Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Survivor: Play that damn idol!!

Hello and welcome to another week of Survivor!  WHAT AN EPISODE!!  Finale is scheduled for next Wednesday so congrats to everyone still hanging in!  I don't think I have paid, so Nancy do you want to double check where we are?

So, last week we had a blindside that Nick was unaware of in advance.  He's totally pissed off at how DUMB the David's were to blow the numbers when they worked so hard to get back on top.  Nick tells Christian that Gabby just flipped and the Mason Dixon alliance is dead.  

Reward Challenge- and it's the big family day!  So we have:

Davie's mom Hazel who says he has always been an explorer
Alison's mom Willa
Kara's HUGE brother Eric
Nick;s dad Jim who is also huge
Gabby's mom Carnita who says Gabby is type A and calls her constantly to calm her down.  Well, move over Carnita because that role is now filled 24/7 by Christian
Angelina's mom Anna-who within the first 30 seconds gets to hear all about the fucking rice deal.  IS IT ME OR ARE THESE MOMS REALLY YOUNG??
Mike's gentleman friend Josh.  Mike says it gets harder when you see everyone has a network of people pulling for them

and...Christian's very shy girlfriend Emily.  She tells him he looks like a crazy man and he just keeps apologizing to her.  It's clear he really adores her and it's also clear Gabby is taking note of every second of their interaction.  

They no longer have the families actually participate in the challenges, which is a bummer, but instead the survivors are paired up and go through an obstacle course, dig up keys and have to throw and land 2 balls on a perch.  

Angelina and Nick win.  They get to pick 2 other couples and pick Davie and his mom, and Mike and Josh.  On the way out Christian tells Emily to enjoy the flight home and watch a lot of movies.  

The reward is food.  And maybe a boat ride.  I can't really remember but they are all together eating.  Nick tells his Dad that "this could be the final 4".  Angelina announces to the group that this is her preferred final 4, and Mike says they have to figure out how to make it happen.  Davie isn't so sure because they're basically all Goliath  and him, and he is starting to rethink this whole final 4 thing...

Back on the beach Christian is talking about Emily and how shy she is.  I think it's more of a clinical issue but yea, let's all just go with 'shy".  Meanwhile Gabby realizes that he was comforting Emily like he does her.....Hmmmmm.  

And then her eyes turn dark green, she rips out of her red plaid shirt and green pants and says to Alison, "I think we need to get rid of Christian".  She says she needs to show the jury that she can play her own game.  She doesn't want to be seen as Christian's side kick because she basically has been Christian's sidekick for 31 days.  Kara is like I'M ALL DOWN WITH THAT.  

BANG,  we are back to the immunity challenge.  Stand holding a pole in the palm of your hand that is attached to a bucket of water.  Given the last IC took 5 hours and Jeff had to listen to Christian explain quantum physics, they went into the challenge closet and found the fastest one they could.  Oh and to make it go even faster, every couple of minutes they had to move their feet.  (And DO NOT tell me those bugs biting everyone during the challenge weren't being thrown in by the camera crew).  

It comes down to Kara and Davie and Kara wins immunity and they unleash the kracken of tribal jockeying.  

Gabby says for the 1000th time, "it's time for me to make a BIG RESUME BUILDING move".  Gabby talks to Christian and he says they have to get Alison out.  Gabby thinks PERFECT we can blindside him!  And then of course Gabby goes away to cry about having to get rid of her best friend.  

Gabby tells Nick and Davie that Christian is the biggest threat and he's been getting all of the credit for the big moves.  Nick is like, "CHRISTIAN IS DEAD TO ME".  So now he's fine with further decimating the David numbers.  

Nick and Davie tell the plan to Mike and Ang, and they decide that if he uses his idol, Gabby is the back up.  Davie though isn't all on board with this because if Christian goes, who is going to be his shield?  

Davie tells Christian "you gotta be careful about Gabby, she is gunning for you".  Christian is STUNNED.  He asks if Nick is in with the plot and Davie tells him he is.  

Christian decides he has to repair things with Nick so he goes and apologizes to him, says he "made an error and I understand why you are angry".  Which is so refreshing from the usual "sorry if you got upset" bullshit apologies of today.  Nick says he doesn't trust him anymore but he'll manipulate him back.  Nick tells him, "As long as it's Alison, I'm cool with it".  Christians heads into tribal saying he has Nick back in his good graces but still isn't sure if he needs to play his idol tonight.  PLAY THE FUCKING IDOL!!!

Tribal, and clearly Carl has drank all the beer at Ponderosa and is still mad.

Angelina says some people were mad about the big move last week
Nick says that "just because someone makes a big move doesn't mean it is a good move
Christian says it effects them going forward or probably something much more intelligent that went over my head.
Nick says he and Christian rebuilt their relationship.  And then I'm sure he winks.
Gabby says she is now ALL CONFIDENT about her ability in the game
Alison says that she is now a bigger target.  
Angelina says not everyone has a target on their back just "someone who I don't see an ending with"
Nick says something about putting people on the jury that you don't want to go up against.  PLAY YOUR FUCKING IDOL CHRISTIAN
Mike waffles about it never being easy or safe and then moves might not be the right choice.  

Time to vote.
Anyone have an idol?
Christian, "hang on Jeff, I'm not sure yet".....he looks around
"Ok, something is telling me to play it.

Gabby asks him how he got that big brain.

Christian gets 7 votes, DOES NOT COUNT.
Alison gets 1 and
GABBY GETS TO GO TO PONDEROSA and melt down alone with Carl. "Sorry Christian, I love you...." "See you soon!!"

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