Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Survivor Update Catch Up!

Hello and welcome to the apparently OCCASIONAL Survivor update.  LOL!  In my defense it's been insane at my house- Wil had back surgery, I have 3 back to back pottery shows without enough inventory, AND my dog Phoebe had surgery, is in a cast and has to be kept quiet and away from her crying brother for 4-6 weeks!!  Jesus, why did I give up drinking???

Lemme quick catch up on the week we missed.  We are in new tribes still and doing the inevitable crap about who you will be loyal to- your former tribe or this new version of a tribe, and we're already plotting for that merge when people all get back together and test those new alliances.  

Noura thinks she's sitting pretty with a 5-2 situation BUT she doesn't trust Jack or Jamal from her original tribe -she wants one of them to go and she talks to Dean about it.  Dean is happy someone has approached him with a plan that isn't him going home but unfortunately it has to come from the complete nutter.  He thinks it'd be crazy for him to work with her.  

He tells Jamal about her plan to target him or Jack and Jamal reminds Dean that she's freaking insane, and suggests going with her might not be the best solution to his problems.  And now Jamal is worried about Noura and thinks she has to go.  

On the new Purple tribe Jack is getting his buff straightened out by Dan and Elaine says awww, it looks like he's getting ready for a date.  Tommy says "no way he has a date..."

Elaine says with a 4-4 split it's going to get serious.  Says they might have to stick together and go for rocks.  

Missy and Eliz don't want to go to rocks.  Aaron tells Jason he isn't going to rocks.  Tells him "I'd rather sacrifice one of my girls" than take the chance with rocks.  Tells him not Missy or Eliz but he'd be OK with Elaine going.  Jason says they're flipping at the drop of the hat-it's "all good in the hood".  

Reward challenge is for chickens and Purple wins.  Elaine sits out which means she has to go to Island of the Idols.  

On IoI Boston Rob is building a mansion in his down time.  Sandra is helping him and probably bitching about it.  He thinks he needs to build her her own wing because of her snoring.  

Elaine says she's just a 5'2" busted can of biscuits and at this point some alone time on IoI might be good!  And then she sees the statues and BR and Sandra and is all excited!  

Today's lesson is about having the courage to be daring.  He starts a bottle with sand in it and tells Elaine she has that amount of time to decide.  LET'S DO IT!!!  BR says "but you don't know what it is yet"  Being impulsive in Survivor is a double edged sword.  Elaine tells him that's the story of her life and she is on Survivor to win but also to have an adventure after losing her mom 3 months ago.  

Sandra says Elaine won her over!  At the Immunity challenge is a block a vote advantage and she has only one chance to grab it.  She tells him she's like a ninja.  He explains that if she can't grab it she loses her vote in the next challenge-which is huge given they are 4-4 split.  

On Orange Jamal is some African studies dude and he's showing people how to do a "wassalanka" rhythm dance.  Jacks loves it and thinks Jamal is great.  Later while cooking Jack suggests Jamal uses his "do rag" to grab the hot pot and it goes over like a fart in church.  Jamal says he never knows with white people when to let things go or to have the race conversation.  Jack walks away making it look worse but Jack is mortified with himself.  Later he tells Jamal that he's embarrassed by what he said. Jamal points out that the do rag is part of the image of a black man-and it's a negative image but it's so ingrained that it just flowed off Jack's tongue.  

Jamal tells Jack that white men have a long way to go to understand being a black male and being on the bottom.  Jack is really touched that Jamal took the time to explain how he felt to him and he sincerely apologizes. Jamal says that that apology will stay with him forever because it was so honest.

Ok, social lesson for today over.  Elaine returns to camp and Eliz asks her if she met anyone on IoI.  Elaine tells her about the advantage and how she has to grab it and Eliz says she'll cover for her.  Eliz says THIS IS HUGE and Elaine is all NO PRESSURE THOUGH.  

IC has the teams dig under a giant bamboo cage and them walk with the cage to several spots where they collect balls.  Then they throw the balls into nets on a giant wall.  Elaine is able to grab the advantage while people are untying knots.  Purple is way ahead but Orange pulls back up and Dean gets a redo on his bball skills and Orange wins immunity.  

Jason says Elaine is like one of the chickens about to be slaughtered.  He says they need to clue in Missy and Aaron so they don't get spooked.  Meanwhile Elaine runs up to Aaron and tells him her "good news".  He tells her he's in but...  They tell Missy and she's more into it.  "OK, now we run the game".  Aaron keeps pretending he's going along but thinks this is his chance to get rid of Elaine and aligning with the other side.  

Tommy says it's Elaine.  Someone asks is she might have an idol and snarky Lauren says "she's not smart enough to have one.  Lauren also says that Missy and Eliz would have spilled the beans.  She flat out asks them and they tell her nope.  

Elaine thinks that while Dan is a sketchy bag checker and Tommy is a bit physical threat, Jason is smart AND strategic.  Aaron decides he's in charge of the game and must decide whether to switch alliances or stay in his original one.  

Elaine says it's an old fashion stand off.  Bring it!
Aaron says it just takes one person to flip,
Tommy points out that they have a lot of their original tribe left overall so they're not flipping.  Which is a stupid thing to say because you've just told them whoever flips will be on the bottom.  
Eliz points out that's the problem with eating their own because they'd be left with just trusting them.
Dan says if someone switches they'd become 7 strong and then play with the people we want instead of sticking with tribal alliances. 
Elaine says that it's easier to trust when you think your on top.  Gonna be hurt feelings tonight. 
Jeff says but nobody has leverage.  
People are all "we're willing to go to rocks" because they think Aaron and Missy are with them.
Elaine says she doesns't like rocks, explains her advantage and blocks Jason't vote.  
BR points out it doesn't mean she still isn't going if Missy AND Aaron vote against her.  
Jason says it's all out of his control now.  Everyone is up whispering and Lauren starts crying because I guess she figured she was gonna just cruise on her nastiness to the end.  
Lauren says it sucks that she might now go.
Dan says he'll be really disappointed and Tommy says it's awful and he'd replay it forever.  
Jason says it's all up to the Survivor Gods!

Vote- Jason tries to get Aaron to fist bump and he refuses. The original purple people are all freaking their arrogant selves out.  

Aaaand......Jason is voted out.  Jason tells them "hey, don't trust Aaron" on the way out.  BR points out that Tommy is really mad!

So now last week....y'all still reading??

Elaine returns to camp predicting they'll be all butthurt but now her side has the numbers.  Lauren is still crying and saying "I was lied to".  It's Survivor honey.  Missy tells her she's safe because she's a connection to the other girls.  Aaron predicts they'll come back begging for their lives.  

It's a rainy night on Orange.  Jamal can't get the fire started. Kelley goes over to give it a try and he starts mansplaining to her how to do it.  Hey men, DROP THE FRIGGIN MANSPLAINING OK??  Jesus how many times to women have to tell ya. Kelley walks away disgusted, and Jamal is all "was I out of line??"  Someone points out that he should have at least let her try.  She ultimately comes back and starts the fire.  

Noura points out that there seems to be less rice than usual this morning.  Asks if it was made with the same amount of water.  Jamal tells her there's less because she took a heaping serving.  Noura is all I AM SO OVER HIM!!  Noura is talking to the other women and is all AT WHAT POINT DO WE PLAY THE WOMAN CARD and start playing "our game".  Wise Janet says they are not doing the women power thing.  Says Dean is the next to go.  

A boat arrives and Janet has to go to IoI.  She's all surprisingly crying and saying she's scared.  She's upset because going to IoI puts a target on people's backs.  Then she sees BR and Sandra and says it answers all the questions why this season is called Island of the Idols.  Especially since no one every comes back with idols....

Janet says she was afraid to come because of the target thing but she feels confident that her tribe trusts her.  BR tells her she needs to think 2-3 moves ahead and today's lesson is on calculated risk. He tells her they are going to play a simple game and if she wins she gets a "safety without power" advantage to use before the last 7 players where she could walk out of tribal and be safe.  If she loses, she would lose her vote the next tribal.  

Janet is wondering if that would put a bigger target on her back?  She decides it's not worth it and says no.  BR tells her she really understood the lesson. Sandra points out to him that Janet was the first person to ever say no and that she's even  more convinced that the winner this season will be a female.  

She returns in the boat and they yell out "show us your idol" -to which she flashes her boobs.  Kelley is concerned what she's going to say because their stories need to be consistent.  Janet says it was a game of chance with a 50-50 odds and she decided not to play.  Kelley is happy that the IoI secret is still safe.  

On purple, Dan is way to "snuggly" on Eliz at night. Creeper.

Lauren, Dan and Tommy are now on the bottom.  She and Tommy decide to undertake a throw Dan under the bus strategy and go around bad mouthing him.  Missy sees right through it and says "those 2 are thick as thieves" .  She thinks they need to get rid of Tommy so Lauren has no lifeline and will join with them.  

Challenge- it's yet another basketball kind of challenge, throwing coconuts into giant hanging baskets to drop very heavy puzzle pieces.  And y'all know what to do with puzzle pieces.  

Purple again is in the lead and think they have it all the while Elaine is yeling 'THIS PIECE IS WRONG".  They ignore her and waste time getting Jeff to come over to tell them it's wrong.  Orange almost catches up but Purple wins immunity.  

Kelley says they suck at challenges and have to go back to tribal.  She has an expiring idol and doesn't really need to use it BUT it's burning hole in her pocket so of course she has to find a way to use it.  

Jamal says that Dean is the plan.  He's hard to read and smarmy.  Karishma asks Jamal what he thinks and is just thrilled that it's not her.  

Dean and Jack talk and decide it's Noura.  Jack is just playing Dean by agreeing though but Dean is all excited that Noura is going to get blindsided.  

Kelley is still obsessing about the idol and says the plan is Dean but she really likes Dean and has this vague connection to him through some girl he probably cheated on.  While she's having her one on one camera moment she decides she's had a moment of inspiration to give her idol to Dean if he'll write down the person she chooses.  Hmmm, should she go Jack or Jamal?  

She gets a shit load of air time deciding how to be all crafty in doing this in a way that people never figure out she had an idol and that she gave it to him.  She tells Dean everyone is voting for him BUT she has an idol and she wants to give it to him.  She's WAY OVER ANALYZING THIS.  I'll be setting off dominoes with this move".  

Somehow it starts as a question as to who it should be between Noura, Jamal and Dean.  Noura gives some big speech that totally lost me so I can't help you all there. LOL.  It's like she doesn't even speak english.  At some point she insinuates it's Dean and Jack says that she can't keep a secret.  

Jamal brings up the possibility of a girls alliance and we go all cultural bullshit for about 5 minutes about how offensive that is while nobody every calls something a boys alliance, Kelley calls it SEXIST and Jamal is all "Jeff, ask them if there is a womens alliance".  


Karishma finally opens her mouth to go on about how Survivor is a freaking "microcosm of America" and she brings in the me too movement, empowerment of women and god knows what else. She says she doesn't blame Jamal for being concerned that women would get together and RISE UP!

And they they all congratulate each other for the powerful topic and are all WOOHOOOO this episode is so WOKE!!!  I'm sure Jeff had an orgasm from it all.  

Janet says that the notion of a womens alliance is negative and it puts women down as just simplistic in wanting to work with someone just because they are female.  She says powerful women need men too and she says women needs to earn their position.  BR is all HEAR HEAR!!

Jamal keeps the bullshit going saying he's so proud of how passionate they are.  

Jack says dudes it's a friggin game and if I write your name down it doesn't mean that I don't friggin VALUE YOU AS A PERSON.  

And thankfully it's time to stop this nonsense and vote.  

Any one have an idol?  Dean suddenly has one and someone asks then why didn't he play it last time?  Kelley is all I don't know, huh?

Jamal next plays his idol for friggin NOURA.  Which blows my mind.  Sandra is all HOLY ______ THEY HAVE ALL KINDS OF IDOLS.  BR thinks that's a mistake...

Dean gets 5 votes and Jack gets 2 so Jack is voted off AND BECOMES THE FIRST MEMBER OF THE JURY.  WTF??  That doesn't happen until the merge.  


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