Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Amazing Race Update 3

Ok, first off, I'm guessing the Asian Daddy's meds clearly wore off from the start of the show. I'm waiting for his daughter to change his shirt to say, "who's your asshole". And, I guess we were supposed to believe his problem was his hernia from biking his daughter a half a mile in a rickshaw? No sympathy. And, I really don't think that was a real doctor who "pushed the hernia back through the intestinal wall".

After the most dramatic airplane mechanical problem ever, everyone ends up all on the same plane to W. Africa. No, I am not going to try to spell the town. They then all end up on the same train to Bingo, which is just a hole in the veld. Since the train doesn't leave until the next morning, they all party with the homeless Africans. The fluffy girls don't like Africa. It's dirty and the African women don't have professional manicures. Kynt is just a damn baby who needs to be helped everywhere he goes. Lip gloss is holding up pretty good, and I think he made a few bucks out in the bushes with the homeless men.

Is it me or is the grandad a total double from the F*&*ing chicken grandfather in Little Miss Sunshine?? Once in Bingo, they hit a roadblock. Camel milking and drinking. Some of these women aren't good with their hands (and you can read whatever you want into that statement). WHY OH WHY do these people never learn that animals have souls and don't like you to yell the word "baaaaaaaaby" around them? Grandpa Don has apparently milked a camel or two in his life. TK, who probably smells just like a camel by now, was able to coax the milk out just by walking past the camel.

Lorena and Julia had problems, further pushing Lorena (who is "passionate") over the edge. I thought one of the nomads was going to kick her in the head. Lorena, Julia, Jennifer and Azaria all ran out of milk and had to go find camels with more to give. Lorena preferred to just stand and yell, "Baaaaaaaby, there's not more miiiiillllllkkkkkk". Which I'm sure made Jason rethinking that whole marriage and children thing.

Jennifer and Azaria finish up pretty quick, leaving Julia and Lorena to battle it out. After the milking, the teams had to lead 4 camels to the waiting Nomads. Asian Daddy had to friggin sing the whole way, further indicating his meds aren't quite adjusted right.

After the camel lead, is a DETOUR. "Teach it or Learn it" Teams have to either teach african kids english (and, really, how hard is that when they all do have cable) or learn some african words. This is pretty uneventful, but while they are arriving and leaving for the pit stop, what looks like a HUGE storm blows in. Unfortunately it doesn't blow Jason and Lorena out. After kicking the milk over, freaking out, and finally finishing, Lorena asks Jason, "do you still love me'?? haha. What's the poor guy going to stay on national tv?

Teams then head back to Bingo for the pit stop. Azaria and Hendekia finish first and win another trip for two to incest Island. It comes down to Lorena and Jason against the sisters Marianna and Julia in a foot race. Unfortunately, Jason and Lorena win out and Marianna and Julia are eliminated.

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