Friday, March 14, 2008

Survivor Week 4

Looks like the week 3 update isn't gonna happen. Sorry that Yau-man was voted off. Cirie broke with her half-assed alliance (letting someone know they are #5 in an alliance isn't that great a position) and convinced the love birds to vote for Yau.

Week 4 started with Jonathan and Cirie going at it, not romantically but verbally. Jonathan has to confront the fact that the numbers are no longer with his alliance. Also, Eliza comes down sick and apparently that pisses everyone off. Don't know what happened to the nice James from last time around because this James is a much more touchy. Must be the fame.

At the fans camp, everyone but Chet is scurrying around working. Ya know, either there is always one person who prefers to get a tan on Survivor or the editing is such to make a villain out of somebody every week.

Reward Challenge: swim out to a platform, dive down and set coconuts out of a steel cage. Is it me or have we seen this one before? Ozzy goes under and stays there for a while, moving a number of coconuts to the end of the cage so the other favs only have to swim down and release them. Favs totally clean up, getting all the coconuts back to the beach first and spelling out Triumphant first. Wanna know what you're playing for? 3 hens and a rooster. haha. Wonder if there are any vegetarians on the fav tribe this time around? Kathy is again sent to exile island, this time with Ozzy. Anyone catch them holding hands walking to the boat?

On exile, Kathy gives up even looking for the idol, preferring to start impress Ozzy with her fire starting abilities. Ozzy goes to work and quickly finds the idol. Ozzy carves a fake idol and leaves it to be found.

Immunity Challenge: I hate this one. Everyone is tied together with long sticks and has to navigate through the trees, collecting bead necklaces. I guess the writers strike even impacted reality TV. The fans basically never get out of the box, as they are unable to unlock all of their poles in the time it takes the favs to complete the case and decipher the complex message, "team stay intact".

Returning to camp, the fans have to decide who to get rid of. Chet is offered up as the lamb, with Mickey B completely convinced it's the only way to go. Tracy shows some amazing negotiating abilities, and talks Joel into the wisdom of voting with Chet, she and Kathy. At tribal council, lots of discussion about whether strength is most important or other qualities. Blah blah blah. On and on. Meanwhile, all I could do is watch the team at tribal and think the whole tribe looks like an 80's hair band. I mean, they got a dude who looks just like Leif Garret, Joel has more hair than anyone I have ever seen, and even Jason is sporting a long and luxurious mane.

At the end of the day, Mickey B is taken down.

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