Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Survivor: Blindsides are fun!!

Welcome to the "the world is going to hell so let's just watch reality tv" update of week 4.  And, yes, I know there was no week 3 update-the husband had back surgery last Wednesday (with barely a week's notice) and it got lost in the 800 other things I had to do.  

So. quick update:  Vinny was selected to go to IoI where the lesson of the week was about staying calm under pressure.  His test was to go to the purple tribe's camp late at night and steal some fire with his torch.  He completes the challenge BUT since the fire was out he brings back ashes (pretty smart if you ask me).  BR and Sandra let him slide with the ashes and he gets immunity.  

The IC was a team water thing, with a puzzle thing and Purple came from behind sending the Orange tribe to tribal.  At Tribal it was between Karishma and Vince, and Vince went home with his idol still in his pocket.  Maybe BR and Sandra could do a lesson on USING YOUR DAMN IDOL.  

Week 4!  And we finally see Dean in a major asshole way.  Seriously he has been edited out for weeks and bang, he's a star player.  Karishma says she has no hard feelings for all of the votes she took but she realizes she's expendable as plan B.  She's really pretty effing useless too.  

I think it's Aaron who is thinks that he's calling the shots and he says that although Karishma is an easy target, Dean and Chelsey have put a big ol target on their backs by sleeping all cuddled up.  Calls them the power couple.

Dean says that he's into Chelsea but Chelsea tells Elaine that she's not here for any romance.  

Aaron and Missy talk about the couple and say they are trouble.  Missy thinks it's time for a big move and wants to get Dean out so she can continue with her girl power alliance.  

On the Purple tribe every one decides to take the raft out and go fishing.  Jamal says his full on melanin stocked skin can't take that much sun so he's gong to stay in the shade.  He's actually nervous because people aren't talking to him much and he was left out of the Molly bindside.  He wants to see if the Island of Idols means there are hidden idols.  Aaaaaand while looking and discussing some bad breakup and how it taught him to be zen and shit, he finds an idol.  

Later a boat arrives at the Purple camp and someone has to go to IoI.  Either draw a name out of the hat OR by unanimous decision.  People are worried about going because it puts a target on your back if you say HELL I'LL GO!!  Except for socially clueless Noura who says HELL I'LL GO!!!  

She's whisked off to IoI yelling WOOOHOOOOO the whole way.  She's excited to see BR and Sandra because they are EXPERTS.  They ask if she wants watermelon and she screams WOOOOHOOOO I LOVE WATERMELON!!  LOL, she totally reminds me of Elf.  She says she's a novice and needs to learn from these 2.  BR tells her everyone who comes to IoI gets a lesson, and hers is about the art of persuasion.  He explains the thing that works best is if you are offering something they other person wants.  Says there are different kinds of persuasion: 1) the appeal to someone's ego, 2) the scare them tactic, 3) the start a rumor tactic and 4) the this for that negotiation.  Noura thinks her way of negotiation is MORE INTELLECTUAL.  LOL.  BR offers her a test-the next challenge will have a blindfolded caller and if she can persuade them to let her be the caller then she will win an advantage-the ability to take a vote from someone.  WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO. Br tells her to think about it but she's all I AM DOING IT!!!  Sandra says she jumped at it with out thinking.  BR says that she's the last person you would ever want as a caller because she lives in Noura world not reality world.  Noura gets the boat back to her tribe yelling WOOOOOOOHOOOOO the whole way.  

She returns to camp and it's so bad.  Noura rushes to say she gets an advantage in the next challenge BUT you have to agree UNANIMOUSLY with my roll in the challenge.  People try to ask what the challenge is but she's all YOU HAVE TO SAY YES FIRST AND I'LL TELL YOU WHAT THE CHALLENGE IS.  LOL.  Not sure what well thought out strategy she's using!  They agree reluctantly and she tells them it's a blindfold challenge and she is the caller.  

Dan says it is so unbelievably bizarre.  Says if people's eyes could really do full circles like cartoon characters his would be.   

Jamal starts asking her questions- why did she decide to be the caller?  
Noura: It's done.  We d
Jamal: yea, but why?  Noura: It's done.  I'm the caller.  
Jamal: yea but why would you want to be the caller??
 Noura: I don't know, it was the first thing I thought of.  

And then they decide to practice which goes down hill very fast.  Lauren says that a blind man could see this is a disaster in the making.  If she insists on being the caller and fails, it's her ass gone.  

Immunity Challenge: yes, it's the bindfolded challenge where they go out and get 3 bags of puzzle pieces and then do the puzzle also blindfolded with a caller.  

Purple team- you have an extra person who are you sitting out?  Everyone turns around and then they say Noura is sitting out.  LOL!!  They totally rejected her and she loses her vote.  

Jason is calling for the purple, Elizabeth for Orange.  Jason sends them out all together, Eliz sends them out as 3 teams of 2. Jason is really good and purple has all 3  keys while the orange barely gets back with one.  They have a huge start on the puzzle with Jason very calmly telling Kelley how to do it.  They are almost done when the orange tribe gets to the puzzle BUT one of the pieces is in wrong and while Jason is figuring it out Orange gets most of their puzzle done. Orange is about to set the last piece in when Eliz sees she has also made a mistake which give purple the time to redo and win immunity.  

Missy decides it's better to keep useless Karishma and use her for her vote.  Karishma thinks the tribe is a bunch of pansies.  

Dean thinks Karishma is useless (she is).  He says tonight ain't gonna be no blindside.  

Karishma tells Chelsey she is going to go out swinging. Chelsey has an idol and thinks her relationship with Dean will take her far in the fame.  

Eliz, Aaron and Missy talk.  Aaron says they need to blow the game up and Dean has to go.  Eliz pretends to go along but wonders why they would get rid of Dean now when he at least does work around camp.  She remembers that BR told her to "look before she leaps".  

Eliz tells Elaine that they are throwing Dean's name around. Tells her Missy is behind it with Aaron.  Says they aren't going to tell Tom and Chelsey.  Eliz tells Aaron that Elaine isn't on board.  Says it will alienate Chelsea and Tom.  Aaron thinks he's the only one playing the game,  Eliz tells Missy that Elaine is a no.  Missy is all "I'm here to play so I need a name from these people who they would vote out".  Missy talks to Elaine and throws out Chelsea's name.  Elaine thinks this is too much-now she's throwing out Chelsea?  She says they are all yahoos and that this vote is real gut check time.  

Chelsea says that with 2 blindsides behind them that they clearly suck at puzzles but not at blindsides.
Karishma says she was the last back up plan and now nobody wants to talk to her.
Elaine says she can't keep up the game is moving so fast-says she doesn't know anything.
Dean says Karishma should get up and talk to other people
Chelsea agrees that you should never throw in the towel and should keep trying to talk to people
Aaron says all you need is to plant a seed of doubt.
Eliz says that one plan became plan 1,2,3,4....
Elaine says it's unnerving because you could be plan Z
Missy says it's Russian Roulette and it could be anyone
Karishma says she's loving the confusion
Missy says Karishma is still in trouble
Karishma says the chaos could be her ladder to climb out
Dean is asked what he would say to someone after a blindside?  "Sorry, thanks for playing..."4
Missy says she would be shocked to be voted off but says they are one part family one part strangers
Chelsea says a blindside makes you smile-it's like we are really playing Survivor!  "It's fun!!"

Time to vote!  Anyone wanna use an idol?  Nope....

Karishma 2
Chelsea is off with 5 plus votes!  

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