Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Survivor Update and Some Social Commentary

Weeeeellllll, that escalated quickly......

I said to my husband when they went to commercial after the vote but before it was read that that had NEVER happened before in all of the seasons.  I guess they wanted people to not turn off after the vote and stay on until the dramatic, and frankly entirely predictable, conclusion of the episode.  

But let me deal with the entire episode before we dish about that.  So the week before ended with another insane tribal council.  As a reminder, Dean told Tommy he was getting voted out right as Tribal started and Noura went ape shit and blew up their plans.  

So the evening return to camp went also crazy.  Tommy is now in love with Dean who "saved him" and out of love with Noura who is not trustworthy.  Dude.  It's been 37 days of her being a nutjob and NOW you think she's a liar??  SHE'S EFFING NUTS.  I just checked and she is listed as an "entrepreneur" which in this case no doubt means "unable to hold a real job".  Noura thanks the crowd for keeping her, saying she was never going to write down Tommy.  

Noura is still in her manic phase and says Dean messed up so bad.  So she steals his shoes and "hides" them up on the tribe sign too high up for short him to reach.  "Dean, you are on the way out whether or not you realize it".  

Dean and Elaine go looking for an idol.  Janet and Tommy also go looking.  Janet finds it and she and Tommy stand and read it and look at it long enough for Dean and Elaine to stand and watch them.  

Everyone is discussing Noura being crazy.  But Elaine still knows she's public enemy #1 so she "has to make moves".  She talks to Lauren about her alliance with Tommy, and how she has now been replaced in his eyes with  Dean.  She points out that no one wants to sit next to her at the end.  Lauren says Elaine is making her think about Tommy and Dean.  

Lauren confronts Tommy and tells him she thinks they want her out and that they want a 3 man final with Dean, Tommy and Dan.  Tommy tells her she's acting like a jealous girlfriend.  Tommy then runs to the 2 boys and they laugh about their final 3 plans while Tommy says he needs to get rid of Lauren.  Says "it's fun to lie".  Dan isn't sold on Dean yet.  

The boat arrives and they need to pick a name to go to Isle of the Idols.  Dean gets picked, unfortunately, which means we get more screen time with him.  

BR has enjoyed his time on Survivor, and is out swimming and catching fish.  It's really cute how they pretend they are roughing it. He catches a fish and he and Sandra eat it.  It says a lot that this season these are my favorite "players", and I take back everything I ever said about not wanting them there.  I wonder if they will make an appearance at the final tribal council and give their thoughts?  

Anywhoo, Dean sees his "childhood idols", which is gotta burn BR.  Sandra asks him how the game is going and he says he feels good.  He tells him he backed out of the blindside and he's in good shape because he has the legacy from them.  Sandra keeps a straight face and Dean asks if she can confirm the idol is real.  She says she cannot confirm.  He tells them he made a fake legacy idol, of the fake legacy idol and Sandra calls him brilliant.  Hmmmmm.  He tells him his big plan is to get them all to vote for him, pull out the legacy and make a big move of deciding who goes home.  BR gently tells him it's never a good idea to put votes on yourself.....

BR tells him he's there for a lesson about jury management.  He asks Dean if he is going to be able to tell a good story to the jury.  Tells him "how you get there gives you votes".  You need a story that says you are the best player.  He offers him this test- a wager for a choice of 3 different advantages.  It's basically a coin flip to get an advantage or lose  vote and if he wins he could have a big bragging story.  Dean says he's going to do it and he goes for the idol nullification.  BR flips the coin and of course he wins.  

Dean returns and tells them that it was all just a coin flip, which he did but lost his vote.  He them tells the boys club he really won.  Perhaps at the finale when Jeff goes all "Survivor is a mirror on society" he could include the part where white men all stick together and lie and chat against women and minorities in real life too.  They also apparently cover for each other when they grab and harass women, but we're not there yet.....

Immunity Challenge:  They have to spin to unwind themselves, then do a dizzy balance beam and then a giant word puzzle.  Elaine is all 'OH NOOOOOO, WORD PUZZLE!!!"  Elaine is about 5 seconds from getting it but Dean wins immunity.  

After they return, Dean and Dan go off to look for some female producers to harass.  Lauren, Noura, Tommy and Janet discuss putting all of their votes on Elaine.  Later, Tommy says Noura is plan B but she doesn't know it.  

Lauren thinks Dan and Tommy might decide to get rid of her.  She talks to Elaine about getting rid of Noura.  Elaine says she'll do whatever to stay in.  Lauren is thinking about it because she "needs a resume".  Lauren talks to Janet about it.  Janet wonders who is more dangerous, Noura or Elaine??

Tribal-BR and Sandra see that Dean won immunity.  They laugh because once more he sits down at tribal and starts doing stretches.  

Elaine says she was pissed to lose immunity because she almost had it.  
Tommy says 7 players is ideal because you only need 4 to change things.
Dan says that it's still dangerous, that their "foundation had an earthquake last time and now they are all stronger".
Elaine says she has been a target since Day 1.  She asks why not keep her to the end?  Points out that her vote is for Noura, and that if she goes to the end then it's choice between Noura or Janet.  

Janet and Lauren are talking

Elaine points out that 'if you're voting me out because I'm a threat, then you are basically stepping up to be the next threat.  
Janet says it's a lot to think about.  Lauren agrees.
Elaine says she's a glass half empty and that she's had a lot of rough times, mentions her mom dying 3 months ago she didn't have time to heal.  Janet hugs her.  Elaine says she's been fighting for 35 days and she's still fighting.

Janet tells her that there have been times in her life when she couldn't understand the tragedy.  She addresses Elaine and tells her that she ultimately will find her way.  

Elaine says that makes her not want to leave.  Says as long as she's there dreams are still alive.  


Any idols?  Nope.  And Elaine is voted out.  Everyone is sad.

And then Jeff comes walking up the beach and drops the bombshell that Dan had "another episode off camera with a non contestant" and he won't be coming back.  Whaaaaattt??  Which is a total surprise but, actually, not a surprise at all because men who get away with shit like that once are empowered to try more next time.  

Questions I have that I hope will be answered:
1) why wasn't Kellee's report enough, even if the other 2 bitches recounted their reports?
2) why did it take a crew member complaining for him to get bounced?
3) was the event BEFORE or after the tribal vote and shouldn't Elaine be brought back in?
4) how much is Dan suing CBS for?  Because you KNOW the Harvey Weinstein's of the world always sue.  Even when they are 100% friggin guilty.  

Rumor is the finale is being taped, not live, this year for security and safety reasons.   I'm going with "because of the lawsuit Dan has filed about the show we have to edit anything said negatively about him".   You know what Jeff?  I'd rather this entertainment show WASN'T a mirror of the worst of our society.  

Good luck to those of you still left!  I have no favorite in this group.  Janet probably would have been had she not cozied up to Dan and forgiven him.  Should be an interesting final night although I will bet any discussion of this incident is 100% edited out.  

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