Friday, April 25, 2008

Survivor Update Week 8

I gotta say that was one boring episode. Even my husband, who was in the kitchen and could hear it looked up and said, "god, immunity challenge already? It's only 8:30".

Episode started out good with Ami and Cirie out hunting crabs, and I thought to myself my how our little Cirie has grown into a real camper.

That was the highlight of the show right there. Other happenings? Ozzy gets all paranoid about people talking smack around camp. His boy-toy Erik feeds into it by running around telling him how Ami was trying to get people to vote him off. GASP. Ami gets all emotional and says, "but I thought you all didn't really REALLY like me and sniff sniff you never to told me so to my face". Lots of PMS going on over Malakal.

On Airai, James and Parvati share some private time on the beach bitching about how bad the conditions are on this beach. To prove that point, we get to see Jason catch a friggin rat, which the all partake of. Last time they did this, I think PETA protested but with it being an election year, I guess there are other rats to keep an eye on.

We jump right to an Immunity challenge. Teams enter in Jeff tells them immunity's up for grabs. One wise-ass pipes up with "wanna know what you're playing for?" and Jeff has a hissy fit, stops taping and demands all the Survivors re-read their contracts where it says plain as friggin day that ONLY Jeff is allowed to say that. So, they turn the cameras back on, having gotten Jeff a Pina Colada with a PINK umbrella, and he tells the tribes they get to banish one player from each team to Lame-Ass Island, but the banished members get immunity. Ozzy and Alexis are sent packing. Ozzy uses the time to check that his fake idol has been taken.

Here's the challenge-and I'm just plagiarizing this from the cbs site since I really don't feel like explaining it One tribe member at a time will attempt to navigate a balance-intensive obstacle course over a pit of water, while members from the opposing tribe try to knock them off by swinging heavy canvas bags at them (this ends up to be the lamest friggin thing ever attempted on Survivor) . Once across, they’ll grab a flag and race back across the same course. If they fall off at any time, they will have to go back to the start and the next person goes. The first tribe to collect all five of their flags wins Immunity and a pizza party back at their camp. Wow, a pizza party. Maybe they'll get to play the latest Menudo album and play spin the bottle. How very traditionally micronesian. I guess the Micronesia government hasn't learned the China force the culture down their damn throats tactics yet. What do you suppose is on a micronesian pizza?

So, blah blah blah, the only interesting thing that happens is Erik takes a nasty fall into the platform, and he looks like he might have crushed at least a spleen, but no such drama. This kinda pisses me off since it was highly advertised and even TV Guide has a picture of him hitting with the ridiculous tag line "most dangerous survivor EVER". I guess internal injuries do take a matter of time to show up so there is still hope for tonight.

Anyway, Airai wins immunity again. Malakal gets all emotional as Ozzy looks for any reason to keep Erik around, hits upon Ami as a target and we get another tear feast at tribal council. End of the day, Ami THE NANNY is voted off.

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