Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Survivor Big ol 3 Episode Post

ARGH!!  I swear every time I miss a week and think I'm going to catch up the next there's a friggin double episode week that puts me even more in the hole.  THANK YOU Kevin for handling the update while I was away!  It was hilarious and jeez how great to sit back and read the updates!!  

Note: the previews seem to indicate that there is going to be a challenge to see if someone comes back from the EDGE this week, so unless only one person actually goes home, I'm going to propose if a group of them go home we still use the original order they were voted off.  So in other words unless Reem comes back, she will be the first person technically  removed if Extinction gets sent packing.  If Reem comes back to the game then the second person who was voted off (Kieth??) is the alternate winner.  Sound good?

And while I'm talking about Extinction, what a massive waste of time that has been.  I'm guessing the point was for it to become some kind of last chance Lord of the Flies environment where they fight among themselves for clues to help them get back into the game but since no one knew what was going to happen they became cooperative sheep waiting for the next half bowl of rice to be delivered to them.  

OK so let's blow through episode 4 because I know y'all are hard working professionals that would never read my emails on company time.

Chris arrives at Extinction and is all "I was played like a fiddle".  Reem is a hardass about him doesn't give him a happy welcome.  

Back at the blue tribe Wendy returns the flint and laughs that no one understands her "masterplan"  Wardog is all "WENDY SHOULD TO GO NEXT!  WE HAVE THE NUMBERS TO GET RID OF WENDY".  

They all return to Jeff for what they think is a challenge but is a switch up.  Everyone is shocked Chris was voted out.  

DROP YOUR BUFFS.  They are resorted into 3 tribes and Jeff loses his shit when it's basically the same people on the tribes except Wendy is moved over to one of the former yellow tribes.  Totally not what the producers wanted.  

The new blue tribe: Gavin, Aubry, Pippi Victoria, Eric, Wendy
New Yellow: Joe, Ron, Julia, Julie, Aurora
New green tribe: Rick, David, Wardog, Wentworth, Lauren 

I think that's right.  Green gets a new beach with nothing on it.  Lauren is nauseous and homesick.  

On Yellow Joe is trying to bond with everyone and does the "bro" thing with Ron, who gives it right back to him but doesn't really mean it.  In fact he's just distracting him while Julie goes through his bag to find if he has an idol and what kind of hair products he uses.  Once she confirms there's no idol (and it's AXE products)  they decide he's the easy target.  

Wendy is the new one to the tribe but it's her beach so she gives everyone a tour.  Aubry initially thinks Wendy will be the easy first one out although "she's so nice".  She's also very chatty and gives up all the dirt on the former blue tribe.  She also lets all of the chickens out to run away and the episode is people talking to the camera with chickens squawking in the background.  

Immunity Challenge- there's crates and there's puzzles.  You don't need to know much more.  Green goes to tribal again.  

They are all best buddies but have to turn on someone.  Lauren isn't eating, there's a question about whether Kelley has an idol, Lauren and Wendy don't think Rick is loyal to them.  Wardog is "always thinking who can get THE WARDOG closer to the $1 million"

Tribal is a love fest.  They love each other, respect each other, their camp sucks and it sucks to be losers.  Wardog says this is the game of all games (I thought that was Afghanistan...), Ron says here you prove things to yourself, David says some nonsense about some things being worth more than a million dollars, and Rick is voted out.  

Fat Rick shows up at Extinction where they all just sit around all day without ever considering building a shelter.  I totally don't know why they don't just call it Loser island. And if the point is for it to be a Last Chance Kitchen why not at the least have them do fire challenges to stay in the game?  

Challenge: it's for 1) PB and J and sandwiches, 2) just sandwiches or 3) nothing.  It's basically a maze of silly string, lift someone up to get "bolos" and then play ladder ball but everyone must score so no hiding behind Joe's brawn this week.  Yellow gets the win, blue gets the sammies and green comes away with a big fat lot of nothing again.  Seriously there should be a captain over David's head that says, "womp womp".  Kelley complains that their tribe is like "3 girls and Wardog" which is pretty self deprecating statement about girls in general.  

On yellow people are complaining how STRONG and WINNING Joe is and how that makes him a big target.  Joe decides his best bet is to be super helpful.  It kinda works because now Ron isn't so keen to get rid of him knowing his ASS would have to provide a bit.  Julie is pretty determined he goes.  

The eat their sammies on blue and are still hungry.  Pippi says "there's still chickens"....  Eric compares working with Wendy to having an alarm clock that you never know when its going off.  Aubry is STILL WAITING FOR THE GAME PLAY TO START.  I NEED TO FIND SOMEONE WITH ANY KIND OF STRATEGY INTEREST!!  Meanwhile, Gavin, Eric and Pippi talk and decide it's between Wendy and Aubry.  Aubry is still a big target just being a returning player- the new players rightly so are tired of the returning players angle because they basically want the season to be about them not always just how they react to those who have played before.  Pippi decides to placate Aubry with the idea of a "girls alliance" to lure her away from the thought that she might be in trouble.  

Pippi comes up to Aubry and begins to talk strategy and Aubry is so eager she almost kisses her.  She tells her everyone is way too calm and not really playing the game because they know they have Wendy as a buffer vote.  She suggests it's a good time to blindside one of the boys and Aubry is so eager to be known as a MAJOR SURVIVOR STRATEGIST AND PLAYER that she almost drools on herself.  

On Green, David asks Wardog "shall we fish??"  and Wardog tells him "I've never fished in my life and I'm tired".  LOL.  David decides to go look for snails....and an idol.  He says he's a 44 year old with a 2 bedroom apartment and he needs to shape his life up.  Lauren, Kelley and Wardog talk about what a loser David is.  Then Lauren goes away probably to puke again and Wardog tells Kelley that they make the best combo and it's possible that Lauren could break them apart if it's just those 3.  Kelley is like, OK I'll stab her in the back.  

On Edge, the producers have decided these people are even too lazy to fight among themselves so they throw a box onto the beach- each one has a scroll in it with a map.  "Goal is to be back in the fold"  "If the stars align they'll point the way".  Everyone sits around confused until Rick figures out if you FOLD the map just right arrows point to a tree.  That's why he's the big time journalist.  Reem wants them all to have a pact and only go together to see what's there (mostly because she's too lazy to beat anyone to the tree).  And she wants them to eat their meager bit of rice first.  Surprisingly, loser Kieth is like "that's not gonna happen" and he takes off to the tree.  Everyone runs after him and Keith and Chris get to the tree about the same time but Chris finds the note.  It says "practice" and has 3 bamboo rods.....Rick gets to the second tree (from the back of the scroll) and it has an advantage he can give to someone still playing with an extra vote.  Rick "WE'RE STILL PLAYING THE GAME!!!!"

Immunity Challenge-there's water and a 3D puzzle whose pieces you need to unhook underwater.  I swear the producers made the green tribe's harder.  The literally cannot unhook their pieces.  Jeff is all THIS IS THE BIGGEST BLOW OUT IN SURVIVOR HISTORY.  It comes up to David's turn and Jeff literally yells at him GET DOWN THERE AND RELEASE IT.  David can't and Lauren has to go back down and do it finally.  

Meanwhile the Yellow team of course kicks ass and gets the win.  And they basically are telling the blue team how to put it together when the green tribe comes from behind and gets the win FOR THE BIGGEST COMEBACK IN HISTORY, JEFF.  

Blue has to go to tribal and hallelujah Aubry gets to play Survivor finally!!!  She talks to Pippi about how much she looooves to  make move and this is her chance to get someone big like Eric out to IMPROVE HER SURVIVOR RESUME.  They decide to bring Wendy in and ask her "what kind of game did you want to play" and she's all I DUNNO.  They ask her if she wants to do a big move and get one of the guys out and she's all "if I say no will you take me out??"  Aubry is frustrated because she can't even express an opinion and clearly isn't WOWED by Aubry's strategic game play.  

Aubry is looking in her bag for her idol and she finds the secret advantage Rick sent her. She can use it up until there are 7 people left in the game. She's now all freaked out because she "doesn't know how to play when she has a bounty of advantages".  

Gavin is like "it's totally chill at camp, we aren't even talking strategy"  to which Pippi and Aubry say nu huh we are.  Even Wendy says she's been strategering and is amazed that "people are confused by my game play".  

Aubry says some bullshit about people sussing out their people and black cats finding other black cats and halloween and hocus pocus and then she looks like she is waiting for Jeff to give her a treat for her brilliance.  

Everyone is like, tonight is totally an easy vote about who has my back.  Aubry says it's simple and she isn't going to over think it.  And she's going to have a lot of time to think about it as she is the next person voted off and off to the decision point where of course she chooses the Edge of Extinction.  

And then we go right into episode 6, and I'm like damn it this update is going to take all damn day!!  And here we are....

It's morning on Extinction and Aubry is RIGHTFULLY SO mortified by going out "JT style" with a pocket full of idols and advantages.  She's unsure if they are still playing the game or if they are sitting in the waiting room.  We aren't sure either Aubry.  But she knows she can "thrive on the bottom".  

C'MON IN GUYS.  It's challenge time.  There's tables to leap over, sandbags and spinning targets to throw out.  Wanna know??
1) coffee, tea and pastries
2) coffee and cookies
3) hunger

Aurora sits out and I'm like "who the f*(k is Aurora???"

No surprises, yellow wins 1, blue wins 2 and loserville gets another shot at losing.  Kelley is jealous that they have Joe because "that's like a 2 week vacation".  

Julie is like, "at this point I expect to win".  She tells Joe- you won that challenge for us Joe.  Joe knows that puts a big ol target on his back.  He says Aubry going was like a big wake up call.  He gets all teary eyed about not having anyone else to rely on but back home he has his family and his 22k instagram followers.  He wipes his eyes with his hand in his buff and it's like A GIANT FOAM HAND.  lol. 

Joe talks to Julia about how they are both going to be targeted when they merge and he decides to make everyone else seem like threats so that the tribe bonds with him.  Julia realizes he's right and that she is going to have to adapt when the merge happens.  

David is wondering what it must be like to be Joe?  Honey, best not to try to think about how wonderfully better it would be to be him.  Lauren is sick and frustrated that they keep losing and they have a shitty beach.  None of them seem to want to do anything to improve their beach... She tells Wardog that the rice is making her even sicker.  Wardog thinks fishing, like David is at least trying, is counter productive because it uses calories and laying on your fat ass doesn't.  

Wardog tells David and Kelley that he thinks they need to get rid of Lauren because she is so sick.  Kelley and David talk and Kelley says that Wardog is scaring her.  David agrees that it seems to be a dictatorship.  AND WARDOG SUCKS AT CHALLENGES.  

Extinction Island

The producers throw another basket up on the beach in an attempt to make something out of this disaster.  There are maps in there and Aubry is confused why everyone starts right off folding them.  This one is harder.  Rick thinks if you line up all the holes it does something about the mast but he digs all around it and nothing.  Reem looks out at the water and decides she sees some pattern so she and Keith go explore and they find another box.  Keith opens it which means he "owns" it and it's a box with knots inside and it says "when the time comes give your competition these knots.  Chris blames Reem for "giving it away" and Reem goes off "like a volcano" and my husband and I just laughed and said "that would TOTALLY be me by now.  

Immunity Challenge- and there is only one immunity up for grabs.  The other 2 tribes go to tribal together and agree on one person to vote out- or tie and DRAW ROCKS.  

There's a ladder, a rope bag to unroll, a cage door and I swear something called a "monkey cyst" to throw in a ring and get a slide puzzle.  It doesn't really matter because JOE IS AWESOME AT EVERYTHING and Yellow wins immunity.  

And basically it's 25 minutes of people posturing about making the other side afraid to draw rocks by acting like they don't care if they draw rocks.  And them people being all "is Wendy worth drawing rocks?  would returning players go to rocks knowing they might have come back just to go out with rocks?"  And then everyone is like, I don't want to risk rocks.  Let's stay strong and make them afraid to draw rocks...Wardog goes to the beach alone and everyone thinks he's plotting.  He's thinking, "is sick Lauren worth going to rocks over??"  Then he goes off to finally look for an idol.  

David says Wardog is creating a war, and then they all decide to go find him and look for idols.  Kelley finds one and in the excitement  Lauren tells her she has one too.  


It's ridiculous.  Everyone is "hey we welcome anyone who wants to come play with us".  Wendy says they all asked her about her original tribe and she said she's now in the middle.  David tells her they still consider her part of their tribe and Eric says "that's not what she said".  

And then Kelley starts talking to Wardog, and he talks to David, and then they start talking on the other side and David calls Wendy out of the area for a side conversation and GOD KNOWS WHAT SHE SAYS.

They vote and it's a tie which means they have to revote.  Everyone is still talking together in groups and someone says "worse cocktail party ever".  

And then they revote and it's pretty unanimous that Wendy goes to Extinction.  

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