Thursday, November 15, 2007

Survivor Update Week 8

Finally, the long awaited weekly update!!

So, what happened last week? LOTS of footage of James fishing. Daaaammmmnnn. What a piece of eye candy. Notice the fish were even throwing themselves at him.

Jean-Robert is still thinking of the last challenge when Jaime showed up with a piece of wood claiming it's an immunity idol, when Jeff said, "yes, there is an immunity idol in the game but this ain't it". He's ALMOST sure there's an immunity idol in the game. Almost.

Reward challenge: the bucket brigade. Wanna know what you're playing for? A trip to a 1000 year old village and dinner at the Chung King diner. Damn, couldn't they order in a pizza instead?? Survivors are split into 2 teams, and Denise is left unpicked, as PG, Frosti and Erik decide to chose based upon weight. Man, that must make Denise feel good. She's in China in a bad one piece bathing suit, with a mullet and some virgin is calling her fat.

First up, Courtney in one boat, Todd in the other. JR, James and Amanda basically load Courtney's boat up with water as she splashed around with her useless arms saying, "c'mon you guys, stop". Next up, Amanda and Frosti are in the boats. Niether PG or Courtney can fill and throw a bucket of water to save their soul, so Frosti is the first one under. Big surprise.

Off to the ancient city for JR, James, Todd and Amanda, complete with the bamboo tube. I'm guessing everyone was shooting eyes at Jeff to forget about the tube, but they are forced to bring it along and open it up during dinner. JR realizes that this is a HUGE reward, given that they now have clues to the idol. He's unfortunately too stupid to figure out that James has already won a challenge and gotten the clues. I don't think he ever makes this connection. JR thinks they should go right back and look for the "american immunity idol".

Back at camp, PG tries to co-opt Denise and Courtney to vote for JR. I think Courtney has gotten a hold of some Chinese Aqua Dots, because she's all peace and love now, and I think she's hitting on Frosti. The MSG full survivors return and everyone crawls into bed except JR, who stays up all night looking for the immunity idols. Is it me or did they replace the plaques? Cause I thought he pulled 4 of them off and hid them in the bushes.

Todd, who has an extremely large and mis-shapen head (anyone else notice that?), is getting a little PMS'd out, and is mad that James hasn't offered to share the immunity idols. I thought that was kinda rude of him myself. Todd is getting a little unbalanced if you ask me. Perhaps the buff is too tight on his big head.

Immunity challenge: Time to ride the giant dragon. Courtney sits motionless and in a trance for over 30 minutes with a giant moving dragon between her legs. Something tells me this is a typical Saturday night for her. Courtney wins immunity, and when Jeff puts the necklace on her (which I think is made up of chinese bottle caps, and probably full of lead), she falls to the ground due to the weight. OK, this only happened in my fantasies, dang it.

Back at the camp, JR tells Erik he has the idol. Erik tells him, um, no, you dumbass, you're the only one who doesn't know that James has 2 of them. Poor JR, he's so stupid. He confronts James and threatens him that he has to stick with JR. Why? I can't figure out for the life of me. JR lays in wait for the big head boy, and tells him, "dude, I have BIG NEWS- James has both idols". JR thinks they should vote James out and make him use an idol. You would think this would be perfect for Todd, but he gets his panties all in a wad because he thought of that idea DAYS ago, and now JR is having the same idea. That is like, SO UNFAIR.

So just to spite him, Todd changes the plans and they vote out JR, who totally doesn't see that coming!

1 comment:

Terri said...

A-ha ha. I like the typical Saturday night comment about Courtney. I made a similar-type of comment when I was watching the show....I knew that was a shoe-in competition for her win.
I thought they should've been made to take Denise on the reward challenge with them. I felt bad for her. I don't know why JR didn't talk to Denise about voting for James. She thought PG was the target? one's keeping her updated? I think it might've been a mistake that they didn't take James out when they had the chance. Not that I'm defending JR just because he was MY GUY, because he should be going too...only after Courtney and Todd. Now I hope Denise continues under the radar and wins the whole thing! Thanks Elayne!