Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Survivor Week 3: First Goliath to Go is.....

Welcome back to another fun recap of this season's Survivor!  I, for one, am already liking this show-mostly because I have figured out MOST of these people.  Still having trouble with the dark haired women though!  

Coming off last week's DRAMATIC ROSE CEREMONY, oh wait, BLINDSIDE!!  Davis is pissed that Big Bang Christian didn't tell him how it was going to go.  Christian tries to explain how Gabby got to him and Davie decides that Gabby is the dangerous one.  However, they rejoice that Mason-Dixon is in charge!!

Carl is crying he's so upset about Jessie, some young white girl he met 3 days ago and who has now apparently become his daughter in his mind.  He decides to avenge his non-daughter's honor he needs to "turn it up a notch".  Carl talks to Bi who says she's WIDE WOKE now!  She also blames Gabby and wants to take her out.  

The Goliaths have fish and it's all happy times there!  The wrestler says it's time to break out his old school human to human skills and connect with everyone.  He especially wants to work with Natalie who he thinks just wants to be  the boss bitch.  

Jeremy and Mike continue to be joined at the hip.  They go fishing and Jeremy is afraid to lose the fishing spear.  He tells Mike all about his father having Alzheimer and how sad it is that he is not able to see how much Jeremy appreciates him.  Mike believes that Jeremy is a person of depth BUT his actions make him look like a money grubber.  He doesn't want to be taken down with him in his inevitable flame out.

Gabby and Nick spend some time discussing John and "slamtown" and how much they want to meet him.  I guess they are big wrestling fans.  

Bi and Nick spend time bitching about Gabby saying how fast she got Jess out and how scary that is.  They want her OUT!

Jeremy is beginning his flame out by wondering why there are so many side conversations, what with all of the other potential activities when one is sitting on a beach without any technology to look at.  He wants to get to the merge but the side conversations are signs to him of "distrust".  He literally brings the tribe together to have a meeting about it.  He thinks they need to slow the game strategy down because there's nothing to talk about until they start losing.  Kara thinks he is paranoid.  Mike thinks he is the one spinning right now.  John and Angelina conclude that it's all just strategy to keep people wanting to get rid of Natalie instead of possibly him.  

Jeremy begins to spin about Dan and Kara being to close.  He runs around telling people that he found the idol in Dan't pocket.  John thinks this shows that Jeremy is playing too hard and he doesn't trust him.  

Challenge-and it's raining.  One person does an obstacle course, 3 people unbraid ropes and there's a sled and then a pyramid puzzle.  Wanna know?  Immunity and the Pier 1 Imports comfort stuff.  Goliath has to sit one person out and Natalie insists she wants to do the puzzle.  

Again Bi goes up against Alec but this time Alec gets stuck and loses time.  It all comes down to the puzzle just like you knew it would.  The Davids win immunity finally!!  Bi hurts her athletic knee.  Later she says something about spraining her MCL previously and she already has a knee brace.  Remember when they got one luxury item instead of all the luggage they can carry??  

Most people realize Natalie was NOT the best choice to do the puzzle.  Natalie says it is what it is!  She approaches Jeremy looking for her "support from her brother"...  He basically tells her to look elsewhere and says she has poor communication skills.  

Alison and Angelina talk and Alison thinks Natalie is digging her own grave.  Angelina thinks Jeremy is a better first choice because they can get rid of Natalie any time.  Angelina is really committed to getting rid of Jeremy and she talks to John and Dan about it.  Mike thinks Natalie is a demoralizer and is confused because he thought it was kind of a done deal.  Natalie tries to argue about Natalie but Angelina is pretty insistent.  

Natalie tries to plead her case to Kara and Dan but Jeremy comes up and sits down beside them and a fist ensues when he doesn't want to let her talk and she doesn't want to talk with Jeremy around.  It's a huge crazy scene with Jeremy going nuts and cutting her off.  

Tribal-get your fire because in this game fire equals your life.  It's really raining and there's crazy lightening.  

Angelina says that she always figured the lightening at tribal was fake.  
Mike says something about how he was enjoying sleeping with a tiny basket as a pillow and how his standards have been lowered. 
Jeremy opens the can of whoop ass by saying everyone gets along EXCEPT NATALIE.
Natalie tells Jeff that Jeremy has her as his target
Jeremy tells him that it's her against everyone else and that she's 58 years old and can't deal with people.  
Natalie tells him that Jeremy is ridiculous and completely un self aware of himself
Jeremy says he "guarantees" that if he died, 9 people who be crying over his body but if she died no one would come to her funeral.  Which to me seemed a bit extreme, LOL!
Dan points out that she speaks down to people and says she's used to being a boss but they aren't her employees
Ang says that she believes Natalie doesn't realize who she is being perceived.
Alison says there are no second chances to change people's opinions
Natalie wonders why all the vitriol directed at her?  Why am I a threat?  Says at 57 she is a senior citizen AND RIGHT THERE I WANTED HER ASS TO GO.  
Jeremy predicts that when they merge she won't be aligned with them and Natalie promises she is.
John says his goal this vote is to keep the tribe strong and move forward.  

Time to vote:  Natalie gets 1 and Jeremy is the first Goliath to go.  

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