wendell and Kellyn.  Says she is on board with a Malolo going.  Dom talks to Laurel and is like, WTF??  They think she is trying to flip.  

Laurel and Jenna tell Kellyn that Des really did say she wanted Kellyn out.  

Des keeps denying it and saying they are tight.  Kellyn is confused but thinks it's not the time to blow Navidi up.  

Dom talks to Kellyn and tells her he wants Desiree gone for targeting them.  Kellyn says she wants Michael NOW.  WE'RE CALLING THE SHOTS NOW.  Dom tells her he thinks Laurel is telling the truth.

Donathan tells Jeff the pressure is terrible and it "was lit today".  He says Des was LIT.
Desiree says there are fireworks whenever you hear your name.  She says the source was Laurel and since she doesn't beat around the bush she went to the source
Laurel says Desiree attacked her in front of the tribe because SHE was caught in a lie
Desiree WHAT LIE???
Laurel says that Desiree told the Malolo 4 that Dom, Wendell and Kellyn were running the show.  Said that she, Chelsea and Angie are on the bottom and want to make a move
Donathan says something like "I seen it"
Des is losing it and says she's only gonna say this once....I NEVER SAID I WAS ON THE BOTTOM
Donathan is all "mmmmhmmmmm, Honey
Jenna says that she approached them to get rid of Kellyn
Michael says that initially Des approached Laurel to yell at her about screwing up the plan but changed her story when Wendell walked up
Laurel agrees that's what happened
Dom says every single person will walk up to you and swear they aren't lying
Wendell says that he is listening to see what the real story is
Michael says he still isn't comfortable
Don says this is the one opportunity to shift the game which is why he is PISSED because he knows what was said. HELL YES, THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE
Laurel says there is one shot to change the game if Navidi believes what is happening but they are all a cult

Jeff sounds like it's a perfect crime

Kellyn says she understands what everyone is saying but she is trying to figure out what is best for her.
Desiree says, let's just GET TO THE VOTE.

Vote (Angie has no vote)

Michael gets 2 votes and Desiree is THANK THE LORD voted out.