Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Welcome to the Halloween edition of the Survivor Update!  Hoping this update treat is more like a Reeses and less like a box of raisins. 

Natalia was blindsided last week and Kara is upset that she didn't know it was happening, which honey is how you do a blindside.  She feels NAKED!!  Alec blindsided and backsided me!!  Alec'hey baby. you and I are still together.  But now the David's have the numbers...

On Green the sun is out, everyone is laying on the beach drying their soggy privates out and Gabby is HAPPY.  And then the storm comes.  And comes and we get to see everyone on all beaches wet with no fire and miserable.  And it gets worse. Someone must ring a bell when there is tree mail because there is no way Carl would just happen to go out and find tree mail.  But alas, he does and they are all evacuated while a cyclone hits.  Davie is happy to "get his black ASS out of here".  

Next day all of the camps are a mess,  Signs down, flooded and on the tribe with the comfort items SOME OF THE ADIRONDACK CHAIRS ARE KNOCKED OVER!

Challenge:  It's a reward one.  First team gets chickens and a rooster.  Second gets a dozen eggs and third gets nothing.  The challenge is:
Sandbags in a net
2 targets

Can you tell I don't even care what the challenges are anymore??  

Wrestler John looks like an old toy I had called Stretch Armstrong.  He's buff with loooong arms and a tiny waste.  Seriously he looks much better without clothes.  Which is also a problem I have.....  (Here's a funny story that can also be a scary halloween one.  I had a stretch armstrong doll for ever-you could literally pull it's lets and arms to like 6 feet long and it would shrink back.  I kept it in it's original box and had it in our attic at our old house.  Until we moved when I went to pack up the attic and SOMETHING HAD GOTTEN INSIDE THE BOX AND LITERALLY EATEN STRETCH ARMSTRONG.  All that was left was his little shirt and pants.  I gotta believe whatever the hell lived in my attic ultimately died of cancer from whatever was in Stretch)

Ok, where the hell were we??  Oh, Orange wins the chickens, Purple comes from behind and wins the eggs and Green gets nothing.  Because there was no puzzle for Christian to solve in his head.  

Davie is thrilled with the KBC-kentucky boiled chicken.  Kara is still simmering and she talks to Carl.  Says she needs a new alliance and that they can't go into the merge with Alec because he is untrustworthy. She also talks to Elizabeth who wants to trust her but can't really.  She thinks Alec has more loyalty now that he has double crossed his original tribe and Kara is the one that needs to go.  

On purple, Angelina is a vegetarian and is excited with the eggs because she hasn't eaten any protein.  Call me crazy but I think there should be a get out of vegetarianism card when you are on Survivor. Or basically when you are anything other than a first world citizen.  Natalia wants them to cook the eggs up and gobble them down  right away.  Lyrsa wants to save them and says that cooking them will make them go bad faster.  No idea if this is true.  These two go head to head.  Mike says that Natalie has a masters degree in ungraciousness.  He's ready to have Survivor without her.  

The boys are bonding on Green.  They're calling each other Bro-chahontas. Gabby is an outsider.  Former fat guy Dan goes looking and finds an idol clue-the idol is at the next immunity challenge.  He says that fat him would be proud.  I'm sooooo over this but I am 1000% expecting at the reunion show to meet Fat Dan again.  

Immunity Challenge.  Here are the refrigerator magnets used today:

Up and over a wall
Climb platform
Use rope to lift a bridge
Slide down a fire pole
Untie a ball
Use the little ball and this 2 rope thing to move a ball up a vertical maze-this part if really cool.  

During the ball part Dan gets his second idol.  He tries to eat it because HE USED TO BE FAT.  

Orange comes in first,Green comes in second because Christian has a PhD in moving his balls, and Purple is going to tribal.  Still unsure if they have in fact eaten all of the eggs.  

Natalie starts the bidding off with IS IT NICK OR LYRSA???  People half halfheartedly discuss Lyrsa going.  Angelina tells Natalie that she wants Lyrsa's jacket when she goes.  Asks Natalie to make that happen.  Natalie asks Nick to steal the jacket.  She's really bullying him to get the jacket.  "Nick, is that jacket worth $1 million???"

Nick tells Lyrsa that Natalie wants him to steal her jacket.  Mike just can't deal with it anymore.  Mike talks to Angelina about but she's nervous because IT'S A BIG MOVE.  

Angelina says it's critical that they remain Goliath strong
Lyrsa points out that nobody knows what they are doing on the other tribes
Nick says that he's never at the center of drama-he's collaborative
The topic of the eggs comes up and Lyrsa tries again to point out that she is a chef and they didn't have the temperature for the eggs
Nick says it gets blown into drama but there really only needed one or two people to make that call
Angelina "has to jump in here" and be her usual pollyanna self.  
Nick says something about Natalie having strong opinions
Lyrsa points out that everyone has had an issue with Natalia
Nick says he tried to talk to her but all she wanted was the jacket
Natalie says that she was negotiating not bullying BECAUSE SHE IS IN SALES
Lyrsa says she is mean and impersonal
Natalie asks Angelina to help her out
Angelina says some horseshit about "she was trying to get the jacket out of love for me"
Mike points out that Angelina is a peacekeeper-she walks a very fine line with Natalie.  He says it's about having the #'s vs having people you can work with and trust
Natalie closes with "but you should see those jackets!!"
Jeff says that she is a person who always needs the last work
To which Natalie says "Not Really...."

Vote.  Lyrsa 2 and Natalie is finally off.  Angelina gives her a hug and then asks for her jacket.  




Ahhhhh.  Enjoy tonight my little goblins!

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