Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Survivor: Is that a crack???

Wow, so we have just one more episode before the finale May 23??  How many people are going into the finale this year?  It seems like there are still way too many people left!  Who do we want to win?  I am 1000% team Donathan!!!

So last update we had the double elimination with Jenna and Michael going to the jury (note to self, catch up on Ponderosa).  Everyone wants to know why there was an extra vote and Kellyn admits she had it and used it for 2 votes against Lauren.  Lauren is pissed off at her, and says although Wendell and Dom stuck up for her, it really is every man for himself now.  

Reward Challenge and grab your hankies because it's the family visit reward.  Probably because of liability insurance involved with letting Aunt Patty do any kind of challenge other than making up a batch of fried chicken, the loved ones just watch this time.  It's an obstacle course that ends with throwing a sandbag on a small round cocktail table.  

Family members are:
Wendell-Wendell Sr who is the "original Wendell"
Kellyn's older incredibly geeky brother, Clay
Don's fantastic Aunt Patty in her pink go-to-church scarf accessory
Angela's daughter Page who talks about how much her mom has been away as a military mom
Chelsea and her sister Sydney
Laurel's big brother
Sebastian's totally hot sister Grace

And Dom's 100% Real Housewife of NJ wife Kristen. Who is wearing an 80's inspired pink camisole tucked into her jean shorts.  She says that SHE HAS BEEN IN AGONY.  Jeff jumps right on that but the agony is.....she hasn't been able to "tawk" to him for 36 days.  

The challenge comes down to Sebastian and Dom, and Sebastian wins the challenge.  He gets to take ultimately 3 people and he chooses Dom, Wendell and Donathan leaving the girls all out in the cold.  Then he gets to chose who to send to Ghost Island where they will get a certain game advantage, and if his group doesn't get it one of the girls gets to chose who gets it.  Sebastian offers it up and Wendell takes it.  

The girls are left high and dry and return to camp PISSED OFF.  

On Ghost, Wendell gets Malcolm's second chance advantage to use on the same challenge-balancing a ball on a cylinder, and holding the cylinder with 2 smaller cylinder pieces.  Malcolm an extra shot at the challenge and blew it, and I am already guessing the challenge loser Wendell will suffer the same fate.  

On reward, although Dom would love to cuddly with his lil jersey tomato he decides it's the opportunity for the 4 to come together and bond.  Dom says he is committed to them and Miss Patty says that's a sacred bond now with her.  Privately Donathan thinks that although they are all making plans, those 3 are the greatest threats in the game, and he doubts he could beat them, so he feels like they need to go.  

On camp, the 4 girls are PISSED OFF.  They're whining like crazy' "they get everything good, and now Wendell gets an advantage without the chance of anything bad happening to him.  it's NOT FAIR!!!  MARSHA, MARSHA, MARSHA!!!"

And then Kellyn and the ladies figure out that since they are all together and pissed they need to make a plan to take out one of the men.  Kellyn conveniently decides to use Lauren and bring on Donathan (being one of the girls and all) to take out either Dom or Wendell and Lauren is having a hard time trusting her after being stabbed in the back.  

Immunity Challenge.  And as I predicted Wendell could have 5 second chances and still lose.  Dom ends up beating Donathan for immunity.  

Kellyn declared that the happy Navidi family has come to an end-it's now all about Lauren and Donathan and who gets their votes.  

Wendell is pissed that he blew an opportunity with his Dad for nothing.  Coulda told ya that.... He also has decided they need to get rid of Chelsea because she is a challenge beast.  

The girls are deciding which of the boys to get rid of because they have too much power.  They talk with Don because "he will work with us".  Since Dom has immunity they decide they want to blindside Wendell.  And Chelsea reiterates that it needs to be a blindside.

Dom and Wendell want Chelsea.  Wendell is concerned because he isn't getting the "we're the only black people left" good feeling from Lauren.  

Lauren and Donathan talks about who they want to align with.  They are concerned that Dom and Wendell are just going to start steam rolling everyone.  

Kellyn says, yes Jeff, there was a bit of fallout and bad feelings because I attempted to screw over Lauren, but now she's my bitch
Donathan bangs the door right open by saying that indeed there is an opening in the Navidi Nation tonight
Wendell is all WHAT THE FUCK??? And looks at Dom who is also clueless
Dom admits he is indeed all shook up
Kellyn says that there is usually a tribal truth bomb from Donathan
Lauren announces that indeed there is a crack in Navidi Nation and they have found it and hope to capitalize on it.  GAME ON!!

Everyone is suddenly shitting bricks.

Chelsea is suddenly nervous and admits she is clueless as to what has changed
Donathan says that BOTH of the girls and they guys have come to them-"there's the cracks"
Dom figures out that perhaps he was too blinded by his wife's lingerie to realize it wasn't a good idea to leave the ladies alone without access to that chocolate cake with the french cookies on it (did you think I would NOT mention that cake??)
Wendell says that Donathan doesn't hold his tongue and they have to deal with the fallout
Kellyn says that the family visit kicked her off of her path and with the small number of people left everyone is running multiple scenarios every minute
Chelsea says it's like a big game of bumper cars-who will get out of your way and who will come right at you.

Jeff is ALL THE HELL OVER THE BUMPER CAR ANALOGY. Expect that to be a lesson in the Survivor college course

Dom points out that right now people are resume building and it's not a good idea to wait to make a big move, since someone else might beat you.
Donathan says it could be a blindside tonight!

Vote....any idols........Nope.

Wendell gets the 3 ladies votes but Chelsea gets the blindside with all of the men and Lauren voting!

Jeff:  There's a what???

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