Monday, March 4, 2019

Hello this snowy morning!  Hope everyone SURVIVED  the snow (see what I did there??) !  We were without power but not long enough to test our fire making skills outside in the snow.  Anyone see the ad for Naked and Afraid this season that takes place in the snow?  Y'all know I have been hankering for a Survivor: Freeze your as off  for years!  Not only would we be spared the parade of dirty Victoria Secret bras but I think it would put everyone who comes on with a plan on their asses.  

Ok, so now for the reason you are all still reading this crap.  Reem is on the Edge of Extinction, which appears to be another one of Mark Burnett's tax shelter properties, this one without any apparent luxuries other than a nice flag pole should one want to pretend to be president and dry hump the flag.  Oops. the politics devil got out of it's bag.  GET BACK IN THERE SATAN!!  The note says one has to "work hard for everything" while starting out with absolutely nothing (I SAID, GET BACK IN THERE POLITICAL SATAN!!).  Bootstraps, y'all!!  There is a sail that one can raise should at any time they want to quit.  Reem cries about being stranded and being the first person voted off.  ALL ALONE!!  With just this camera crew!!  The horrors!!!  

And, that's the last ti me we get to see Reem this week...

On Manu (Blue) Wendy is talking about not wanting to vote with Kelley-she is the ring leader and everyone is eating her crap up.  David on the other hand is playing a "go with the flow" plan.  Kelley and Wardog decide they have to keep tabs on Wendy now.  Kelley thinks she is probably going to look for an idol, which gives her the idea that MAYBE THE REST OF US SHOULD LOOK FOR IDOLS.  

Can I mention Wardog is one of those alpha assholes that only align with people they think are beautiful winners?  

Over on Kama Kama Kamelian aka the yellow tribe, they are discussing what their tribe chant and song should be.  They're all in a good WINNING mood and they like to dance.  Ron (I think- haven't gotten all them figured out yet) grabs Aubry and makes her do some lewd stuff called dancing.  Aubry's not really into it but she goes along.  Aubry doesn't like the kumbaya stuff, because without the drama and going to tribal "you can't get a sense what's going on".  She decides to use her marketing manager skilz and go around saying the same lame platitudes to every one in a lame attempt to "feel out the newbies".  Pretty soon people are comparing notes about her- "we can have a dialog..."  " you remind me of myself when i played"....  

Back on blue everyone is looking for idols.  David and the fat guy-Rick?  are looking and wondering if Wendy has sent them out to look as cover for her already having found it.  David tells Rick that "I know Kelley wants me gone".  Wendy finds them looking and tries to engage them.  She tells them she can be loyal and they can bring Wardog along, which makes no sense to me.  David is not a fan of Wardog.  Can I ask what kind of an ahole you have to be to name yourself WARDOG???  It's like proudly telling people you go by BUTTLICK.  

They are also looking for idol on Yellow Kama.  Gavin and Eric-two guys I literally had to look up to find their names. Eric wonders if the time away is suspicious.  Julie is being a little slave girl working on the hut while everyone else is LOOKING FOR FREAKING IDOLS, and she is bemoaning the fact that MEN always find the idols and WHY DO MEN FIND THE IDOLS?? Meanwhile she wonders if the woman should LOOK FOR THE FREAKING IDOLS.  Victoria Longstockings just says "It's a big place and I wouldn't have any idea where to begin to look".  Julia I think also says "it seems SNEAKY to look for idols. WTF??  

On Blue, Lauren finds the idol and them buries it in the sand at the surf line where it could IMO be washed away.  She's all in love with Wendy but for now doesn't say anything about finding the idol.  

Challenge:  I think this is a repeat from another season, as most are.  Swim out to a cage and dive down, bring up a giant heavy snake and drag it back to shore.  Untie parts of the snake and find tiles with numbers, which are used to come up with the combination to unlock rings.  Then a ring toss to raise oars that spell out Immunity.  Wanna know?  In addition to immunity a choice of spices or a fishing kit.  How come they never give away deodorant, incense and toilet paper??  (Because I will say it again, I am convinced there are toilets, toilet paper and Purell on every tree. Other wise in 33 seasons we would have had at least one outbreak of rampant diarrhea).  

Yellow again wins immunity and chooses fishing gear.  And notice how little Joe is factoring into the editing....

Blue is going to tribal.  Keith, who sucks ASS in challenges is a target, according to WARDOG.  He wonders if he's a bigger target than Wendy.  Keith pretty much knows he sucked it and should go.  WARDOG and Lauren discuss what a freaking liability Keith is with Kelley who disagrees and still wants Wendy.  Wardog talks to David about voting for Keith, which ruins David's imaginary plan to get rid of Kelley with War's help/  Keith promises Chris that he'll forever be his guy and now Chris thinks they have enough to get rid of Kelley.  

Chris tells fat Rick that maybe they should keep Keith and blindside Kelley and Rick is all HOLY SHIT THIS IS HUGE!!  Rick runs and tells David who "THINKS IT'S CHRISTMAS" .  Rick runs around telling everyone and they're all excited!!  And then Chris tells THE WARDOG  and puff, that dream goes up in smoke.  Wardog, in strategy that pisses me off every time, thinks "what if there is a tribe switch??"  She's a bigger target and we could hide behind her.  Wardog also wants people to think a blindside of Kelley is HIS plan.  

Kelley meanwhile thinks "people are acting strange this week....."

Wendy are you concerend? Yes
Kelley is it unnerving hving people vote for you?  Yes
Rick points out that Reem is the one who voted for her
Kelley says since she played before it can be and asset or a liability but WE NEED TO STAY STRONG
Lauren agrees.  Stroooong
Keith any concern because you are as weak as a fucking baby?  "Your longevity doesn't really ever depend on a ring toss but blah blah blah relationships, numbers, flips blahhhhhhh"
Chris says something about being "strong as a tribe"  and also having "voting units" and TRUST.  
Wardog ways there is a lot of talking and ideas going on.  Could be a blindside-I'll know more tonight where I stand.
David agrees tonight could be a blindside
Kelley says everyone is certain they know how it's gonna go tonight and some are wrong
Wardog says every move should be rational.  Cake and eat it too (not sure where that came from).  Unless I'm playing with 7 liars I know what's gonna happen.


Kelley gets only 1
Wendy gets one 
and Keith is voted off.  On the way out he says "good luck winning any challenges now" which is effing hilarious given where they are so far this season...

And then Keith comes to the fork in the road and....can't decide.  C'mon GOD, give me a sign......

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