Friday, September 28, 2007

Pirate Master Finale-Part Two

OK, so a day and a half goes by with everyone back on the ship. Mostly the girls lay out in the sun in bikini's, which is the whole point of bringing everyone back.

Jo Dong makes some really wise comments about Christa using her breasts to win, which he appreciates.

Ben and Louie share a moment, with Ben apologizing for throwing the last challenge and asks if Louie will take the 12K he made on that win. Louie says, "damn straight, I'm just here for the money"

OK, so the next night all are called up on deck for another Pirate Court. Ben and Christa get to recruit 3 ghosts each to help them, but in the sexist wisdom of this show each "side" has to have 2 men and 2 women. Each of the ghosts who wants to offers a reason for chosing them. This is really boring, frankly. Everybody wants in. John makes a freaky case for why he "totally believes in Christa's spirit".

Ben offers his 80K winnings so far to the 3 people he choses if he wins. Christa offers her 70K. Which is really funny since earlier they were both talking about making about 110K so far.

They vote. Ben wants Cheryl, Az and Nessa. Christa wants Jay, JOHN for god sake, and Nessa. They have a bidding war over Nessa and Ben offers her an additional 10K win or lose. Christa asks Jay and John if she can offer some of their money to Nessa, and both of these total TOOLS say, "I'd do you for nothing". Oh sorry, they say "I'd help you win for nothing". Christa gets Nessa and Ben takes Jupiter.

The next day is the final challenge. Really. The teams have to row to shore, race up the mountain and into the caves to find an ancient chinese box, with a puzzle key. Interestingly there are 2 ancient chinese boxes that are identical.

Ben's team is ahead but gets passed by Christa's team. Ben gets the clue open first. Next clue is a packet of playing cards which have to be put in order. I guess this is a brain teaser?? Both start doing it but Christa gets all screwed up as to how to do it (don't ask) and Ben's team gets ahead. The side of the organized deck of cards says, "look under the cannon balls". Back into the cave, Az pulls out a big ship's wheel under a bunch of balls. Think Ikea playground. Jay gets tired of waiting for Christa to figure out how to organize the cards and watches Ben's team walk out with the wheel. He gets the wheel and they basically skip the card thing. The next clue says the leader (ben/christa) has to do the next part themselves. Run back up the mountain to Capn. Steele's private quarters. They both run up. Ben beats Christa and hangs the wheel on a coat of arms on the wall. They both are there staring at the clue now. No one gets it. Ben figures it out first and lines up the letters so it says, "PSYCH, the money is in the chest of zanzibar back on the ship". Both now have to go back down the hill carrying a big ass metal chest with a key in it. Ben's gets there first and his team paddles back to the ship with Christa's team following.

Back on the ship, Ben opens a clue in the chest and finds he has to solve ANOTHER DAMN PUZZLE. He's working on it when Christa shows up. Both are neck and neck solving the puzzle.

Ben gets it first and wins the $$.

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