Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A Survivor Update!

Greetings and welcome back!  We have about 3 weeks left in this season and 8 people to get through to the SOLE SURVIVOR!  Who are you all thinking it will be? 

2 weeks ago we had a double whammy with the twin duo of meanness Aaron and Missy going home.  I’m surprised Missy didn’t cry discrimination as she made a big deal out of Jeff not commenting on the historic first of two African Americans with immunity idols in the same week.  Pretty sure it was one of the few times there has ever been two of any kind having immunity together this late in the game. 

So two weeks ago we had pitiful Karishma lamenting that she was a GOAT-and not the Patriots QB good kind of GOAT (that comment is for you Stacey!).  No, in Survivor land a GOAT is someone useless you bring along to the end so you can beat them.  Karishma is a GOAT.  But she was smart enough last week to get her ass out and find an idol!  FYI she is also a trial lawyer so don’t count her out if she is able to struggle through to the end. 

After finding the idol she stumbled back to camp in her and pretended to be lost and dehydrated, and Noura and Tommy who want her gone yesterday tried to get a medic called in to take her out.

So because we have way too many people at the end this season, we had a double elimination that week.  Teams actually split into 2 and had a challenge with 2 parts, each with a winner and each team to go to tribal.  The final 2 people left (it was the stand on a beam and roll a ball in a circle thingy challenge) went for PB&J for their team.  Noura won for her group but alas jumped off and forgot to go for PB&J.  Elaine won that and the right to go second for the two tribals. 

The losing tribe also went back to the old camp so they couldn’t discuss plans with the whole group.  Aaron hated being back there and was freaked to be without Missy and Eliz. The losing tribe was Dan, Dean, Lauren, Aaron, Noura and Janet.  
Noura realizes this is one of the few times they have a shot at th and wants him out. There’s some modest agreement but the testosterone twins, Dean and Dan, are afraid if they get rid of Aaron that moves them up to the top of the “threat” list.  Kinda like the naughty list but with muscles.  Dean wants Janet gone.  Dan, who had just patched the whole sexual harassment thing up and swept it under the mat, says he’s about 50/50 Janet or Aaron.

On the other side, eating PB&J are Missy, Tommy, Eliz, Elaine and Karishma.  Missy is all it’s time for Karishma….or is it?  She thinks she has time with her girl alliance (is that really a thing??) Missy wants to separate Lauren and Tommy because they are a pretty under the radar pairing.  Missy talks to Karishma-actually she talks AT her and tells her “everyone wants you but I want to go with Tommy” .  Karishma is feeling a bit flush with that idol in her bra strap and tells her “not just yet…I want to talk to everyone….”.  This enrages Missy and fuels Karishma who is tired of this 24 year old pushing her around.  This is the point in the movie where we are all supposed to cheer.  Missy keeps chasing her and trying to bully her and Karishma won’t listen. 

Karishma tells Elaine  that Missy is gunning for Tommy.  Elaine tells Tommy, or course.  Now Tommy is all in for Missy and now everyone wants Karishma’s vote. 

Missy tries to apologize to Karishma and tells her she’s only trying to get to the all girls alliance play time. 

Tribal 1:

First off I love Boston Rob and Sandra doing the commentary in the sky box like those old guys on Sesame Street.  BR points out that as soon as they sit down Dean is rolling his sleeves up to show off his “guns”. 
Dan says it was terrified to be split up but after people scrambled the target remains the same. 
Janet says she’s at the bottom so that comment is obv directed at her. 
Dean says that it’s concerning to not have his people with him. 
Aaron points out, in case anyone hadn’t noticed, that this is the first time he has been without an immunity idol in a while and it’s an opportunity to see if his alliances hold up.
Aaron also says that they are a group of people working together to accomplish what we want.  How true…
Noura says basically “and yet shit happens and I lost Jack…”
Janet says that she talked to everyone and hopes they see her way. 

Time to vote…
Janet gets one vote and Aaron gets all of the rest!  BR says “told you so!!”

Aaron goes straight over to the jury and the next tribal comes in.  Missy and Eliz are shockced!

Eliz says her heart is beating fast. Aaron was her #1 person.
Missy says that’s not how the jury should look. 
Elaine tells Jeff they all were sneaky splitting them up.
Eliz says there was chaos today but she is good with her plan.
Missy starts bagging on Karishma saying she was “bad today”
Karishma points out that Missy wouldn’t let it go and tried to escalate the argument
 Missy gets all huffy that Karishma called her a bully and says that’s not who she is.
Sandra points out that there clearly isn’t room for both of them.
Jeff asks if they are just too different to get along
Tommy says that they just both view things differently.
Eliz thought they bridged their gap but Missy tells Karishma that although everyone wants her gone because she lies, she would LOVE to work with her.

Vote:  Idols?  Nope

Tommy gets 2 votes and Missy gets enough to join her buddy Aaron on the jury!  On the way out Tommy tells her he knew she was coming after him, Elaine tells her “I did what I had to do” and takes credit for it all, Missy tells Elizabeth she has to kill Elaine, and tells Karishma “I was keeping you to the end”. 

Sandra sums it up: Everyone is keeping her to the end!

And now last week…..

The first tribe doesn’t know what happened at the second tribal.  Lauren is all nervous that everyone is gonna align against Tommy.  She can’t believe Missy is gone.  GET OUT!!!

Karishma is happy because her top 2 targets went home and she still has her idol.  Eliz is devastated that her whole alliance is gone.  Elaine tells her that now maybe she can build relationships on her own. 

Tommy is happy.  He, Lauren and Dean talk.  Dean wants Karishma-he’s wanted her gone for ever. He says “Here comes the GOAT army”.  Karishma is the #1 GOAT, and then Noura is the #1 GOAT and everyone else is a target.  C’mon, Lauren is totally also a GOAT, am I right??  Dean thinks the goats are gonna rise up and take down Tommy, him and Eliz.  Tommy subscribes to the Goat Army but also thinks Eliz has to go. 

In comes the IoI boat.  They have to send someone and and it has to be unanimous OR they need to draw names.  Karishma wants to go but before she can say anything Lauren volunteers.

Can we talk about what a bust IoI has been??  Why doesn’t anyone get curious that nobody seems to  come back with any info or idols??

BR and Sandra are sitting around with a chicken.  Sandra apparently isn’t a fan of the chicken who knows it and bites her finger so she will drop her papaya because they are still pretending BR and Sandra are still ruffing it and not cooking with gas on a premier Viking stove back behind the “snug”. 

Lauren is all OMGOOOOOOD!  They go to the snug and ask her how she is doing and she tells them although she isn’t an athlete she is good at the social game.  BR tells her she is there for a lesson in situational analysis.  He tells her she has an opportunity to win immunity by predicting who will win immunity next time.  He asks her if she can predict it.  She tells him that although she knows the tribe she has only a one in nine chance of getting it right.  He tells her what the challenge is-they have to stand on stations and hold a bar up to keep a ball from falling.  He also tells her it’s an eat of play challenge with a breakfast option, and apparently IHOP didn’t come through with the marketing money so no commercials today.   

He and she work through who all would chose to eat due to hunger or knowing they can’t win the challenge. That leaves her with Noura, who is a vegan and doesn’t eat food, or Eliz who feels threatened.  BR them offers her the choice to pick 2 people in exchange for winning immunity and she goes for it. 

Back at camp, Dean is playing with his fake legacy advantage that Jamal apparently left.  It’s good for when there are 9 or 7 people left.  For some reason he uses the Michaels idol faking craft table and makes a fake of the fake to use.  I totally don’t get this although he thinks the original one IS real. 

Lauren tells them that she learned what the next challenge is and that there is a chose to eat instead option.  She tells Tommy the truth and they work on everyone but Noura and Eliz to get them to chose the eat option. 

Immunity Challenge.  Jeff explains it and then uncovers breakfast and nobody reacts.  He’s all “wait did I lost my skills?”  Lauren tells him they may have had a tip there was going to be food.  Everyone BUT Eliz, Noura and Karishma chose to eat.  Karishma as expected drops first and is all upset. She tells Jeff that she promised herself that she would always try but her body keeps letting her down. 

Eliz drops and Noura wins immunity and tries to stand there holding the bar letting people eat longer but Jeff tells her it doesn’t work that way. 

Back at camp people start talking about it being Eliz.  Tommy and Dan are all in for her going.  Dan tells Elaine he’ll go with Eliz.  He’d rather Karishma but he’s not going to damage his game for it. 

Eliz tells Noura that she blew it.  Noura tells her to keep fighting. 

Karishma is dizzy again.  Noura grabs her bag and she and Eliz go through it looking for an idol.  They don’t find it because it’s still stuck in her bra. 

Dan tells her they are splitting the vote Eliz and Janet but the real plan is now Eliz and Karishma.

Karishma is sitting with Eliz and talking to her and Lauren is sitting nearby reading lips.  She tells Dan that she just heard Karishma tell her it’s Dan so Dan sidles up and says “did you just say MY name??”  Dan is now enraged and wants Karishma gone NOW.  Dean is all “that’s music to my ears”. 


Jeff asks why people didn’t eat.
Eliz says she competed because she lost her alliance and knows she is on the chopping block. 
Karishma says she knows she is on the bottom and wanted to challenge herself.
Noura says she felt strong and wanted to step up so the team could eat that nasty shit.
Jeff says, so 6 people felt safe?  And Dan says YEP, he believes in his alliance.
Karishma points out it’s now an individual game and someone could slit your throat. 
Tommy says some people needed the pitstop to get to the end of the game.
Dean says he was in a peculiar situation because he has a legacy idol.
Lauren says it’s important to navigate through all of the relationships but everyone has their own priority list.
Tommy says it’s never easy getting 8 people to agree.
Elaine says you just have to pick a core group and roll with them.  “I’m gonna roll with them or roll the fuck home”

Time to vote.  Idols?

Dean plays the fake legacy idol and Jeff tells him it’s fake. 
Karishma plays her idol and everyone is all WHAAAAA???  BR and Sandra are all YESSSSS!
Lauren plays her idol.

Karishma gets 7 votes but is safe.  Janet and Eliz both get a vote so they revote just for those two and finally, Eliz goes home. 

Sandra: It’s all well and good until someone plays an idol! 

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