Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Survivor Week 4: Drop Your Buffs

If it's Wednesday afternoon you know I am furiously writing a Survivor update!!  

Day 10.  COME IN GUYS!!  But before we change the tribes, let's DASH Elayne Baker's hopes of winning the pool by having her "serious athlete" bail because of a little knee injury.  I didn't even get the Aussie medical dude to make me believe it was justified and now just "oooh, I'm eligible for some Oxy" lame ass excuse.

So, the for the rest of you it's an UNPREDICTABLE TWIST.  Drop you buffs!  It's a tribe re-sorting with the addition of one new tribe that gets nothing.  And apparently Exhile Island because the two people who left due to medical issues fucked up the numbers.    And LOW AND BEHOLD, each of the 3 new teams has a majority of Goliaths.  Totally random!  Who would have thought it POSSIBLE!!

We have the new Purple tribe called Jabeni (Jaboni???) consisting of:

Orange (Vuku)

Green (Tiva)

Carl gets to go to Exile Island.  

The new orange people are all excited because they have a GREAT BEACH!!  Why, it's almost like the producers decided to make have and have not tribes!  Alec is happy that "we have the numbers".  Davie, who was originally excited about the opportunity to "start playing the game" realizes he now must start befriending the Caucasians.  He makes some analogy to his driving a great car and how that will help him fit in.  Elizabeth, also on the bottom, starts bonding with Kara and talking about horses.  Natalia ain't happy about this horse talk and thinks Elizabeth and Kara are way too close too soon.  

Exile is probably the same exile that's been used in 7 other seasons.  There's a note that says something about catch me before I'm swept away, which Carl correctly figures out means all of the coconuts being swept out to sea.  He throws himself in (with his cowboy boots still on I think) and scrambles.  After the cameraman points the camera directly at it, he finds the coconut held together with blue string and gets an advantage in the game- an  idol nullifier, which is kind of a cool advantage but not really "just like the sling that took out Goliath".

On purple Mike realizes that they have the Davids of the Davids with Lyrsa and Nick and that basically their entire tribe is the bottom 5 of the game.  Natalie is throwing her considerable weight around and saying she wants Lyrsa and Nick GONE.  And then she starts ordering EVERYONE around.  Haven't we all worked for this kind of person that is soooo awful that everyone is looking at each other like, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??"  Angelina comments that Natalie just sits on her throne and tells the peasants what to do.  Nick immediately sees this and thinks he has found a crack in their alliance.  He talks to Mike about how crazy she is and tells him he wants to work together, calling this alliance Rock Stars!  

Finally, on green they have nothing.  Christian decides since he can't really do anything physical he will go with the Charm Nuclear Warfare which trust me, so far is working on me!!  He talks to John all about slamtown and John admits that he himself is kind of socially awkward.  Gabby gets upset that he's bonding with his DUDE BRO'S, and does her one trick pony of crying WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE to Christian.  LOL, the whole time they are having their "talk" they are being filmed in sepia.  She thinks they are all the cool kids at the lunch table, and she is only able to talk to Christian. Seriously, is he just being nice or does he think he'll finally be able to lose his virginity??

Challenge, and I realize we have yet to see many of these people in bathing suits.  2 tribes will get immunity but only the first tribe will get breakfast treats and coffee.  

It's one of those caller and blindfold things, this time with the caller riding on basically a wheel barrow being pushed by 2 people through a maze, and then a blind table maze.  Interestingly enough quiet Gabby is one of the callers, along with Kara and Angelina.  Gabby is really good at it, which isn't surprising given that she is a technical writer.  Angelina leading Natalie and Nick are horribly off course.  At the table maze it's Green flying through it for the first place win, and orange with a lead as purple is still working themselves back to the course.  Orange drops their ball, giving the purple tribe time to catch up and with endless tries at getting the ball in the last drop, Purple pulls it out and wins the mini immunity, sending Orange to tribal.  

Orange has to decide Davie or Elizabeth.....or maybe not.....Elizabeth realizes she has a 50/50 chance but she isn't giving up: Git yer butt in gear to find an idol.  

Davie already has the idol so he goes for plan B which is to tell Natalia that Elizabeth wants her out and he really wants to work with the Goliaths.  Natalia goes balistic and automatically says "she has to go".  

Elizabeth tries her hand at Alec, telling him he needs a resume builder BIG MOVE.  He's worried about showing his hand this early.  She tells him she's willing to add her vote for Davie.  Alec talks to Kara and Natalia about voting for Davie instead of Elizabeth but Natalia once again isn't having any of it.  He thinks that she doesn't trust anyone.  Natalia threatens him-if you don't vote with us you have no future.  

Davie taks to Alec and asks him if he really trusts these girls....

Tribal and Carl returns but has no vote.  

Jeff asks Natalia if it's clearly either Davie or Elizabeth.  Yes, we all decided.
Elizabeth says she's so concerned she almost pooped herself, but she can be loyal to anyone
Davie pleads his case and points out that Elizabeth has friends on the other side and a great story
Natalia is excited that the game has started.  
Elizabeth points out that in this modern era of Survivor one has to go down burning, and that big moves are important.
Natalia says that Elizabeth is desperate and that it's too early for big moves.  

While she is talking Alec gets up and goes to whisper in Elizabeth's ear.  Natalia says that she is TOTALLY PISSED OFF and has no idea what just happened.  

Alec them talks to Kara and Davie and Natalia asks ARE YOU VOTING ME OFF?? Kara leans over and says something to her and she says, "LET'S VOTE!"

Vote:  Elizabeth 1, Davie 1 and Natalia is VOTED OFF THE ISLAND!  Woohoo!!  Good riddance!!!  

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