Thursday, October 15, 2009

Survivor Samoa Week 4

Yo, did you hear there was another earthquake on Samoa, during next season's filming of Survivor 20?? Anyone else notice I was away then?? Baby, if this island is a rocking, don't bother knocking.

Ok, so last week Jaison was just wrung out about the tribal council. He's also hungry and tired and thinks going on Survivor was "the worst decision of my life". He vents to E-troll, who tries to cheer him up (as if...), but when Jaison fails to respond to his lucky charms, E-troll wants him gone. Hmmm, anger management problem or what?? E-troll: "Whoever I want to go it gone. It's all under my dwarf like thumb".

Shamwow goes back to camp 90210, wishing she were over at Foa squared. Man, she really is a military girl if she would rather be in that war zone! She and Erik talk about the idol on F2, and decide if there's one on F2 there might be one in the same location of Galout. John gets in on it too and she shares all of her info with them.

Tree mail: send 2 members of each tribe for a quest. E-troll, Mick and Natalie go for F2, GoodRussell, Dave and Shamwow for Galout. WTF??? They get there and there is NO JEFF. waaaaaahhhhhhhh. So, no Probster but a cage of chickens and a pirate chest. Holy shit, they found the beach where Pirate Master was filmed. I just had a seizure thinking about how MOST OF YOU PEOPLE BAILED AND MADE ME FINISH WATCHING THAT DOG. Shamwow, thinking out loud, says, I wonder if we are supposed to just go ahead without Jeff? I don't know, Shamwow, how about we ask the cameramen and the entire fricken crew?? Shamwow runs to the chickens, while everyone else runs for the pirate chest. While Shamwow is busy petting the FOOD, everyone else finds a chest of bocce balls and a note. Hmmmm, is bocce indigenous to Samoa?? It's basically horseshoes with balls.

F2 is in the lead throughout the challenge until the balls. E-troll is all arrogant and shit. He rolls his ball closest. Dave focuses for a sec then tosses the final ball, which lands right up against the stick – Galout wins reward. “It’s so ludicrous that we can’t even pull off freakin’ bocce ball,” Mick pouts.

Back at Galout, Erik gets everyone working and goes looking for the idol. He finds it and swears to not tell a soul about it. The bocce victors return with the chickens, which Shamwow says she will take care of due to her farming experience. Yea, 5 seconds later she loses one. Everyone runs around chasing the chicken, including Erik who trips on a closeline (yes, I did laugh). The chicken flies into a tree, and Shamwow is amazed that the chickens can fly. Me too, cause the ones at Acme NEVER fly.

Storm time, and E-troll is tired of Jaison. He decides to take Natalie, aka Pharma Barbie, to the end cause she's too stupid.

Galout: the girls are all tired of Yasmean.

Immunity Challenge WITH JEFF!!!! Wooooo hooooo. In baby blue. Mmmmmmm.

Ok, the challenge is a block stacking kindergarten thingy. Tribes will race across a net run carrying wooden blocks. When they reach a platform, they stack the blocks . Then across a rope bridge to another platform with...more blocks. Stack these even higher. The first tribe to get both stacks completed wins immunity. Galout is kicking ass until Monica blows the lead at the rope bridge thingy. It's dead even until Kelly drops her last 2 blocks and Pharma Barbie gets hers stacked. Foa wins immunity!

Galout has to vote someone out. GoodRussell lobbies for Monica cause she sucked it at the challenge. Dave, Monica and Laura want Yasmean out cause she's lazy and annoying. Shamwow and Yasmean talk and Yasmean starts telling Sham that she's in trouble cause she lost the chicken. Erik joins Kelly, Dave, John and Brett, and is surprised that they want to get rid of Yasmean instead of Monica. Right before tribal, GoodRussell finds out they all want Yasmean.


Brett is on Yasmean about being lazy, she says she does whatever she's told. Russell says performance at challenges is how they should decide. Monica defends her performance. The vote. Yasmean is out. Damn it. I could used that money :)

Foa Foa
Jaison Kim
Mick Wendy
Russell H Donna
Marisa Ginnie
Elizabeth Leslie
Natalie Carolyn
Ashley Tess

Brett Pam
Dave Amy
Erik Terri
John Joanne
Kelly Kevin and Matt
Laura Kelly
Monica Stacey
Russell S Lori
Shamwow Jeff and Eileen

Marisa Ginnie
Mike Karen and John
Betsy Becky and Mary
Ben Nancy D
Yasmin Elayne

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