Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Welcome to the probable last update for this season!  Can't say it was my favorite by any stretch of the imagination but we are left with 7.  Donathan and Laurel, Dominick and Wendell, an Sebastian, Kellyn and Angela.  And yes, even at this late date I cannot keep Kellyn and Angela straight.  

This week we have Donathan either having a horrible case of PMS OR playing 11 dimension chess.  Kinda going with PMS myself!

Kellyn is feeling sad and on the bottom.  She's wondering who will come for her and deciding to stir some shit up.

Donathan and Laurel are deciding what their next plan it.  Whether or not to go with the girls or the boys.  Donathan thinks the time has come to not play it safe.  Laurel kind of agrees, saying it's their last shot at taking out Wendell.  She knows she can't beat Dom and Wendell even if they are her new best friends.  Donathan thinks this is their last chance to take control of the game.  The middle ain't gonna git me to the end!

Donathan talks to Kellyn about taking out Wendell, voting with the girls.  He tells her though that she cain't go blurtin this out to no one.  And that this is us extendin out the olive branch.

Reward challenge:

Divided into 3 teams of 2 with someone not chosen, it's one of those "Lucy and Ethel in the chocolate factory" challenges with spools send down a track at differing timing.  Wanna know?  It's the ambassador to poor little island children where they get to plan Mother Theresa without the risk of disease.  Oh, and in case you don't like children there is friend chicken and chocolate cake.  LOL, remember back in the day when they actually attempted to celebrate the culture of the island?  I'm just surprised this isn't called the KFC Challenge.  

They are predictably sorted as : Kellyn and Sebastian, Wendell and Dom, Don and Laurel.  Angie has no partner,  

And, we are off and it's friggin like listening to Chris Collinsworth do the reporting,  Jeff, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!  Seriously I cannot stand listening to him anymore!!!  

Dominick and Wendell win reward and get to chose one additional person to join them- they chose Laurel because they need to get her back into the fold.  They also get to chose someone to go to Ghost Island, and they chose Sebastian which leaves a sad and mad little Donathan.  I'm pissed off and not seeing myself at the end.  Time to rattle some cages.

Sebastian is excited to go to GI, where he gets to PLAY THE GAME.  He's got a 3/4 chance with the bamboo tubes.  He wins an advantage- it's the reused steal a vote that doesn't let you steal a vote anymore but does give you an extra vote.  

And then we have the reward challenge with all of the cute little poor island children in their very clean and nice uniforms.  Let's give them sporting equipment!  Balls and swim noodles-because living on an island their entire lives they prolly can't swim too good.  Here's an idea Survivor-how about giving these kids some BOOKS TO READ???  Wouldn't it be nice to see these bedragged Survivors sitting and reading to the little island chillin?  How about we assume that these kids have a future outside of getting drafted for some US sports farm team???  During the meal Wendell and Donathan say they picked Laurel as a reward to shore her up and that they are 1-2-3 going to the end.  Laurel says her best hope is taking you two to the finale and having you split the vote but privately she wants to cut their throats.  

Back at Lavita Loco, Wendell tries to talk to Donathan about taking Laurel to the reward.  "You understand where we're at, right?"  Donathan tells Wendell that he's voting for Dom at the end it it comes down to Dom and Wendell.  Donathan is trying to drop some truth bombs and scare Wendell into pitting him against Dom.  Wendell tells Donathan that having him vote for him is all the incentive Dom needs to NOT take him to the finale. 

Donathan is really in paranoid mood, and I can't totally figure out if it's intentional or hormonal.  Dominick asks him, if you've given up,what's our incentive to to stick with us??

Dominick thinks that Don is going Kamikaze and ready to MAKE HIS BIG MOVE.  He's scaring Dom and "blowing up the entire game".

Immunity Challenge:  It's one of those use planks to build a bridge and a ladder up to a puzzle things.  Although the planks are also puzzle pieces that only fit in one way.  At the end is the same slide puzzle from day one.  

It's a very strange ending because Wendell finishes first and makes an arm motion but doesn't call Jeff over.  Laurel also finishes but does call him over and wins immunity.  

Back at camp, Laurel backs off the big move to get rid of Wendell because he did finish first and it would't be right to send him home tonight.  Aaaand there goes $ 1 million.

Dom and Wendell thinks Kellyn is probably the general consensus.  Dom comes up and they tell him Kellyn.  He's all OK BUT IF Y'ALLS GONNA VOTE ME OUT JUST LEMME KNOW.  

Dom says that Don is sabotaging himself, and at least Kellyn is dependable.  Wendell says he might need to make a fake idol, and while working on it asks Dom for some materials to use.  Dom looks and hands Wendell some stuff which is overseen by Don.  Donathan totally gets his panties in a wad about it, accusing them of shenanigans to help Kellyn.  If y'alls gonna help Kellyn Ima gonna flip.  Donathan tells Kellyn he thinks they are gonna try for him and even she thinks he's an unpredictable bomb thrower,  

Everyone is sitting on the hammock and talking about how crazy Donathan is and they think....maybe Donathan??


Jeff is again playing Doctor Phil and is 100% on my last freakin nerve.  I swear he didn't use to try to control the conversation as much as he does.  Part of me thinks they have a discussion at tribal and then go back and film Jeff looking like he's asking very wise and pointed questions to bring out their feelings.  

Dom says he was shocked at how limited his brainpower has become.  LOL.  Says they are all starting to mentally and physically fall apart
Wendell says basically the same thing-that they are falling apart.  He says he's not sharp and blames his loss of immunity on it.  

Jeff asks what's the vibe?  The vibe, Jeff, is that no one asks what the vibe is in real life.  

Dom says that Donathan got spooked and maybe changed gears
Wendell again tries to explain that Dom put something in his bag and it was no big deal.  Question-Doesn't Dom have a fake idol whose power is only used if he gets someone else to think it's real?
Don asks if it was so harmless why did they hide what they were doing?  why not tells me what y'alls doin?  Youre dependin on my but withholding information.
Dom says they are not withholding info
Wendell says the problem is that Don has the desire to know everything
Don: yes, when I'm working with y'alls I do!

Do Sebastian or Angela every talk at tribal???

Dom asks if he can say something and Don says NO

Kellyn doesn't know what's going on but she's liking it.  She says that after Chelsea went the word on the street was that she was next.
Don tells Jeff, it prolly ain't goinna be Kellyn it's gonna be me.  I seen them whisperin...they all got loaded pockets.....

Dom says to the group-stay with the hammock plan.
Donathan says he doesn't know what the hammock plan is and Dom says that's because we are done talking.

Laurel says she has a strong plan A but also a plan B and C.....
Kellyn think plan B's and C's sound good to her.  Says there are underdogs and big dogs but that "people came to me with plans today...."

Dom and Wendell are like, say what???

Wendell leans over to Sebastian and says "split the vote".

They vote......Dom gets 1, Kellyn get 3 and Don gets 3.  They revote.....and Kellyn is off to the jury.  


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