Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Survivor: Not a Good Hair Day.

Good morning, my pretties! Hope everyone is enjoying this early warm spring day!  No??  Ahhh well, we always have Survivor!!

Last week started off BANG with what appeared to be a challenge but instead DROP YER BUFFS!!  WE ARE MERGED!!  With 12 people which is way more than usual.  Frankly I think next season they should just flat out go with one tribe and only individual immunities from the start.  So tired of the "play for the merge" from day one!  

BUT WAIT!!  There's a twist in what Jeff already predicts will become ICONIC.  And with amazing hyperbole Jeff tells us this might just become ICONIC INSTANTLY!!!  C'mon in!!  And in walks the waking dead of extinction island.  WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT?????  

And now we have the Edge of Extinction challenge:  There's a maze, knots to untie, the bamboo pole to get a key and unlock a "door" part and then the move a ball up a snake maze challenge.  Jeff:  "Some of you have advantages".  Keith gives his disadvantage to Chris who has been using his advantage to practice.  So Chris has more knots to untie.  

So, Reem sucks, Wendy gets out pretty high in the snake and is all twitchy and querky, then and drops, Aubry is out in front but drops her ball,  Chris gets pretty close and drops and Rick Devins comes from behind and wins.  He gets a second chance to join the merged tribe.

And the losers stand there crying after everyone has left, with Jeff totally picking at the scab asking they why they wanted to play and why they stayed on Extinction.  They're all crying and talking about how they've watched the show forever..... 

And then Jeff asks WHO WANTS TO GO BACK TO EXILE AND KEEP PLAYING!!!  YAY!!  Everyone is all YES!!!  But then when they get back to the island Keith and Wendy leave (NOTE: THIS DOES TRIGGER THE ALTERNATE AND SINCE KEITH WAS VOTED OUT FIRST)

Back at camp we have the merge feast.  Kelley is all OH HELL NO NOT FAT RICK DEVINS.  Rick is afraid he is an easy vote and "has to make connections".  

He talks to Julie who becomes his fierce defender telling him HELL NO WILL I LET YOU GO BACK TO THAT AWFUL PLACE...right away.  

The new tribe is VATA.  Kelley and Lauren discuss how great of a scapegoat Rick is.  They are in the 8-4 minority from the original group so they're clearly looking for someone else to be voted out.  

Kelley talks with her arch nemesis Joe because she feels like she is at his mercy.  He tells her he doesn't trust his tribe and thinks he is at the bottom.  Kelley says that she can see David and Devins as an alliance and see them shifting towards the 8.  

In addition to the 8-4 Yellow-blue split there is an 6 girls 7 guys split.  Lauren tells Julie that Rick could be an easy vote and she goes all ballistic-"I'm SHOCKED that they would send him back", from a "moral standpoint".  She suggests either Kelley or Lauren should go because they are "BRUTAL".  

Devins finds something in his bag-it's a 2 part immunity idol.  He has to give half to another player until after this vote and if they both survive it gets it's full power back.  He tells David about it and gives him the other half, which is amusing since right now those two are on the chopping block.  

Challenge: Stand on a beam holding a pole above your head with a little statue on the end.  Julie wins immunity.  

Julie tells Pippi Victoria that she wants to get Kelley out, says she can bring in Rick and David to vote with them.  Tells Rick "you are not going home but don't ask questions".  Rick tells David and also says "she told me the others have no problem sending me back"

Everyone runs off to catch the damn chickens (who are probably outside of the producers electronic fence and all we are hearing are recordings).  Joe stays back to slowly work on painting the new flag.  Ron talks to him about who to vote for and Joe is all "meh, whatever is cool".  Ron thinks that Joe was too vague and he says his true alliance is to the Kama 6, so he wants Joe gone.  

Ron talks to Pippi and says he wants Joe to go.  She wants Kelley.  She talks to Gavin and Eric and says she wants Kelley but Ron wants Joe.  Julie also wants Kelley, says it's not a consensus this week but it's an important decision.  

Tribal-some of you haven't heard my important FIRE IS YER LIFE quote yet!  He also says :"bring in the jury" and in walks the Extinction group and everyone is like WHAAAAA???  

Julie is excited to meet the new people.  Ron says he loves his Kama people.  Kelley says that there are new relationships forming.  Rick says the dynamics keep changing.  

Victoria is asked if getting re-rid of Rick would be an easy decision and she says no, that would be evil.  He's not a threat and there are bigger targets.
Joe says that doesn't make me feel good, although my hair is looking effing AMAZING TONIGHT so I'm assuming I am safe because of it.
Victoria says "not all threats are physical..."
Ron says no one is talking idols or wondering if they will be used.  To which The Wardog says basically "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition".  
Rick points out that Joe just sat and painted the sign because he's THAT SECURE. 
Ron says, "hair like that, he doesn't need to scramble".  
Kelley says it's frustrating if you're me.....


Idols?  Nope.
Rick 2
Kelley 2
David 3
Joe gets 4 and goes to extinction.  Perhaps one of the dumbest decisions in Survivor history!  

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