Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Survivor Double Shot

Hello!  I almost forgot I had to do an update this week.  And it's apparently not just me that thinks this season is dragging and needs a poke in the ASS, last week we had a double elimination night to get this moving.  I can remember years when I rushed my Mom out the door on Mothers Day to watch the finale but we still have 10 people lounging around the camp.  

Previously on Survivor, Desiree YET AGAIN was trying to get rid of Kellyn and got caught.  So, she, Dom and Wendell orchestrated her ouster.  Laurel is also part of this secret group.  

Michael thanked Laurel for saving his ass once again.  Kellyn, never one to let go of the NAVIDI STRONG flag still doesn't trust Lauren, even though she saved her ass.  

Curious-they always show Iguanas climbing stuff on Survivor yet no one ever catches or eats one.  Is it me or are they not allowed to eat land animals? Why not spend a few minutes not lounging on the bed and set up a little trap for a critter?  Someday they truth of this show is going to come out and you will all be forced to admit I was RIGHT that there is purell on the backside of every tree,  And the camps are fenced in so no animals go in or out, nor do any Survivors go anywhere else but their beach.  

Next we have a bit of Don and Wendell snuggling, which looks like it's totally staged and Dom is half assed laughing at the things he has to say.  Dom says they are good friends BUT.....  Dom also is apparently the only one who questions whether or not there is a new idol on the camp.  And since he says he basically knows every inch of the beach he goes out and BAM finds a coconut with a logo burned into it.  He opens it up and it's a fake idol (Jake made it and Jay tried to use it if you care-frankly I am sick of the history lessons).  Anywhoo this little fake idol apparently did not go to Ghost Island and grow up to a real idol BUT the clue says that the opportunity lies in your ability to fool another player, I guess by leaving it laying around for someone else to find and THINK it's real.  

And, BANG WE ARE AT IMMUNITY CHALLENGE.  Show of hands, who else looked at the clock and said, "hmmmm, it's pretty early for an immunity challenge..."  Sooo, there is a twist.  Survivors will be divided into 2 teams, and will compete as 2 teams with each going to tribal separately.  2 eiliminations tonight.  The challenge is one of those stamina things-they have to hold on to a lever that holds a ball in place.  The random picks of course split so each team has a majority of Navidi people, so there is a pretty good possibility of getting rid of 2 Malolo's.  Teams are:

First up

Second Team

For the first team, Dom wins immunity, second team Chelsea wins.  The second team is first up at Tribal so the other team will know how the vote came out.

Dom says that it should be easy to put the votes on Michael and finally get him off.  Michael talks to Donathan, asks Don for his idol, just to borrow it for his tribal and Donathan says NOPE.  I was afraid he would fall for Michael's big city ways.  Michael decides to go around and try to convince people he has an idol anyway.  He goes first to the always hysterical Kellyn and tells her.  She is of course all FREAKED OUT and believes him , even when he says that he is with you FOR THE REST OF THE GAME.  Kellyn tells Michael not to show it to Laurel.  

Kellyn also runs with her hair on fire to Dom who tells her to make Michael show her the idol or it's not real.  She continues running around telling people that she's scared and they should instead vote out Laurel and keep Navidi STRONG.  She also tells Wendell this, not knowing about his alliance with Laurel.  

Wendell tells Laurel who is upset because if Laurel has an idol then she would probably go home.  She thinks that it's finally time for Dom and Wendell to protect her and vote instead for Kellyn.  Kellyn still has her extra vote which she decides to use on Laurel.  

On the other side, lazy ASS Sebastian who I really cannot believe is still there, says that it's 3-2 so one of the Malolo is going home.  They decide it's Jenna but they tell her it's Donathan.  Jenna comes up and says "I assume it's me" but they tell her instead that they are all getting rid of Donathan but he has to believe it's Jenna.  Jenna goes crying to Donathan telling him she loves him and hates the thought of leaving him.  Donathan thinks may be he can play his idol and save her.  He tells Jenna to vote for Sebastian, and that he is going to use his idol for her. Jenna is thrilled, and calls him an idiot for doing so.  

Tribal 1
Don agrees that the 2 tribals have shaken things up at camp, 
Sebastian says Malolo is at the low end of the stick and there isn't anything they can do.
Jeff points out that while that is true, there are still more Navidi on the jury than Malolo's
Jenna isn't even trying to plead a case, says there are no cracks so let's vote.
Jeff calls her on her lack of even trying to persuade people.
Sebastian agrees that it's very interesting that she isn't even trying to save herself.....
Donathan says that there are always tricks up people's sleeves
Chesea says that there is a 3/2 split so if people vote wrong a Navidi could go home.
Donathan points out that the 3 Navidi won't want to rub the other Navidi's the wrong way so it's def him or Jenna
Jenna again says, I'm ready let's vote.

Vote.....Donathan plays his idol for.....himself.  

Donathan 1
Sebastian 1
Jenna 2 and an angry Jenna goes directly to the jury.

Tribal 2
Laurel says that Navidi always plays the same game
Dom points out that they have the majority on both tribals and have been lucky this whole season that way
Wendell agrees that it's that simple
Kellyn says that in Survivor the easy move is rarely the right move and she is scared
Jeff says something about animals and prey and that all eyes are on the prey
Dom says that while Michael has a strong history of finding idols he doesn't believe he has one
Michael says that if he did he sure wouldn't show it in advance
Jeff asks Laurel if she is prey #2 and she says she is and that her game hinges on their read of Michael not having an idol
Jeff starts to ask Kellyn if this isn't one of those times that you dream of playing Survivor but Michael and Wendell start having a secret powwow 
Kellyn points out that neither she of Laurel is included in the discussions

Vote-Kellyn uses her extra vote:

Kellyn 1
Wendell 1
Laurell 2
Michael 2

The jury figures out there is an extra vote.  They revote and Michael is finally voted off.  


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